Template:Fusion Cannon/2

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Fusion Cannon.png
Fusion Cannon
Fusion Cannon
An experimental hand-held fusion cannon, maybe the sole representative of its portable kind. Functions by imploding a magnetically-confined plasmoid through laser-induced cavitation before accelerating it toward the target just as nuclear fusion between its compressed particles begin to occur.

Warning: Low in stray neutron radiation but not devoid of.
Damage: 262-336
Energy: 131-168
Electricity: 131-168
Impact speed: Very High
Base action points: 50 AP
Range: 14 (optimal: 10)
Close quarters precision: -34%
Move and shoot precision: -15%
Critical chance: 5%
Critical damage bonus: 100%
Minimal strength: 8
Minimal weapon skill: 160
Special abilities:

Attack Ground (Grenade Launcher).png Attack Ground (Fusion Cannon): Fire at the targeted spot on the ground with the currently equipped weapon.

Energy usage per shot: 35
Energy: 244
Durability: 2490 / 2490 (electronic)
Can be disassembled.
Weight: 13.85
Value: 100000
Main article: Fusion Cannon

This page only contains one of the infoboxes used on the Fusion Cannon article.