Homeworld 2 (frequently)
Planescape Torment (just started)
Morrowind (haven't progressed very far, am getting bored)
X-Wing Alliance (stuck on a tough mission)
Jagged Alliance 2 (progressing very slowly since I've played this game a thousand times already)
Geneforge 2 (about to start)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (demo)
Crysis (demo, just started)
Wing Commander Saga (just started)
haha are you still playing morrowind? I remember when I started that, the walking speed is *maddeningly* slow. I don't know what the developers were thinking with that. If you play as a breton, and find the boots of blinding speed, then you can dramatically increase speed but resist the blinding effect by 50%. I just turned up the brightness on my monitor a bit to compensate

To be honest it isn't really that great of an RPG, Bethesda knows how to make big open game worlds, but it lacks any real depth or quality (except for a few quests). Still a heck of a lot better than Oblivion, and slightly better than Skyrim IMO.
- - -
Anyway Team Fortress 2 is always fun for me. I finished the Witcher: Enhanced Edition (which was a fairly decent game), and if my computer doesn't crash on me due to its crapiness, I will play a little Planetside 2 or Natural Selection 2 (on Steam). Also just finished Metro 2033 which was pretty good, and a fair challenge on the "hardest" difficulty - although some say it can be a bit easier for certain players so I'm not sure anymore.