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Messages - markkram

Pages: [1]
Builds / Shotguns/Knives Build with great PSI
« on: August 16, 2023, 07:06:12 am »
I was thinking to try a run with a mix build specialized in using throwing knives or shotguns and psi. Any suggestion? At the moment I'm using as a guideline these two builds:

What about the technology skills, which are really important and which can be avoided if one has enough mercantile?

This would be the draft of my start build: h-t-t-p-s://

It seems that the Zoom & Boom build invests much later in throwing and guns - isn't this a bad choice? I mean does it make any sense starting to get good with guns so much later in the game if the build is ought to be based on "agile shotguns" play? And isn't throwing very useful because of grenades and the like?

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