Author Topic: Rate my basic bitch build  (Read 3940 times)


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Rate my basic bitch build
« on: August 05, 2021, 03:57:51 pm »
Ok, so usually when I want to play a rpg, i watch some gameplay and read some info on wikis to get a good grasp of combat, while not spoiling quests, and plot.
In the end, I came up with this build:

It's Assault rifle, throwing, sneak and TM build, because I heard all of those things are meta but I have never played the game so I don't know yet.
I'm planning on playing hard, because normal seems to easy to me. I also don't care about reloading many times.
I have 2 free feats slots so if there are any must have feats, that I didn't take feel free to include them.
Also what is the best AR frame? I think its hornet cause it has very low ap cost, and I think that amout of attacks per turn is better then any other "stat".


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2021, 06:11:02 pm »
Assault rifle, throwing, sneak and TM

You may just as well roll another char because you beat the game already.

As for the build, it's excellent and I only have very minor nitpicks that won't matter much, but can make your life easier:

- temporal manipulation doesn't need to be this high
- you need ammo, good way to get ammo is pickpocketing (~60-80 effective)
- your damage is monstrous, you don't really need 18 perception
- why no put 3 of those Per stat points into Dex and take Grenadier? It, combined with Temporal Increment from your psi pool, will make you almost able to spam damage dealing grenades
- to spam grenades, you need grenades, why not increase chemistry to make them?
- biology that high is not needed, SSD won't affect you 99.9% of the time and your build is strong enough to tackle hard and even DOMINATING (don't play DOMINATING as a first run)

what is the best AR frame
One fast and one strong
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 06:13:22 pm by Turbodevil »


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2021, 06:24:29 pm »
Ok, so usually when I want to play a rpg, i watch some gameplay and read some info on wikis to get a good grasp of combat, while not spoiling quests, and plot.
In the end, I came up with this build:

It's Assault rifle, throwing, sneak and TM build, because I heard all of those things are meta but I have never played the game so I don't know yet.
I'm planning on playing hard, because normal seems to easy to me. I also don't care about reloading many times.
I have 2 free feats slots so if there are any must have feats, that I didn't take feel free to include them.
Also what is the best AR frame? I think its hornet cause it has very low ap cost, and I think that amout of attacks per turn is better then any other "stat".
Best Ar frames are 7.62 hornet with rapid reloader, and a 9mm chimera to use with the free commando burst.


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2021, 07:31:22 pm »
Ok, I'm quite happy to hear that my build is half-decent!

The reason i have TM so high is because i want the wizard adrenaline (forgot the name) to have the chance to back fire as small as possible.
As for grenadier I don't know if 3 points for it are worth it, cause I don't want to only throw grenades all day.



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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2021, 09:37:32 pm »
I wouldn't worry too much about the Psycho-temporal Contraction slow effect, everything should be dead or close to it when that drops. You can also use self Stasis and Limited Temporal Increment so that you're almost ready for another one when the first one drops, to offset the debuff. Not much reason to have TM above 70.

You may want higher mechanics to be able to use the best AR frames. Pretty sure you can encounter frames that require 170+ mechanics after a certain elevator ride late game, when you no longer have access to the workbench.

For guns, you want one Rapid Muzzled 7.62 Hornet (three bursts with PtC and Adrenaline up), and either an 8.6 or 9 mm Muzzled Scoped Chimera for Commando procs. The 8.6 would be for incendiary bullets.

For feats, may want to swap Kneecap Shot for Premeditation, it's great especially with Stasis.

Also, the SGS tattoo gives +2 to all skills and reduces all of your skill caps.


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2021, 08:27:47 am »
- 1 Will (no reason to invest)
- 2 Perception (AR's are fine with lower accuracy as it allows to hit more enemies in groups)
+ 3 Dexterity for Grenadier (in place of Power Management)
Get Ambush instead of Gun Nut (can lower Int to 6) as it will allow a 100% crit chance on illuminated enemies with enough Stealth. Also -50% Evasion, which is very good.
Otherwise yeah, easymode whole game.
Lower Chemistry to 69, to make MKIV and use the points for Pickpocket or something.

For guns, best recommendations are:
7.62mm Rapid Muzzled Hornet
8.6 or 9mm Anatomically Aware Muzzled Chimera for high crits on Commando Procs. (I prefer 8.6, as I might use it to burst Illuminated Targets for more kills than Hornet could, and it is cheaper AP wise and damage is almost identical to 9mm).


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2021, 12:26:03 pm »

Ok, so I lowered tm to 70, and got 6 dex for grenadier.
Got around 150 spare skill points from tm and overleveled lockpicking/throwing, and put them to pickpocket/traps and some crafting for those 170+ frames (SGS tatto/underpie and +2int drug)
I don't know if ambush is good, seems like there would be small amount of opportunities to use it, and it would only take like one move for them to make it invalid again.
I think if there are any very evasive enemies then flashbang+throwing net would take care of them, unless there are big groups of dudes like that, then I dont have idea what to do besides skipping them with stealth.

Is quick tinkering worth 1 point in dex? Also, power managment or trigger happy?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2021, 07:45:19 pm by MikeOxlong »


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2021, 01:47:32 am »

Ok, so I lowered tm to 70, and got 6 dex for grenadier.
Got around 150 spare skill points from tm and overleveled lockpicking/throwing, and put them to pickpocket/traps and some crafting for those 170+ frames (SGS tatto/underpie and +2int drug)
I don't know if ambush is good, seems like there would be small amount of opportunities to use it, and it would only take like one move for them to make it invalid again.
I think if there are any very evasive enemies then flashbang+throwing net would take care of them, unless there are big groups of dudes like that, then I dont have idea what to do besides skipping them with stealth.

Is quick tinkering worth 1 point in dex? Also, power managment or trigger happy?

Quick Tinkering if you use traps very often, idk about others but i pick trigger happy for initiative


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2021, 10:09:16 am »

Ok, so I lowered tm to 70, and got 6 dex for grenadier.
Got around 150 spare skill points from tm and overleveled lockpicking/throwing, and put them to pickpocket/traps and some crafting for those 170+ frames (SGS tatto/underpie and +2int drug)
I don't know if ambush is good, seems like there would be small amount of opportunities to use it, and it would only take like one move for them to make it invalid again.
I think if there are any very evasive enemies then flashbang+throwing net would take care of them, unless there are big groups of dudes like that, then I dont have idea what to do besides skipping them with stealth.

Is quick tinkering worth 1 point in dex? Also, power managment or trigger happy?
Ambush is one of the most powerful Feats in the game. With 140 Stealth you get 62% Crit Chance just from it and -50% Evasion. Almost whole game, except for a few areas that you can count on your fingers, allows for Ambush - Use Molotovs, Flares and stand in darker square = profit.
Watch this video of mine - , as I wipe 3 enemies and leave 2 almost dead in just 2 Bursts thanks to Ambush. Then watch the rest of the video and see what damage Shotguns deal compared to that (and for Shotgun, most enemies were contaminated with 30-100% increased damage). No man, Ambush is OP. If I had Concentraded Fire on this build, there would have been nothing left alive.


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2021, 03:48:39 pm »
Ok, so I started playing this build on dominating, and beat depot a recently, It was easier than I would have thought tbh.
I'm level 15 rn, and I'm planning to start crafting gear, since my current one is starting to become underleveled.
Reason why I'm typing this, is to ask what gear I should be crafting? I know I should have 7.62mm muzzle break and rapid reloader hornet, along with 9mm muzzle break and scope chimera, and a bullet belt, but what shield, armor, headwear and footwear i should be carrying around?
Also is it worth it to get sure step, or should I just use steel boots instead?

Current build:
Lvl 30 build:
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 04:28:20 pm by MikeOxlong »


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2021, 10:10:10 pm »
You want a shield with a High Efficiency Energy Converter and the best Plasma Core you can find. The modulators aren't too important, I'd probably go with the best medium or high frequency ones you can find since you have 3 CON and ranged damage is harder to use positioning and whatnot to avoid than melee damage.

Headwear should be Seeker Night Vision Goggles for more crit.

Not sure about armor and boots for that build.


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Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2021, 11:58:31 pm »
what shield, armor, headwear and footwear i should be carrying around?

If you grab Sure Step, you could make a tactical vest with black cloth, laminated panel, and psi/ceramic plate, and make tabi boots. This would keep your armor penalty relatively low and offer considerable amounts of protection. The reason I suggest psi carapace in the vest as an option is because LTI and PtC can become relatively psi hungry if you start spamming it.

I say this as someone who never really played tin can builds and yours seems to pivot towards being a glass cannon too, so you want all the stealth and mobility you can get.

Also, small suggestion: if you really want trigger happy you can leave it for later; with stealth you can start 90% of encounters in your own terms so initiative isn't a huge issue. I think that getting Premeditation or Future Orientation Right after P-t Acceleration is worth more (i.e. lvl 22 -> lvl 24 instead of lvl 24 -> lvl 28). Something similar could be said regarding Quick Pockets. I guess the utility slot economy can me a bit tricky sometimes with flashbangs/emp/nets/taser/explosives/molotov/caltrops/chemical grenades, etc; but I think you only ever really need 3 of those at any given encounter.