User:Individualogist Review 13

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By experiencing the Source within the mind Individualogist naturally settles down. When the mind settles down, the body settles down to an extremely deep state of rest; measurably twice as deep as the deepest sleep at night. It doesn't take years of practice to develop this deep state, it happens the first time someone Ascends. When we begin to Ascend, life immediately begins to improve. As we continue to Ascend, our mind becomes more and more familiar with the deeper levels of Consciousness. What we focus on grows, so as we give focus to our Consciousness it expands and as it expands we realize more and more of who we really are.

Ascension means to rise beyond. What we are rising beyond are the limiting internal beliefs of separation that block and obscure our connection to the Reality that lies within us. Many spend years and fortunes attempting to do this and not really achieving very much. Einstein said that it is impossible to solve a problem from the level that it was created at. This is very much true when it comes to changing the internal programs and habits whose roots go deepest. The Ascension Attitudes take our mind directly to the Source every time we use them. By going to the root the whole plant is enlivened. By connecting to our Consciousness every aspect of our life is improved. The old habits of thought fall away very easily because they are replaced by a more pleasurable experience of life.

The path to Enlightenment is not a forced marched of giving up the things that we love. It is not necessary to isolate ourselves for years in a cave. Nor is it necessary to adopt rigid disciplinary practices in order to transcend our egoic self. Expanding consciousness is a path of Joy!