Author Topic: Zone Transition Error (V  (Read 5264 times)


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Zone Transition Error (V
« on: June 09, 2014, 03:22:54 am »
Just want to start out by saying I love the game and have sunk about 30+ hours into it (about 10 of those were today alone).

I've not had a single issue with the game until I entered the zone immediately to the west of Camp Hathor.  That maps southern exit will not allow me to enter the next zone.  I'm currently on the Rathound King quest from the Camp and I'm worried that this might impede me or ruin it all together.  I'm level 13, I was not in combat, nor did I have any windows or UI open, though I have a seriously full inventory if that matters. 

I have tried quitting the game and reloading.  I've also checked the integrity of the game through STEAM and everything seems fine.

Any kind of help you might offer would be appreciated, but please avoid any spoilers about the whereabouts of the Ratking, if you could.  As I said, I love the game and I want to explore it on my own.  If the corrupted zone has nothing important in it, just let me know that and I'll be happily on my way (though any advice you might have on clearing up future transition errors would be appreciated).

Thank you for your help and for producing such an awesome game.


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 01:55:42 pm »
Can you post your transition error log. You'll find it in Documents\MyGames\Underrail.


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2014, 02:52:50 am »
I have a few since I tried this a few times before giving up.  This was the final one (I think):

System.Exception: Failed to load locale 'CV7 - Battery recycling plant'. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at e6.ew()
   at auz.on(Boolean A_0)
   at yi.on(Boolean A_0)
   at a37.on(Boolean A_0)
   at ak7.vx(dr A_0, Boolean A_1)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at bmz.LogAndThrow[T](Exception innerException, LogSeverity severity, String message, Object[] messageArgs)
   at ak7.vx(dr A_0, Boolean A_1)
   at awm.z9(Boolean A_0)
   at am4.un(z7 A_0)
   at sd.c(z7 A_0)
   at auf.a(z7 A_0)
   at auf.b(z7 A_0)
   at auf.b2(z7 A_0)
   at sd.e(z7 A_0)

I hope it helps.  Also, if you could let me know if the area I can't get to is the one I need to get into to finish the quest I'm on (yes or no will suffice, thanks!)


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 08:04:11 am »
You should be able to complete the Rathound King quest, but there's another quest related to this area.

Can you upload the save file just before the transition for me so I can try to debug the issue?



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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2014, 11:14:14 pm »
Sorry, how would I be able to do that?  I'm not quite up to speed on the easiest way to do thing. 

If there's a guide on "how to" posted on the forum, I'd appreciate a link.  Otherwise just pretend I'm 60+ and new to the internet.

I'm not, but it helps people dumb things down enough to where I get it.  ;)

Thanks for all the help by the way :)


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2014, 02:55:25 pm »
Hey, sorry to bother you all again, but I'd still like to know how to upload my save game file to the forum so Styg can try to fix it?

If someone could get back to me, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2014, 05:44:37 pm »
Might take multiple posts (if the dev requested it it's no problem though), but you can find your save files in:

Documents -> My Games -> Underrail -> Saves

If you export a character they'll be found in Characters rather than Saves.

You can upload files by clicking the Attach button below the textbox area when creating a new post.


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2014, 12:30:01 pm »
I found what's up,dunno if is bug or not but is a windows process that stops u from proceeding with the transition,i found it from mistake trying to find a way to solve the problem on my pc,i have tried to change admin my user and few other things,it didn't worked only if i restarted my pc.and i wanted to copy the save of the game so i can have a bk-up just in case cos i wanted to change again the user,and i couldn't,the game was on so i closed it thought the game was stopping me from copying the save,but wasn't and i got a window message from the unlocker program that the save being halted by a windows process called cisvc.exe.i killed it the process and i could continue with my saves and transit,my OS windows XP sp3.dunno on the rest of windows how this process will be called but if i kill it solves the transit problem.there is no save bug or anything is just this process,if u stop it it works,well at least for me.


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2014, 07:04:51 pm »
Beside that index service locking out my saves i don't have any other error or crashing while playing or saving/loading at if is not the index service (oddly enough with other games i don't have this problem indexing locking me out). the game runs perfectly.and is a kick arse game.


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2014, 11:52:00 pm »
Hey, sorry about the lateness of my reply, but work has me bogged down lately and I've not been able to do much of anything.

I've tried to upload my save game Styg, but the forum itself doesn't allow me to do so as the folder containing it is about 9.53MB (8.7MB when compressed into a ZIP).  Is there a specific file you wanted me to upload or method I could use to get it all up in one go, rather than creating 20+ posts trying to post every single file?

I'd be happy to use a file sharing program, but honestly I've never used one before and I'm not sure which to use, or if any of them are incompatible or if you have a preference? 

Sorry to cause you so much trouble, but I really just enjoy the game and I'd like to be able to continue without remaking my character.  Also, sorry to have so many questions.  I'm just not as computer-literate as I'd like to be.  I hope you understand.

Thanks to all of you who have helped out by offering your advice as well.  I really do appreciate it and I hope that we can get this solved as soon as possible so I can get back to playing!


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2014, 12:07:09 am »
Ok, I did a little digging because, well, I really *really* want to get this fixed, so I created a mediafire account just so that I could share the ZIP file containing my whole save-game.  Hopefully this isn't against the ToS or anything.  If it is, please feel free to delete this post and accept my apologies.

Here's the link:

Again, sorry if this is against the ToS or if there's another method that is preferred.  I'll be happy to use any other preferred method in place of this one, but I figured this would be the easiest way to do so without unnecessarily clogging up this thread with dozens of posts.

I hope it helps!  I wanna play again!


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2014, 07:10:47 am »
Sorry for the late reply. I've downloaded it and will look into the issue. Let us know if epeli's fix helped you continue on with your game.


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Re: Zone Transition Error (V
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2014, 02:39:22 am »
Hello all! 

Epeli's fix appears to have restored me to full functionality!  Thank you!  Hopefully this was the only corrupted location and I'll be worry-free for a long while.  If not, I know where to go! 

Hopefully you can let me know what may have caused this and how I can avoid doing it again in the future.

Thanks again to all of you for posting suggestions and helping me fix this.