Yes, you have accurately described the fact that W2C had number go DOWN, and that other ranged weapons use alternative damage types while firearms simply lower resistance. And the end result is still fine. Burst was the best build. Firearm Pistols with Bullet Time and Stasis are on the same W2C train and it was the easiest build I have ever experienced by a mile. Snipers already deal with optimizing number of shots instead of damage per hit because they overkill so hard.
Anyway, WhiteGrey had it without all the emotion, inverse JHP. Damage down, pen up.
And Crossbows don't even come close to how strong and easy current W2C still is. Xbows have 78 average electric damage with Mk3 Shock Bolts + Elemental Bolts, and that will only be buffed by crit damage. Their minimum AP per shot is 14. Their mech damage evaporates against the various 65%+ DR enemies because of increased mech damage incurred. With Cyclon Anatomically Aware Scope, Bowyer, Crit Power+10, and Sharpshooter that's 445% crit damage or 5.45x damage on a crit. 425 average on a crit for 14 AP.
An endgame .44 Hammerer has about 78 average damage on just the gun. Mine has 80.5, but I'll lower it to 78. With dex food it has 14 AP to shoot, or 7 AP with Bullet Time. With just 10 Per and level 22 skill, no buffs, it has 2.16x damage from skill, or 168 average damage. Sharpshooter, Crit Power, no spec is 210% crit or 3.1x damage on crit. 520 average on a crit for 14 AP. Adding crit power spec, the ability to gain more skill points for damage, the ability to have buffs that increase skill or lower AP (Dex/Per), and a button that doubles their damage shows Crossbows are not a part of any conversation about fairness or balance when it comes to dealing with armor, these very high DR enemies are still going to just be plinked down by burst, pistols, and snipers in comparison to Xbows.
So they are the weapon that struggles with armor, guns do not. Melee, particularly unarmed struggles much more than guns, having their armor pen tied to a one-at-a-time cooldown based feat with unarmed getting a shock tickles as their ""armor pen"" weapon enhancement.
Would love to see someone break down Chem/Energy damage potential compared to .44 Hammer, Burst, and snipers to see how they compare against JHP vs squishies, or W2C vs Industrial Robot tier enemies. Your anger is only justified if they went from worse to even worse. Justify your anger beyond emotion.