Author Topic: How much Strength does a melee character need to get a 95% hit c. on Dominating?  (Read 2021 times)


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Just like the title says, I wanna know just how much Strength does a melee build need to get a reliable 95% hit chance on the Dominating difficulty.

So far, I have tried building a character with 13 Strength on normal and I still had trouble hitting the more agile Expedition natives with around 13 Strength/130(234) Melee skill. My hit chance was around 70% when fighting some of the warriors and I missed 3 attacks in a row! Would max level and around 14St./300 skill be enough on Dominating to get that 95% hit chance on such endgame enemies?

One more thing:

What if I used a Super Steel spear, which has +3% to accuracy? Or if I used a Super Steel weapon AND the Aegis Incorporated tattoo for a +5 to melee? Would that help me cut back on Strength and still get a 95% hit chance in melee against at least the majority of endgame opponents? If a couple of them like the Black Crawler or other bosses would have too much Dodge / Agility to make hitting them without any CC reliable, that's ok because you can use a taser, trap, flashbang etc. but if it's a bunch of rather common warriors, who come at you in groups, then there's no way you can take them down without a solid 90-95 hit chance. Even just one miss can get you killed because the whole game revolves around destroying and CCing enemies as quickly as possible. The faster they end up dead the less likely you end up dead.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2022, 02:29:16 pm by Patryvius »


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On dominating every character really needs their main stat, used for attack rolls, maxed. In expedition that means 17-18 in the lategame with the veteran +2 feat. You put every stat upgrade in the main stat except maybe 1, and start with it at 10.