Version history/Underrail 1.2

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Current versions
Stable version Experimental version (2 October 2024) (2 October 2024)

Version history and changelogs for Underrail 1.2.X.X versions. Patch notes can also be viewed on Underrail forums and Steam community if this page is not up to date.

Versioning scheme
Underrail release versioning scheme: 1.[major update].[update].[hotfix]
Starting from 2017 all smaller than major gameplay/content updates increment [update] while [hotfix] releases will contain only bugfixes. Up to version, hotfix versions could include new content and update versions were larger patches.
Experimental branch (test version)
As of 2017, experimental versions of new patches are available for testing (on Steam and GOG Galaxy) before they are released. For more information, see Dev Log #50: Experimental Branch.
Legacy branch (legacy psi mechanics)
The legacy branch permanently hosts version with the legacy psi system and will receive no updates. For more information, see Dev Log #68: The Psi Question.

Underrail 1.2.0

Release Date: 12 October 2023 Summary: New seasonal events, tweaks, bugfixes
  • Features
    • New seasonal events
  • Items
    • Increased the cost of Hexogen
    • Scopes, crossbow superstring, pneumatic reloader and laser sight are now stackable
    • Praetorian heavy armor acid resistance changed to 0% / 5 (down from 20% / 10). This was a mistake, regular metal armors have minimal fixed acid resistance
    • Praetorian heavy armor health bonused changed to 35 (up from 20)
    • Reduced the mechanics required for a number of different gun barrels (7.62, 8.6, .44, 12.7)
    • Increased durability of TT 3000 from 690 to 2220, and Balor's Hammer from 1770 to 3570
  • NPCs
    • Rathound King and What now have custom combat taunts
    • Doctor Merrick will now treat injured players
    • Gorsky is now immune to fear
    • [Expedition] Becket will now sell spears and offer them as a reward; also, he will now always buy some medical items per restock (was random before)
  • Tweaks
    • Reduced the spread angle for assault rifle/SMG bursts
    • Echoing Soliloquy persuasion buff will now work a lot more reliably on higher difficulties
    • Tchortlings will now despawn (go back to their wretched holes) if the player returns to Hollow Earth zones without being affected by the Eye of Tchort debuff
    • Protectorate Dreadnought's minigun now behaves like a proper minigun; also, the shoot rocket ability's AP cost has been reduced from 30 to 20, whereas cooldown has been increased from 2 to 3 turns
  • Bugs
    • Item macro stacking (1000 = 1k, 1000000 = 1m...) will now properly work with the new UI settings (was Classic-only)
    • Fatal Throw should no longer provide any benefit when throwing acid vials
    • Fixed the UI bug with certain vehicle slot background icons in some UI sizes
    • Updated HARP rocket explosion to use the same sprites as High Explosive grenades, instead of the old one
    • Commando will no longer trigger when destroying inanimate objects
    • Certain special acid attack will now count towards "Acid Trip" achievement
    • Fixed being able to tell Lt. Garren that a certain sneaky person is located somewhere despite the fact that he isn't
    • Fixed Leo sometimes not leaving his hiding place properly and thus not being accessible for the rest of the playthrough
    • Fixed Epione Lab cameras sometimes tracking the player despite them having been allowed access by the front guard
    • Fixed Gorsky staying in Tanner's office even after certain events that should prevent their conversation from happening have taken place
    • Fixed being able to pickpocket femurs from hunchback mutants
    • Fixed certain Mushroom Root parts being selectable from outside of the actual sprite
    • Fixed thrown oil barrels doing acid damage on direct impact
    • Fixed being able to daze machines while under the influence of Scrapperac
    • Fixed the game not acknowledging you had paid for the Wormhole access if you did so through a mercantile check
    • Fixed Tchortling Sower Tentacles sometimes dropping their bio attack weapon items for the players to pick up
    • Fixed SRO assault squad not returning to home base upon victory
    • If the player manages to survive the electric shock and subsequently kill the other runners in the Gauntlet's final area, they will no longer be able to enter other lanes and go out of bounds
    • Buying drapes for your house will now properly remove 300 charons from inventory (as stated in Jyles' dialog) instead of 350
    • Death of reclined characters lke the wounded sec-trooper will no longer be displayed as destruction in the text feed
    • [Expedition] Fixed not being able to disembark at a destroyed wall section in Port Ceto during certain events
    • [Expedition] Updated Elemental Bolts feat description to include energy bolts. The text remains the same for the base game, as it does not feature this kind of bolts
    • [Expedition] Fixed the camp defense quest note not being marked as completed in certain situations
    • [Expedition] Fixed not always getting extra xp for doing the final pirate mission solo (and some other minor dialog inconsistencies)
    • [Expedition] Fixed Ladelman not selling vehicle repair kits
    • [Expedition] Fixed quests related to joining the expedition not always being marked as failed when the ship returns to the Black Sea without the player
    • [Expedition] Fixed a broken electronics check when attempting to fix an Abandoned Waterways Facility console
    • [Expedition] Fixed not getting a bonus for revealing a certain threat to the expedition
    • [Expedition] Fixed behavioural issues with Ladelman and Doc Savage when they join the camp defenses at the beach
    • [Expedition] Fixed a broken option to call for reinforcements during kidnapping negotiations
    • [Expedition] Fixed the respawning jet ski in Abandoned Waterway Facility
    • [Expedition] Fixed The Rig guard dogs engaging players riding jets skis (will occasionally growl at them only)
    • [Expedition] Fixed junk jets taken from members of a few factions still displaying red/protected cursor
    • [Expedition] Room 3 at The Rig will no longer display red/protected cursor even if Murky gave you its key
    • [Expedition] A certain persuasion option will no longer break Todd's dialog
    • minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 1 November 2023 Summary: Heavy Duty release



Release Date: 2 November 2023 Summary: UI, bugfixes
  • UI
    • Added 3840x1600 resolution to video options
  • Bugs
    • Fixed the psi innervation window bugging out when you have more than 9 psi slots
    • [Expedition] Certain special sewer blockade can now be properly cleared (was broken by a previous patch)
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the Shell Shock status effect duration
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger disappearing in a specific instance if left near the railcar outside the Compound
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the Warthog refurbishment text incorrectly stating that a muzzle brake is required alongside other components
    • minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 3 November 2023 Summary: Bugfixes
  • Bugs
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed black screen issues when leaving for dark territory
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger still following the player in instances in which he shouldn't
    • minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 6 November 2023 Summary: Bugfixes
  • Tweaks
    • [Heavy Duty] LMG names will now indicate magazine capacity (not applied retroactively to existing weapons)
  • Bugs
    • Fixed level transition failure in one of the caves south of SGS for players without Expedition installed
    • Text in the feat search bar will now again be visible in Classic UI mode
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the area of effect radius of a certain energy weapon
    • [Heavy Duty] High-Technicalities will now properly apply to certain AoE energy weapon
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the bug that caused Tricky Trajectory to interfere with other bonus damage sources
    • [Heavy Duty] 12.7mm miniguns will now properly show attachments on icons
    • [Heavy Duty] Heavy Metal feat will now properly take into account all heavy weapons
    • [Heavy Duty] You can no longer level past level 25 without Expedition DLC
    • [Heavy Duty] Intercessor Exoskeleton resistances fixed
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed a bug where a certain grenade launcher spawned loaded beyond its possible capacity
    • Minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 8 November 2023 Summary: Bugfixes
  • Bugs
    • Fixed the bug that would sometimes prevent a save being loaded on Steam Deck or on PC if it was saved on Steam Deck
    • [Expedition] Fixed Kzozel Yantar missing status effect text
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed strength requirement (changed to 1 from 2) and crafting visuals of 80-round Ammo Belt
    • Minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 15 November 2023 Summary: Bugfixes
  • Bugs
    • Fixed not being allowed entrance to Epione Lab in a certain instance. Talking to the guard again will resolve the issue
    • Fixed an instance in which the player could get vision inside the Battery Recycling Plant even when nowhere near the surveillance monitor
    • [Expedition] Fixed missing trapdoors in a laboratory the player visits while being in a very special state
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the idle animations for Protectorate Marine when holding a grenade launcher
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed a certain boutique owner not offering special merchandise when he should
    • Minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 29 November 2023 Summary: Bugfixes
  • Bugs
    • Fixed one noise-related way of breaking Zaman's introductory cutscene; also, Chop Chop will now properly go to his guard spot after certain things happen
    • Fixed the bug that prevented the player from toggling off auras when they do not meet the requirements for turning it on (e.g. not being able to turn off Precognition because you don't have enough psi points)
    • [Expedition] Text in the specialization list search bar will now again be visible in Classic UI mode
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the bug that caused a certain special weapon not to trigger on hit effects such as Hit and Run
    • [Heavy Duty] Secondary ammo belt on miniguns will now properly increase weapon's value and weight
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed railcar still having full power even after getting EMPd
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed an occasional crash in one of the Compound zones
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed missing music in the zone you meet the crew after returning from the Compound
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed incorrect music and portrait background while in Rag's boutique
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed technomedic armor's injection and recharge abilities only working on some npcs
    • Minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 18 December 2023 Summary: New unique spear, bugfixes
  • Items
    • [Expedition] Added a new unique spear
  • Bugs
    • Jumping stilts will now provide additional movement points as stated
    • Robots are no longer completely immune to nail bombs, just to the bleeding
    • A couple of daze triggers that weren't resistible before, can be resisted now, such as the Quake's shockwave
    • Fixed Dreadnoughts not being immune to caltrops
    • Fixed secondary modulators for generated energy shield emitters not having their quality properly set
    • [Expedition] Fixed Protectorate patrol dobermans sometimes not participating in combat with hostile factions
    • [Expedition] Fixed the Ferryman sometimes not recognizing that the player has towed a certain vessel to his ferry, instead asking for map location
    • [Expedition] Fixed a certain door in the Mutie Refuge being unintentionally lockpickable
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the bug with sledgehammer not showing when wearing the psionic exoskeleton
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the bug that caused hit and run and some other on hit effects to not trigger when the target is killed with the grenade's second damage when using grenade launchers (such as with HE launcher grenades)
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger sometimes not equipping weapons given to him by the player if they are weaker than his default energy pistol
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger exiting and reentering stealth on zone transition
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed an Exoskeleton Assembler zone issue which caused occasional crashes or the Gunslinger to disappear if left to wait there
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed railcar roof not being revealed properly at the final destination
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed a certain split gate in The Compound failing to open under specific conditions even if the player passed the strength check
    • Various minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 5 March 2024 Summary: New crowbars, new crowbar feat, tweaks, bugfixes
  • Items
    • Added 3 new crowbars
  • Feats
    • Added Sap: Grants 20% bonus when attacking with crowbars and allows you to perform a special crowbar attack from behind the target that bypasses all resistances and shields and incapacitates the target for up to 5 turns. You must either be hidden from your target through stealth or the target needs to be incapacitated. Only works on humanoids.
  • Tweaks
    • Initial merchant sell price modifier was too low in most cases and mercantile tended to floor it too quickly. Now it will be both higher and more dependent on the faction standing.
  • Bugs
    • Fixed Gorsky's new base toilet
    • Fixed the bug that allowed certain special armor abilities to persist even when you unequip the armor
    • Interloper feat will now properly retain your movement points even when combat is initialized from real-time mode
    • Rifle Barrel Retractor will now properly stack like other such components
    • [Expedition] Fixed one Pirate Chucker sometimes spawning invisible in the zone where you meet Razor for the first time
    • [Expedition] Fixed Aegis sec-troopers and Naga Protectors not being hostile to each other in the rare occurrences of them meeting
    • [Expedition] Fixed the game sometimes not registering that the Black Eels on The Rig have been wiped out by the player
    • [Heavy Duty] Psychophract Exoskeleton will now properly compensate the agility penalty when powered on
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Myles incorrectly stating that The Warthog requires a 120 quality Guardian frame when the required quality is actually 130
    • Various minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 21 May 2024 Summary: New items, tweaks, bugfixes
  • Items
    • Hyperallergenic can now be extracted from its gland that can sometimes be obtained from Death Stalkers
  • Tweaks
    • Scrapperac self-daze will no longer trigger with ranged attacks; also increased its duration to 2 turns.
    • [Expedition] All energy-based jet ski weapons should now properly work with High-Technicalities feat
  • Bugs
    • Fixed several minor npcs not staying hostile when the game is saved, instead reverting to their default attitude on load
    • Fixed Creeping Dread and Eye of Tchort status effects not applying penalties to Heavy Guns and Temporal Manipulation
    • Fixed Heidi not taking money for providing medical services
    • Fixed zone transition problems with some random encounters featuring holes in the ground
    • Fixed Abram not being treated as a member of a certain faction when located in a certain secret place
    • Caltrops can now properly land on bridge tiles
    • Acid can now be spilled onto bridge tiles
    • Scan Call Overload modifier will no longer reset to 0% on save/load (effects that are applied before the update will still be bugged)
    • Vanishing powder grenade will no longer fail to put you in stealth if you didn't have 10 remaining AP after its usage
    • Crossbow super string will now properly stack like other such components
    • Molotov cocktail and other incendiary hand grenades will now remove chill and other frost based effect of the targets caught in the blast even if they are not set on fire
    • Fixed the bug that would cause the turn-based UI control to not show all the movement points in some specific cases
    • The maximum zoom out for the world map has been reduced as the previous one was bugged
    • Sap will now properly work on targets that are immune to bleeding or poison
    • Certain chemical accident should now properly prevent you from using psi abilities
    • Fixed the bug that would can an item to disappear when swapping in held weapon into certain crafting recipes while using a riot shield (basically if the weapon getting swapped into the hand was two-handed, it would just disappear)
    • When an NPC throws a large object in turn-based combat, the turn will not pass to the next participant until the object lands; though it was fun seeing mutants count-cheese the stasis play
    • Taste for blood should now properly trigger when killing the target with damage from armor
    • [Expedition] Psi-somatic Agent will now have the correct icon
    • [Expedition] Fixed magnifying neuroscopic filters for plasma beam and cryogenic barrier not appearing in the world
    • [Expedition] Fixed some cocktails stacking indefinitely in Mixer Jesse's store
    • [Expedition] Fixed a rare crash that occurs if the player receives a call from Aegis - after dying
    • [Expedition] Fixed Servants short-circuited by the MRI field sometimes becoming neutral to the player after the field has been turned off
    • [Expedition] Fixed being able to see through a covered section of Eldrän's tent
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger ignoring hostilities directed at the player in a few specific instances
    • Various minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 5 August 2024 Summary: Minigun rebalance, tweaks, bugfixes
  • Tweaks
    • [Heavy Duty] Minigun's wind up will now also reduce weapon AP cost by the amount equal to twice the amount of extra burst rounds granted by this status effect
  • Bugs
    • Fixed the bug that allowed pyrokinesis and other explosives to go through force field
    • Fixed the bug where Vanishing powder grenade would not work if it was last one in the stack or if stack was removed from the utility slot
    • You can no longer use hyperallergenic in blueprints that do not support it (and thus wasting it)
    • Fixed the bug that caused Cooked Shot to apply wrong acid on hit effects
    • Fixed the bug that, in some rare cases, caused an item effect to be consumed from the other equipped weapon when using the currently equipped one without the effect triggering
    • Fixed a rare instance of a bot not spawning during the RAF encounter and breaking the scripting
    • Fixed yet another zone transition problem with a random encounter featuring a hole in the ground
    • Securing a certain outpost will now be properly reflected in conversation with Harmost Stavros
    • [Expedition] Lemurian Security Marine Armor is now considered a tactical vest for trading purposes (instead of a suit)
    • [Expedition] Fixed Ray's dialogue text incorrectly stating that the player is selling the Shark when they are in fact selling the Glow
    • [Expedition] Fixed various dialogue issues when a certain npc rampages through the camp
    • [Expedition] Fixed some instances in which Aegis jet skiers could still be found patrolling around the camp island even when they shouldn't
    • [Expedition] Fixed a way to steal an Aegis Patroller without being detected, which led to some unintended behavior
    • [Expedition] Fixed a visual artifact seen while wearing a female version of the bison leather overcoat with a crossbow equipped
    • [Expedition] Pirate Deucers and Sormirbaeren Pilkaesters are no longer immune to chill
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger returning some of his own items alongside the ones the player gave him at the end of the questline
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed some exosoldiers not despawning from The Compound after a certain event
    • Various minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 12 August 2024 Summary: Bugfixes
  • Bugs
    • [Heavy Duty] Fix the bug that would cause wind up to provide action point reduction to all weapons instead of that specific minigun
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed being able to summon exosoldiers at the training grounds in The Compound even if none are available
    • Various minor dialog/zone fixes


Release Date: 2 October 2024 Summary: New craftable boots, bugfixes
  • Items
    • Added Greaves blueprint
  • Bugs
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Rag's trapdoor displaying a "blocked" message if he opens it before the player does
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed minigun disappearing from female player's hands while wearing a tac vest with black overcoat
    • Fixed the bug that would sometimes cause game to crash when thrown acid barrel kills someone
    • Fixed Makeshift Chrono-repeater not being considered a psionic headband for trading purposes
    • Core City station in Upper Underrail is now a controlled zone
    • Various minor dialog/zone fixes

Older versions

For older versions, see Version history/Underrail 1.1.
For older versions, see Version history/Underrail 1.0.
For older versions, see Version history/Beta.
For older versions, see Version history/Alpha.
For older versions, see Version history/Pre-alpha.