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Topics - Faeren

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General / Bad Performance in Proton compared to WINE?
« on: July 23, 2020, 12:16:36 am »
I used to run Underrail in WINE and didn't really have any issues, recently started playing it again using Steam and Proton seems to result in a lot of stuttering and general performance issues, has anyone else had a similar experience?

Tested a few times checking their bodies, none of them appear to carry an insignia, this is both strange in-universe and a bit of a pain as it's the only way (without pickpocketing) to obtain this oddity when siding with the black eels that doesn't involve killing someone just to get an oddity.

Bugs / Acid Pistol entanglement bugs.
« on: August 16, 2019, 09:20:04 pm »
The first is that, if the player applies a good entanglement (high damage per turn) then keeps firing at the target, they can end up re-applying a worse entanglement that deals less damage, while not a bug per se this kind of sucks since it basically disincentivises continuing to shoot at the target, as you can actually end up dealing less damage if you replace a 200DPT entanglement with a 50DPT entanglement. It would be preferable if a new entanglement was only applied if it has higher damage per turn than an existing entanglement.

The second is that entanglement damage doesn't seem to take the damage the target resisted into account:

Here I hit the strongman for 141 damage, with him resisting 76, my Acid pistols's entanglement deals 212% of damage dealt over 2 turns, that should be 106% per turn or in this case 149, however we're dealing 230 per turn, divided by 1.06 this is almost exactly 217, which is the damage I dealt before the Strongman's resistance was taken into account.

Suggestions / Net/Entanglement immunity state.
« on: August 16, 2019, 09:09:01 pm »
Currently, the player has a 4 turn cooldown on Throwing Nets to prevent them constantly netting an enemy. Presumably AI enemies do too, but this is rendered useless once multiple enemies have nets. The best example of this being the Sormirbaeren beach invasions. They throw nets so much that you can be rendered completely immobile for turns on end by nets, for a character with limited range this is nearly as bad as a stunlock, since you'll be exposed to fire from the crossbowmen but powerless to do anything except fight the melee skaeder that come in range. A 2 turn entanglement immunity state would make this less frustrating, and would also make entanglement from Acid pistols less cheesy.

Suggestions / Throwing Knife recipe "fix".
« on: August 12, 2019, 10:12:55 pm »
Currently, producing poisoned Throwing Knives produces 10 for 1 metal plate and 1 bottle of poison, requiring 3 metal plates and 3 bottles of poison to produce 30, this increased metal consumption doesn't really make sense. The recipe could simply be changed so that it requires 1 metal plate and 3 bottles of poison, producing 30 poisoned throwing knives as a result.

Bugs / Crafting Screen carryweight bug.
« on: August 12, 2019, 08:34:05 am »
The crafting screen can be used to partially nullify carryweight if carrying heavy items. The player can place something heavy such as a suit of metal armor, or a large stack of fabric/mechanical/electrical scraps into the crafting window, at which point they no longer count towards carryweight, the crafting window can then be left open while they walk around.

Bugs / Jet Ski related bugs.
« on: August 11, 2019, 03:00:13 am »
- Killing a Jet Skier (the random ones that appear around the lower caves) and taking their Jet Ski results in all other random Jet Skiers becoming hostile as long as you are using the stolen Jet Ski. Similarly, even if you aren't seen stealing it, you will be attacked on sight by Core City guards and the Aegis Sec staff at the docks if you are on a generic Jet Ski stolen from Ray's.

- Going to the Black Sea without Aegis Sec and talking to Razor results in the player acting as if they are currently employed by Aegis Sec when asked why they want to join the Pirates unless they first state "I'm not who you think I am.", maybe this is intended, but it seems a bit out of place, as shown below:

General / Accessing Fort Ceto/Progressing after expedition have left?
« on: August 02, 2019, 09:08:41 am »
Seemingly there's another questline in the Black Sea, and I'm also hoping I can somehow talk to the pirates again and enter Fort Ceto, but can't find any means of doing so. Who should I talk to to continue on from this point?

General / (Spoilers) Abyssal Station Zero surprise?
« on: August 02, 2019, 05:10:02 am »
So I've just gotten the Acorn, what am I supposed to do about the creatures that appear? They're seemingly invulnerable and can block my path, am I really supposed to run all the way to the exit in combat mode while trying to avoid getting blocked in?

Bugs / Handful of bugs.
« on: August 01, 2019, 10:55:26 am »
First is Electrokinetic Imprint going on cooldown when it is cast on an invalid location but not placed. I attempted to place one in front of a Strongman, but the position was apparently occupied, after this it was placed on cooldown.

Second is land locusts spawning out of Hives onto a body of water:

Third is serpent bodies clipping over land when they should instead be partially obscured:

General / (Spoilers) Reef Rider?
« on: August 01, 2019, 10:18:24 am »
Is there any particular importance attached to the Reef Rider, just a Yes/No would suffice, its engine and battery are apparently plot items despite being described as junk (I guess I'll try taking them to Ray's), though the main problem is I can't see any way to retrieve it without leaving another Jetski behind. I guess the best approach is to "swap" it for the Junk Jet?

General / Musical Cipher + NoT Naga Help
« on: July 31, 2019, 09:49:49 pm »
EDIT: Nevermind, I see what I did wrong, I had Perfect Unison as my second interval but had a brainfart and read it as perfect octave, solved the puzzle.

I don't want spoiled, but I'm currently in the Nexus of Technology and have cleared everywhere I can except the door locked by the Musical Cipher. I'm pretty sure i'm working through it correctly, but the decoded text I'm producing is gibberish, whereas it states in the terminal text that it was the names of musical pieces. Does this mean I'm likely making a mistake somewhere?

Additionally, when reversing the transpositions, if a note ends up on an octave not given by the octave numbers (e.g. after de-transposing it ends on octave 4 but I have octaves 3, 5, and 8 ), do I just treat it as being in the octave below the one I was transposing from (e.g. it was transposed from 5, ended up in 4, so I treat the end product as being in 3, which is before 5 in my octave numbers), or do I ignore it?

Finally, I've seen people mentioning a "Sonic Gun" as a reward for the cipher puzzle, I take it this is the intended method for dealing with the Naga at the entrance to the facility after power is on? Deactivating security and improving my security clearance with the severed hand doesn't seem to accomplish anything and the Naga is nigh impervious to damage.

For reference, I get F*AECFHHE0 for the first line, I stopped at the 0 as I assume this is the number hidden in the line I'm looking for, here's my notes and key:

General / High quality Psi-Beetle Carapace?
« on: July 31, 2019, 12:30:56 am »
Is there anywhere in the game you can get a particularly high-quality Psi-Beetle Carapace? I've dropped about a dozen from Azuridae Goliaths but they're all in the quality range 80-100, I was hoping to get a higher quality one but it seems if it's possible they don't drop from Goliaths.

General / Did I miss something with The Beast fight?
« on: July 29, 2019, 03:00:49 am »
The only people I could find to help with the fight were Saban and Dan, Saban was completely useless, he fired his pistol once per turn and did ~20 damage tops if he even hit anything. Dan occasionally did ~80 damage with a burst at close range and managed to suppress the Bladelings I guess, though there was a bug that resulted in him spending 20 seconds trying to fire before his turn ended when he ran out of ammo, drawing out the fight even more, his Plasma Sentry was helpful though I suppose.

This fight wasn't hard, but it was annoying having to do 90% of the killing for 20 minutes, was there some additional available help I missed? Failing that I guess I suggest that Saban and Dan get buffed to be less useless, if they had W2C rounds and Saban could fire at least twice a round the fight would be much less of a slog.

General / How to access Harlan's wares?
« on: July 28, 2019, 08:52:08 am »
According to the wiki Harlan is a merchant, but despite completing three quests for him there is no option to trade with him.

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