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Messages - sheepherder

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Bugs / Re: Some bugs
« on: February 02, 2021, 06:40:15 pm »
Another one I remembered. Sprint doesn't work when on jetskis, but the bonus MP from Sprint remains present if you activate Sprint before getting on a jetski.

Bugs / Re: Some bugs
« on: February 02, 2021, 11:21:48 am »
Keep 'em comin'. :)
If you say so:

Not 100% sure it's a bug, but after a chat on Discord, it seems it may be one, as it functions differently from Sprint and Expert Sprint.

Cast Psycho-temporal Contraction on yourself followed by Limited Temporal Increment, then end the turn. Next turn, Cast Stasis on yourself. After stasis ends, cast LTI again so Contraction comes off CD. Now you can cast it on yourself again, while the previous Contraction is still active. This adds additional AP/MP from the new Contraction on top of the AP/MP from the Contraction cast before the stasis and refreshes the duration of Contraction status effect. Thus you get +40 AP and +60 MP from the two Contractions in the same turn.

With Infused hopper Tabis you can do the same with Sprint and Expert Sprint, but it only refreshed the duration, it does not add additional AP/MP on top of the old AP/MP.

Bugs / Re: Some bugs
« on: January 29, 2021, 06:30:04 pm »
Fixed all of the map bugs but the Lemurian one. Couldn't figure out why it happens, and it looks normal in my game. Does standing on a specific tile reveal those walls?

I've seen the walls several times on several characters. Not sure if they show up only when standing on some very specific tile. On this char they show up regardless of where I stand. It's the walls of this room.

Also, some more bugs I forgot to mention. During the Praetorian questline, the sewer generator quest:
When getting the keycard to the room with the generator thingy. If I enter through the roller doors and pick up the keycard, the rat closes the roller doors and spawns the bilocation doubles, but if I blow up the rocks beforehand and enter through the back entrance and then pick up the keycard, there's no rat and no bilocation doubles.

Insert the generator thingy into the generator. Walk to about over here. Press enter. Move forward, I think finishing on the bridge is enough. The rat does not spawn. Can complete the quest without fighting the rat.

Builds / Re: Dragon - Metathermics only psi build on Dominating
« on: January 25, 2021, 10:05:03 am »
I've played a PK only build too :D It was a Tranquility build with specced Psychostatic Electricity for +50% crit chance. Didn't finish it, got to early-mid 20s. Maybe some day.

imo PK is the most powerful single psi school build, or at least I had the easiest time with it, compared to other psi specialists. With stacked crit damage bonuses, Electrokinesis did absurd damage and it also covered the AoE part well enough, never had trouble with it.
For single target damage I had the punch and implosion. Only enemies that gave me trouble were Psi Crabs and Greater Coil Spiders. The crabs are immune to electrical damage and have considerable mech DR/DT. Spiders are immune to electro damage too, but are much squishier. Punch and implosion did an alright job dealing with them, but both have CDs, so it'd always take a while to deal with those enemies.

Also, electrokinesis can't jump back to you. Only Electroshock pistols can jump back.

Suggestions / Practice dummy/punching bag with crits
« on: January 22, 2021, 05:13:50 pm »
I'd like to suggest adding a practice dummy/punching bag type object somewhere, maybe the player house in Core city.
It'd have a 1000000 HP, would be susceptible to critical hits and vulnerable to status effects which can be applied to organic targets. It'd be also nice to have an agro switch to go along with it, to be able to stay in combat between turns.

Builds / Re: Force Emission based puncher?
« on: January 18, 2021, 12:25:47 pm »
Characters regenerate health only when above 90% or 95% of HP. Below that, they don't regenerate HP.

Builds / Re: Force Emission based puncher?
« on: January 17, 2021, 11:37:28 pm »
I'd recommend both :D But if you want to deal tons and tons of damage, then pick Combat Gloves, for sure. They're more or less a single stat weapon, which means they easily get Survival Instincts without sacrificing much.

And grab Expedition, it's well worth it.

Builds / Re: Force Emission based puncher?
« on: January 16, 2021, 06:19:04 pm »
Damage from Force Emission cannot crit and is based on effective Psychokinesis so you won't be able to get them higher than what you see in the video unless you spec into WIL/STR but you can't because you need them for DEX. When you use Pneumatic Leather Gloves the damage is higher per hit vs. bare fist. If you build critical chance and critical damage bonus as high as possible the damage differences are even higher. Factor in critical Pneumatic strike damage and you'll discover Force Emission damage are too low and not needed. After watching the video I'm even more convince than before you are better off saving those psi points to cast CC psi abilities.

I think Force Emissions work quite well with Unarmed, but I wouldn't use it with Combat Gloves, because as you said, the damage from Pneumatic gloves completely overshadows the damage from Force Emissions. Combat gloves can max DEX and ignore STR, only losing Heavy Punch/Wrestling/Bone Breaker.
Unarmed on the other hand, needs the multiplicative damage bonus from STR and Force Emissions, because it has fewer ways to increase it's damage output, plus the base damage is fairly low. It can then get just enough DEX to reach 4 AP or 5 AP attacks.

Builds / Re: Dragon - Metathermics only psi build on Dominating
« on: January 15, 2021, 08:56:41 am »
The focus on Pyrostream is because I wanted to play a Metathermics only build. A crit build would obviously be better - more damage, better damage distribution, would cost less AP/psi, etc. But I really didin't want a crit build, so I tested all the MT psi abilities until I found out how Pyrostream can be made work quite well and discovered that Thermodynamicity bug.

And no, I think I'll leave a Neurovisual Disruption build to someone else. How about you go give it a go? :D

Bugs / Re: Some bugs
« on: January 08, 2021, 10:23:48 pm »
Fixed the new batch, except for magnar and stats that are off; I'll leave that to Styg.

The mindshrooms... that bug can happen anywhere. Funny no one noticed that earlier. Once they regrow they'll be set properly the next time you pick them.

The Naga and the turrets become your allies once you activate them, and they'll defend you against Aegis in case of hostility. So yes, that's intended.

Keep 'em comin'. :D
A couple more, not many this time.

The doors on the bottom level GSM do not automatically open with the "Automatically Open Doors" option enabled. I don't remember if it's all of the doors, but the ones in the kitchen and in the room with the two gangsters and the elderly citizen for sure.
Psionic Accelerator applies it's +50% psi point bonus to psi boosters. Intended?
Cast Pyrokinetic Stream then immediately enter a vent. Sounds like someone is blowing into a mic real hard.

Out of bounds. I walk there through where the mouse cursor is placed:

Foundry, train area. Looks like I'm standing in the platform support:

Walls in the void. Lemurian warehouse, the floor with Phil's arm.

Builds / Dragon - Metathermics only psi build on Dominating
« on: January 08, 2021, 04:58:58 pm »
Poor poor Pyrokinetic Stream. It sits abandoned in your Innervation screen, surrounded by the likes of Neurovisual Disruption and Disruptive Field, waiting patiently for you to free up a slot and use it in battle. Give Pyrokinetic Stream a well-deserved second chance. Go and craft yourself a headband with Magnifying Neuroscopic Filter: Pyrokinetic Stream, stack AP cost reductions, pile on psi cost reductions and enhance your psi point regeneration. Together, on Dominating, we will use Pyrokinetic Stream to scorch Underrail with jets of searing flames and set its tunnels ablaze.


The in-game description of Pyrokinetic Stream states, that it will only stop when you run out of AP or Psi points, but that’s not exactly correct. There’s a hard-coded upper limit to how many additional ticks of damage you can get. A full cast of Pyrokinetic Stream is limited to 14 ticks per cast - 3 initial ones you get from casting the ability and up to 11 additional ones.
  • The cost of the initial cast is 20 AP and each additional tick that comes after that costs 10 AP. Unfortunately, Tranquility and Premeditation only apply to the AP cost of the initial cast, not the ticks that come after. A full Pyrokinetic Stream costs 130 AP.
  • Pyrokinetic Stream intial psi point cost is 25, plus 5 for each tick. But here’s the kicker – any reductions to Psi cost you get from feats, gear or consumables will not applied to the cost of additional damage ticks. So, 80 psi per full cast.
130 AP and 80 Psi per full cast. That’s not sustainable. At all.


Okay, let’s work on AP cost first:
  • Thermodynamicity reduces the initial cost down to 10 AP and the cost of any additional ticks down to 5 AP. Keep in mind that Thermodynamicity is the only thing which modifies the AP cost of the additional ticks.
  • Specializing into Thermodynamicity further reduces the AP cost down to 7 AP for the initial cast and to 3 for additional tick.
  • Tranquility is applied after Thermodynamicity and reduces the cost of the initial cast to 2 AP.
We are down to 35 AP per full cast. Not too bad, considering all other Metathermics psi abilities will also get to enjoy the AP cost reduction of Thermodynamicity and Tranquility. You’ll come to appreciate 7 AP Cryokinetic Orbs and 4 AP Cryokinesis.


Thermodynamicity is currently bugged with Pyrokinetic Stream:
  • Use premeditation and cast Cryokinesis or any other cold based Metathermics psi ability for 0 AP to get Thermodynamicity: Heat status effect (Heat version reduces the cost of heat-based psi abilities).
  • Now cast Pyrokinetic Stream. Normally, after casting a heat-based psi ability Thermodynamicity: Heat would be replaced with Thermodynamicity: Cold. However, due to a bug (at least I think it’s a bug), this does not happen. Instead Thermodynamicity: Heat does not get removed unless you run out of psi points.
  • Which allows for repeat casts of Pyrokinetic Stream until the duration of Thermodynamicity: Heat runs out. It lasts 2 turns and with Adrenaline, this amounts to 4 casts of Pyrokinetic Stream total over the 2 turns.
Even if the bug gets fixed, you’ll still be able to use Cryokinesis for 4 AP, to get Thermodynamicity: Heat back. That’ll only cost you 1-2 ticks of Pyrokinetic Stream.

Fire at competitive prices

Psi point cost comes next. The main point of stacking psi cost reductions is to allow this build to utilize Pyrokinetic Stream without having to forfeit other Metathermics psi abilities, as psi point reduction does not apply to the additional ticks of Pyrokinetic Stream:
  • At endgame qualities, a Psionic Muffler on a single school headband can provide around 35% psi cost reduction.
  • Specialized Psycho-neural Optimization adds another 15% reduction.
  • Lastly, a tactical vest made with Psi Beetle Carapace is another 10%.
With all that, the psi cost is down to ~40%. Endgame Cryokinetic Orb costs 19 psi points, Pyrokinesis is 15 and Cryokinesis is 6. The psi cost of Pyrokinetic Stream is 10 for initial cast, plus 5 for each tick. ~65 psi points per full cast. Still pricy, but with other psi abilities cheap, the cost isn’t as prohibitive.
There’s also Advanced Psi Empathy and Beetle Brain Soup, but the former comes very late (and I didn’t pick it for this build) while the latter is somewhat rare.

Pools of fire

Without ways to reduce the psi cost any further, it’s time to increase the amount of psi points available. Remember, Pyrokinetic Stream will stop streaming if you run out of psi points so having a large pool of psi will prevent that:
  • Base psi point pool is 100.
  • Add another 25 from Meditation.
  • And another 15 from Neurology.
  • And another 15 from Philosophy III.
  • And another 10 from Sørmirbæren Staff-spear.
And... and... and that’s it. Total 165 psi points and 825 psi reserves. 1072 reserves with Expanded Psi Capacitance.

Fuel to the fire

Lastly, to make good use of the large psi point pool and reserves, psi point recuperation could use some work:
  • 18 Will and 9 Intelligence gives 18 psi point regeneration.
  • The Staff-Spear adds another 1.
  • At level 28 I got Mantra (although the game is pretty much done at that point).
  • Psionic Accelerator increases the psi point regeneration AND increases the psi points gained from using psi boosters by 50%.
We end up with a sweet 36 psi point regeneration per turn. On top of all that, this build also has Fast Metabolism, which makes psi boosters replenish 100 (150 when Psionic Accelerator is active) psi points on use. All in all, it’s very rare to run out of psi points past mid game.
Although Advanced Psi Empathy might have been a better pick for level 28, I wanted to have higher regeneration instead. Also, if you really really wanna, you can also use Hypercerebrix for some extra psi regeneration, but I never bothered.


Damage of Pyrokinetic Stream scales linearly throughout the game, with some minor jumps as better components become available. The build was smooth to play from the start. By endgame Pyrokinetic Stream deals somewhere around 1400 heat damage per cast to all targets in a straight line. This is without Empowered Metathermics. That’s quite good.
Pyrokinetic Stream isn’t exactly a boss killer but can melt groups exceptionally well. Not many enemies in Underrail can survive being blasted for 1,4k damage to the face, twice a turn. Even enemies which are resistant to heat eventually get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of damage this build can spit out in a turn.
Except big robots. Dreadnaughts are doable but require many many casts and Nagas are out of the question. Expedition bots in general are a pain in the ass.
Oh and Pyrokinetic Stream doesn't crit.

Third degree burns

To top it all off there’s also Pyromaniac. With so many ticks per cast, Pyrokinetic Stream has a near guaranteed proc of Burning. While damage of the DoT is nothing to write home about due to the low-ish damage of each individual tick, the Fear effect that comes along with it is worth a feat point.


Faceless Commander. The only part of DC that I enjoy.


Fort Apogee. Killed the Dreads last. Good fight:

Black Crawler, just to see if I could do the whole dungeon without reloads. Turns out I couldn’t, because my own Cryokinetic Orb killed me. Smooth otherwise:

The build
No damage grenades, traps past Newton, except for the Beast fight.

Suggestions / Keyboard shortcut in the craft window
« on: January 05, 2021, 04:30:20 pm »
Would it be possible to have a bindable keyboard shortcut to craft a selected recipe in the Crafting window?

General / Re: Post-nerf sniper rifle
« on: January 05, 2021, 06:15:22 am »
Crossbows? Don't you mean Electrical Chemical Pistols? ;D

General / Re: Post-nerf sniper rifle
« on: January 03, 2021, 07:15:08 pm »
Sniper Rifles are now Shooting Spree Rifles. Spec into Shooting Spree, get crit chance to 100% and grab a Spearhead.
On the first turn, kill 4 or sometimes 5 things (2 shots from Shooting Spree, 2 more from 70 AP and sometimes 1 more if Rapid Reloader procs). Use Limited Temporal Increment (if 4 kills) and next turn Shooting Spree is off cooldown! Repeat!

Maximise Thought Control every level.

TM eventually reaches 150 effective with just 70 base. The base value is required for Stasis. So get 45 for Psycho-Temporal Acceleration, later 55 for Contraction, then 60 for Future Oriented and eventually 70.

Throwing isn't very important to get to 125 effective. Get it to as high as you need. But the 125 value is for 90% accuracy at max range without moving. Even if you do target a tile with a grenade which is out of grenade throw range and it shows under 90% accuracy, the character will still need to move up to throw a grenade there, so the accuracy will be 90% again.

Stealth is also not necessary to max out. Stop once you get to ~150 effective (with gear) for the Greater Coil Spiders. There are few enemies who will insta spot you with 150 stealth, like the Grey Army Spec Ops guys or the blind fire boss of the natives, but such perceptive enemies aren't common.

Get Mercantile 92 (+3 from Underpie for 95 total) for Constantine merchantile check. It's not super urgent, but it's better to get access to his extended stock as soon as possible to be able to visit him as many times as possible for more chances to get better quality components. I'd also get it to 105 effective eventually, for Katia, Institute merchant, Ray and Tony if I don't get on the Expedition as Invictus. But that's after other skills are leveled.

For crafting:
At the start you'll need some Mechanics and Tailoring for a tactical vest with a psi beetle carapace. The quality of the components does not matter at all. You only need it for the 10% psi cost reduction. So put 15 in both and forget about them for a bit.
You'll also need Biology and Electronics for psi headbands. And just Electronics for a taser. Level them up and keep leveling according to the components you find.
Ignore Chemistry. It was for gas grenades for the Beast fight, but I ended up not needing to use those, so you can skip it entirely.

The final effective values are with house+Underpie+Hypercerebrix. Since I rarely get 164q components :'( , they're more for reference.

Mechanics crafting is for 104 quality (max available) psi beetle carapace.
Electronics is for 164 quality double energy shield.
60 Biology is for processing Psionic Accelerator components on the go, to save me some weight. You lower it if you don't mind lugging unprocessed components around.
Tailoring is for 164 quality tactical vest.

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