Author Topic: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.  (Read 12662 times)


  • Oculite
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Build Link-

Starting stats are: 5/10/3/3/7/3/9

 Do you like Energy Weapons? Do you want to deal MAXIMUM DAMAGE and wipe out hordes of devolved inbreds with a single well placed aimed shot? Do you like to suffer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this build is for you. This build takes advantage of the dex ap reduction on light weapons combined with the versatility feat to allow you to get the most bang for your buck when using plasma and electroshock pistols. As a disclaimer, this build was tested on dominating, but this build should perform well on lower difficulties.

The Gear

Electroshock Pistol- This bad boy will be your primary weapon for most of the game. At 18 Dex it costs 21 ap to fire, which is reduced to 19 ap with super solider drug. With adrenaline, and temporal contraction, this lets you attack 4 (5 with SSD) times in a single turn with regular shots and point shot. With a high quality circle wave amplifier you can easily get over 500% critical damage, and when combined with a high quality smart module and high quality smart goggles you can get over 100% special attack damage bonus. An aimed shot from stealth usually does about 1500-2000 damage, and chains to nearby characters for 65% of previous damage, letting you easily clear most groups of enemies, in addition to often stunning the primary target if they somehow survive the initial attack. Be warned that the electricity can chain to you or nearby friendly characters, and has been the source of a fair amount of deaths in my playthrough of this build.

Plasma Pistol- This is where the big damage comes from in this build. At 18 DEX it costs 24 ap to fire the plasma pistol, which is lowered to 22 under the effects of super solider drug. With adrenaline and temporal contraction this lets you attack 4 times with regular attacks and point shot. The plasma pistol can easily reach over 600% crit damage and get the aforementioned 100% special attack damage bonus, letting you easily obliterate the tankiest of enemies. Under ideal circumstances, you can do 3500+ damage aimed shots and crits. Unfortunately, high quality plasma dischargers are extremely rare, as I have gone an entire playthrough without finding a 135+ plasma discharger, so you may have to use a weapon with sub-par components. The electroshock pistol already does plenty of damage, so the plasma pistol is mainly used to one shot bosses and deal with coil spiders.

Ti-Chrome Knife with energy edge emitter- Takes advantage of this builds high dex and melee to deal good damage without alerting enemies. You could swap out recklessness with cut-throat if you want to reduce an enemies evasion (more on that later) and have an easier time against human enemies, but its a matter of personal preference.

Armor- Smart Goggles are great for the special attack damage, Infused Rathound leather for the crit chance, and Ninja tabi boots to boost stealth. I recommend a low-low efficient energy shield, but this is more up to personal preference.

Psi-The only 2 psi abilities this build needs are temporal contraction and stasis, although you can use others if you feel like it. Temporal contraction acts like a second stackable adrenaline shot with bonus movement, while stasis effectively gives you a second turn to finish off any remaining enemies that survive your initial attacks.

The Cons of This Build

This build probably has one of the worst midgame experiences of any build out there. You will start to encounter some trouble in depot A, where on dominating you have a 65% chance to hit the mutant dogs. This build only needs 25 guns skill for feats, but I pumped it to 70 to have a decent chance to hit anything. Without full specialization points, it takes until about level 15 for high dex melee versatility to surpass 70 guns skill with 7 perception. Endgame, 18 dex with 10 specialization points in versatility equates to about maxed guns skill with 13 perception, but before then get used to seeing 49% accuracy on Ironhead bandits. Additionally, this build is a glass cannon, so 90% of the time if you miss your aimed shot your probably dead. This build also
has low movement points without high quality tabis, so don't expect to be able to outrun melee enemies. If luck is on your side, you can steamroll through tough encounters without taking damage. If you get unlucky, get ready to f5. You have been warned.


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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2021, 01:41:48 pm »
hmm i guess you get a nice damage output once the build starts kicking, but it would seem to be a nightmare to play in oddity/dominating.

Low agility (low mobility, no uncanny dodge), low health, no escape artist, not much crowd control... In the Expedition in particular i'm pretty sure you'd die a lot with this build.

By the way is the plasma pistol doing any damage agains't NAGAS ?
I'm Potoldski on discord


  • Oculite
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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2021, 07:55:35 pm »
I don't play oddity on dominating, mainly due to how hard it is to level up once you reach higher levels. With high quality tabis I get about 50 mp, which is usually enough to break line of sight if I have proper positioning. 90% of the time I clear encounters without being attacked, so the low health and dodge/evasion doesn't really matter. You cant get netted/webbed if everyone is stunned, incapacitated, or dead. Special attacks with the electroshock pistol are good enough for crowd control, and I use a fair amount of Molotov's and Flashbangs to slow down any survivors. The plasma pistol is pretty useless against Nagas, but the electroshock pistol can easily take them down. The builds biggest benefit is dealing primarily electric and energy damage, since no enemies strongly resist both of them.


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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2021, 11:27:46 pm »
I don't play oddity on dominating, mainly due to how hard it is to level up once you reach higher levels. With high quality tabis I get about 50 mp, which is usually enough to break line of sight if I have proper positioning. 90% of the time I clear encounters without being attacked, so the low health and dodge/evasion doesn't really matter. You cant get netted/webbed if everyone is stunned, incapacitated, or dead. Special attacks with the electroshock pistol are good enough for crowd control, and I use a fair amount of Molotov's and Flashbangs to slow down any survivors. The plasma pistol is pretty useless against Nagas, but the electroshock pistol can easily take them down. The builds biggest benefit is dealing primarily electric and energy damage, since no enemies strongly resist both of them.

okay thanks for the feedback  :) yeah i suppose at level 26+ you start to get high enough accuracy and damage for clearing most encounters in one turn
I'm Potoldski on discord


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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2021, 09:21:58 am »
Trying this build out, I'm post depot A now. What armor should I go for at this point? I have some good smart goggles and tabis but I'm still running with siphoner leather armor from before depot A.


  • Oculite
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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2021, 02:37:13 pm »
Trying this build out, I'm post depot A now. What armor should I go for at this point? I have some good smart goggles and tabis but I'm still running with siphoner leather armor from before depot A.

Post depot A I would recommend JKK or Coretech faction armor. Coretech armor boosts energy pistol crit chance, but the wireless charging aura is pretty useless on this build since it reduces stealth to zero and makes it impossible to activate ambush. JKK armor boosts point shot and initiative, which is useful for this build, but I went Coretech on my playthrough to get access to Harlan's electronic components. You could also go for a low armor penalty tactical vest or Greater Siphoner leather jumpsuit if you want more defensive benefits, but its a matter of personal preference.


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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2023, 09:28:36 am »
Been thinking about energy pistols for quite a while. This is gonna be my first versatility build, so quick question: why do you need perception at all? I thought damage and accuracy both scale with guns skill which gets versatility override anyway. And is there an option to go with knives early-mid game, since you have high melee anyway? And is it possible on difficulties lower than DOM to invest into some CONST and sturdy vest to be able to take a hit or two?


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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2023, 10:36:27 am »
Been thinking about energy pistols for quite a while. This is gonna be my first versatility build, so quick question: why do you need perception at all? I thought damage and accuracy both scale with guns skill which gets versatility override anyway. And is there an option to go with knives early-mid game, since you have high melee anyway? And is it possible on difficulties lower than DOM to invest into some CONST and sturdy vest to be able to take a hit or two?

PER in this build is for the feat requirements only. 7 for kneecap shot. If you can live without that, 6 is minimum for a lot of other important feats.

Kujo qtaro

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Re: Versatility Dex Energy Pistol Build- Making Plasma Pistols Viable.
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2023, 11:37:40 am »
Fun fact:JKK jacket+full spec. Point shot can give you
 a plasma pistol shot for 2 AP.
Probably not worth specing into point shot here, tho...