Black Rock Totem

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This page contains content from Underrail: Expedition expansion.
Black Rock, suspended in a snake totem

Suspended at the center of a giant coiled snake skeleton is a piece of incredibly black rock. Its blackness, however, seems both more substantial and emptier than a mere lack of reflected light. It's like a gaping wound in the fabric of reality.

An offcut of the larger Shadowlith, worshipped by the Sørmirbæren as a vessel of their god. It, along with Øyensørm are resposible for the nightmares at the expedition camp.

It can be found in the Sørmirbæren Temple at B12.


Requires Will (7Verify)

"You focus your mind on the monolith and let its darkness envelop you. All the thoughts you direct towards the monolith are swallowed by the bottomless well of darkness. You plunge yourself deeper into the void, but soon you find yourself stuck. Every now and then, with your mind's eye, you can see a dim spark inside the void that lights it up. When the void is lit up, you catch a glimpse of many sounds, colors, shapes, and thoughts that inhabit it, but only as if through a fog - you have no hope of clearly making out any of them. It's as if your consciousness is not the right shape to fit through to a deeper place. Suddenly something awful brushes against you, something both squishy and slimy as well as rough and jagged. You panic and claw your way back before it can take hold of you."

See Also