Author Topic: Modding tools, the last chapter.  (Read 871 times)


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Modding tools, the last chapter.
« on: January 29, 2022, 08:17:44 am »

So the name "final" update is pretty clear. The devs are done with content updates and now want to focus on Infusion. Now it would be great for the game's longevity to add modding tools, it doesn't have to be very advanced, it can be very basic if needed, people tend to make a lot of modding APIs, etc. As seen in FTL where people made stuff like a ship creator, etc.

Now...What should those tools include? Well...To simplify it.

Modding tools should allow the users to create different things. For example new weapons and armor suits. Which require the user to be able to add own sounds, sprites and stats.
Next thing. Own dialogues, quests and NPCs.
Other things include potentially a map editor and the ability to forge new crafting recipes.

Also. Access to loot tables. For example if a user makes a new map area and place a container, they should be able to do certain things.

Allocate a certain loot-table to it. Which could be categorized into certain things. For example : Metalworks | High. Metalworks defining the group of items. (Plates, Serrated Blades, Spikes, etc.) and High defining the quality of the product. (Low being 10-30, medium being 30-60, etc.)

Overall, just allow the player as much customization as possible. Allowing for near infinite possibilities, keeping players engaged and the game alive.

You can contact me on Discord if you want.


  • Tchortist
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Re: Modding tools, the last chapter.
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2022, 08:10:54 am »
no modding tools would be added