User:Overnight Millionaire System Review Tab5

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I have several mentors who declare that the most dangerous Overnight Millionaire System words in the English language are, "I know that!" The reason these words are so dangerous is simple. Success principles are not new. Success follows repeatable patterns, and you can learn from others. This means that those who act upon proven principles can also be successful. However, there are many more people who HEARD the principles or READ the principles and yet they are not successful.

Why? Success requires action and correction. Hearing or reading principles is not the same as LIVING them. Successful people do what it takes, accept the resulting feedback, correct their course and act again. You do not KNOW a success principle unless are living it daily. If you do not have the business success you want, then it is obvious that you do not KNOW the principles you need. The good news is that with an open mind and heart, and a willing mentor, you CAN LEARN to do what it takes to achieve your personal goals.

Start by eliminating the words, "I know that!" from your vocabulary. My friend, Alex Mandossian says it best, "It's what you learn AFTER you know it all that counts most!" When I first started visualizing, even with a guide I was not sure I was doing it right. In this article I am going to attempt to explain further what I have learned with practice.