Underrail > Bugs

Report spelling/grammar errors

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In this thread you can report spelling and grammar errors that you encounter (dialogs, item descriptions, etc). I'll update this post to note which ones I corrected, so please check it out before posting an already reported one. Forget it, can't be bothered to keep a list, so feel free to double post.

Thanks for the suggestion, Spinewire. ;)

After finding Mordre at the lake and asking him his name, he says: "I'd tell you that, but they I'd have to kill you. Just call me Mordre". I think the old joke is supposed to be: but "then" I'd have to kill you.

This may have already been pointed out, if so I apologize, just thought I'd mention it anyways.  I am currently playing as a female character and there have been few cases where other characters will say 'his' instead of 'hers' when referring to me.  I'm sorry I can't remember exactly where it occurred, but I know it happened at least twice in my play-through so far.


--- Quote from: Soli on January 05, 2013, 08:31:00 pm ---This may have already been pointed out, if so I apologize, just thought I'd mention it anyways.  I am currently playing as a female character and there have been few cases where other characters will say 'his' instead of 'hers' when referring to me.  I'm sorry I can't remember exactly where it occurred, but I know it happened at least twice in my play-through so far.

--- End quote ---

I know where one of the occurrences is at least.

If you run into it again please let me know who were you talking to.


Poison Caltrops -

 At the end of the items descriptiom its says 'There Caltrops have also been poisoned with Burrower poison'.


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