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Messages - kamax3

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Development Log / Re: Dev Log #4: Laying the Foundations
« on: June 24, 2022, 04:46:34 am »
As a programmer myself (iOS & Android) that's super cool to hear about the actual game development processes and custom tooling you're writing to get this off the ground.
I wish more game studio's did this! Makes you wonder how other studios handle dialog trees... Actually, I think I know. They don't handle them... all dialog leads to the same outcome in most "rpgs". Or it leads to the "good" choice, or the "evil" choice. Always love to see Fallout(1&2) style nuance in dialog trees (Although that's probably what leads to the notorious buggy launches). Seems like your tooling might be a solution to that. Anyways keep it up bre.

Suggestions / Re: Prequel idea: Descent
« on: September 11, 2020, 10:17:36 pm »
Cool ideas breh. Very much reminds me of the Mega corporations of ShadowRun ( I get the feeling a lot of Underrail is influenced by Shadowrun actually. Probably why I'm such a big fan.

Its gonna be a long time before Styg and team get to this setting (hopefully some day), but if you're interested in games that already have a similar vibe as what you describe, checkout Shadowrun on snes emulator (, or the Shadowrun trilogy on Steam (

Suggestions / Re: Of Riot Gear and Metal Shields
« on: September 08, 2020, 04:02:10 am »
Definitely had this same idea while playing my spear/riot shield build. I ran burrower for the weight/block ratio, and nothing else really could compare. Wish there were more options. More pros/cons when deciding between what to craft with.

Suggestions / Re: Psycho-temporal Contraction
« on: September 03, 2020, 03:44:12 am »
I agree with OP. RNG not great and could be reworked for end result that feels much better, and rewards specialization in TM much more.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #3: Real-time 3D Models
« on: September 03, 2020, 03:41:04 am »
Wow! Still early but this is already shaping into something special. Can't wait.

Bugs / Re: Music cipher text in bold
« on: August 25, 2020, 09:59:47 pm »
Exactly ☝️ . Updated with in-game image.

Bugs / Music cipher text in bold
« on: August 25, 2020, 04:46:11 pm »
In latest playthough I noticed parts of the octave key text is now in bold, whereas before there were actual asterisks in the text. If you copy-paste the test, it still shows the asterisks however. It looks like the asterisks are being processed in game now and converting the text to bold? I only bring this up because without the asterisks it makes the puzzle much harder to solve for those brave enough to solve the puzzle by sheer intellect alone

Mickey's keys:

Copy-pasted output


Interval key: minor seventh, perfect unison, perfect fifth.

Octave keys:

Key 1: 6304****74*474737446*4
Key *: 6303****47*7714444774*44
Key *: 6307****771*777647
Key *: 6307****47*743734446*776::

[Updated with image]

Builds / Re: I'm trying to make my own Spectre build from Starcraft
« on: August 11, 2020, 06:11:21 am »
Disclaimer: I've never run a pure sniping build

I'm confused. You didn't pick up Snipe, Sharpshooter or Shooting Spree? Those seem like the foundation for snipers to me.
Your crafting needs a huge pump. If you don't already know, most of your stealth skill is going to come from items that you craft. You'll want tailoring at 130 at least I think. Some for mechanics if you want to maximize damage with your rifle.
Drop psychosis, not worth it, especially with new innervate system. I'd pick up Gun Nut along with other three feats mentioned.

General / Re: New Stygian Software Developer
« on: August 11, 2020, 05:57:15 am »
Waterways was hardcore. Appropriately difficult as a late game dungeon imo, and a good time. Loved the difficulty and progression. I think the difficulty made me search for different ways/paths of tackling the encounters, since my first head-on attempts were usually not successful. I appreciated the Galvanic vests placed everywhere... gives players options to whip something up in a pinch without needing to head back to base (hint - you'll need that electric resist). Great loot all around.

The lore was interesting. At first I was bummed that I unwittingly signed up for another mass genocide of muties, but then learning about Biocore made it feel somewhat justifiable. The buildup to the semi-boss and hints of the new armor was cool too. I will say I'm a little underwhelmed with the armor. Its a cool idea but not sure how useful it really is given the stats. I feel like it should be a new armor type that goes "over" your existing armor piece... also should prevent caltrop damage.

Another thing - the original reason for going to the waterways is a quest you get from the Rig. I felt like, for as big as the dungeon is, it took too long to find Kaya and the survivors. In the same cave where Kaya is there is another guy, I think it would be better if this guy was spaced out earlier on in the dungeon. It would be a cool payoff earlier on that -hey, I'm on the right track, here is one of the survivors, keep going to find out what happened. Or if not him, a new npc survivor from the group, or even just a dead guy with a note on his body about the mission. Would be helpful and add depth to the mission I think.

Other than that, very interested to see what happens with Kaya. For me at least, it seems her story isn't over. idk.

Suggestions / Re: Forcefield ajusts and some ideas for firearms
« on: August 09, 2020, 04:37:25 am »
Is Force Field even worth casting at this point? Gets one shot by anything that hits it

Ya, so far my best start is flash'nade two snipers, one shot shock trooper. Then try to run to cover behind the seating for cover.. I lasted until third round when they finally got me. Damage is so high here and build isn't really able to tank for too long, especially with EMPs and aimed shots. Might come back to this later.

Playing on the latest patch, this area is brutal, and I haven't figured out a way to get past the first guards at the entrance. Right off the bat, there are 2 snipers, and 2 shock troopers who easily one shot me (Also 2 heavy gunners and 1 shield dude). The real issue is that there isn't anywhere to really take cover here, so you're forced to take the blunt of all attacks, and I haven't made it past round 1 yet....  lvl 23 & build for reference:

Normally my solution would be clever usage of Force Field + zone control. Give yourself cover while at the same time, forcing enemies to path a certain direction towards you, causing groupage, easy 'nade combo's, etc. However with the new Force Field change, this strat just isn't possible anymore. Literally, Its almost completely useless now (or maybe just useless on dominating). So far its gone like this: I deploy FF -> sniper one shots FF -> other sniper or shock trooper 1 shots me.

Doesn't it seem a little heavy handed that Force Field went from being invincible, to being easily 'one-shot'able by most enemies? Doesn't it seem like there should be a middle ground? At least give it enough hp to guarantee that its not gonna fall over like a house of cards the first time an enemy touches it. I'm OK with it being destructible, but I think it deserves a significant bump in HP. 3x hp? Even then it would only take a few enemies to destroy it.

This post turned into half suggestion, half desperate cry for help 8)
What are thoughts on the new FF?
What are some strategies I can try to dominate these protectorate cans? send help

Suggestions / Treat Psi Reserves Like Gun Durability
« on: July 28, 2020, 07:50:39 am »
Others have brought up the issue that 500 total reserves is too limiting and final. Especially for pure psionics where running out equates to a death sentence. It feels so final and sudden, especially on certain psi-focused builds.

Suggestion - Why not change the penalty to behave more like gun durability? You could do something like, As the reserves go below < 20%,  chance to hit with psi spells start to lower, all the way to 0 psi reserves where the chance to hit is 50%. This would bring the system a little closer inline with the durability system used by guns, and also not be so final, in the sense that fights can still continue even when reserves hit 0 (just not very efficiently, like using a broken gun). I can see how some may not like this, as the last 100 psi reserves introduces a new 'chance to hit' penalty for psi spells, but I think its a good compromise that would allow long fights to not necessarily end so abruptly. I'd like to think of Psi Reserves as reflecting mental fatigue, not an empty gas tank.

Another thing I'd suggest while we're on the subject. Psi Reserves feels like something that should increase with level, and/or willpower. It seems a bit strange that a level one greenie would have the same amount of mental/cognitive reserves as a level 30 vet. Or that a mental wizard with heroic willpower wouldn't have a greater amount of psi reserves than a lovable brain-dead oaf who can punch guud.

All in all though, I appreciate the refinements in the last two hotfixes. Keep it up.

Suggestions / Re: Hybrid Psi Perks/Abilties
« on: July 28, 2020, 07:01:16 am »
Neat. Could add some interesting dynamics to the game.

Suggestions / Re: Psycho-temporal Contraction Nerf
« on: July 27, 2020, 01:43:49 am »
When I tried it it was -17 AP for 6 turns. A little excessive if you ask me.

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