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Messages - Bruno

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Builds / Re: question on gun fu
« on: March 03, 2021, 11:49:42 am »
It looks self explanatory:

"Added Gun-Fu feat - When attacking with firearm pistols in melee range, your effective attack skill is increased by 40% (up to 60% through specialization) of your unmodified melee skill for all purposes, including the damage done"

Unmodified melee skill: so if you have put 100 points into melee, then your skill with pistols increase by 40 extra points. Your dexterity etc does not matter.

Builds / Re: Viable spear throw build?
« on: January 25, 2021, 03:56:50 pm »
You do not actually need any strength to throw a spear I think, so you could make a low str high dex melee+throwing build and use the spear as an extra throwing utility. Keep a knife in the other hand to rip people up, and throwing knives to finish an enemy with fatal throw if the spear left them with a little health left.

Builds / Re: Advice for a Stealth/Sniper/SMG Build?
« on: January 19, 2021, 02:07:53 pm »
If you want to use sniper as primary weapon and smg as backup, I'd not use Versatility, but have high perception. Accuracy and damage is much better like this.

Starting base stats: 5, 6, 6, 3, 10, 3, 4, with 3 points to spare. Put more in int if you like crafting, more in con if you like to live, or more in dex/agi if you want relevant traps or mobility feats.

5 str to use snipers
6 dex to save 1 ap/shot from all SMGs, and for general utility
6 agi for Spec Ops, Sprint, decent stealth etc
10+ per for Snipe, damage, accuracy etc
4 int not to suck completely at crafting, hacking etc. (Opinions may vary about this) I'd probably increase this to about 7 eventually.

Lots of Guns, Stealth, Traps, detection, silenced 5mm smg, sniper rifle, you are an assassin. Always plan a way out if you miss a sniper shot.

Builds / Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« on: December 31, 2020, 10:54:24 am »
How to enjoy the game if you are a somewhat new player:

-Do NOT play on difficulty above normal. This is the most important thing.

-Do not listen too much to guides. Most are made by half-crazy guys like me who have 2000+ hours in the game, and play in strange ways.

-Set your Constitution score to a decent level. Not 3. (Many guides tell you to do this.)

-To detect traps, have either:
A a decent perception score
B a decent traps skill

-For Depot A, craft or buy or find either a mutated dog or siphoner leather armor. They reist acid damage from the mutants. For robots/turrets, a tactical vest is good to use.

-Stealth is indeed great for exploring, if you use light armor. If you prefer heavy armor and tankiness, you can neglect stealth.

-You do NOT need to plan out your character in every detail!!
This is only true for maniacs like me who play on hard mode or worse. Have a rough idea of what you need and take it from there, and take advice with a healthy dose of scepticism.

Bugs / Re: "Camera problems" quest
« on: October 27, 2020, 02:03:19 pm »
Is there any benefit from *NOT* slaughtering all the helpless morons in that cave and looting their belongings?

Builds / Re: Questions about a Chemical Pistols Build
« on: October 27, 2020, 10:09:03 am »
If you want to use primarily chemical weapons, Sharpshooter+Critical Power is not useful in my opinion.

You need to move around a lot, so Sharpshooter is of limited value. Much utility from the acid gun lies in entangling, moving and hiding out of sight, and returning to fire next round. No Sharpshooter bonus then. Same thing if you want to use Ambush, then you often need to move a bit to a dark tile.

Critical Power just seems like a waste with no other bonuses to critical damage.

But as was said before, if you want to branch out into like energy weapons, then maybe it is worth it. It is a different kind of build.

Builds / Re: Questions about a Chemical Pistols Build
« on: October 26, 2020, 08:14:10 pm »
Thank you for the tips, Bruno. Quick Tinkering seems good despite the nerf. What was your perception on your stealth/chemguns character ? Did you use Ambush ? Is it viable with the low range of chemical pistols ?
No problem.
I had 8 perception, but played a personal variant with 10 constitution (I like hard characters). Had to sacrifice dexterity (7) unfortunately.

Ambush, I considered it a lot, because of my mediocre accuracy. Ambush halves enemy evasion, so it would be a great help.
Ultimately, I played until lv 16, but did not take it yet.

Reason is that I had only 2-3 shots a round (never found an advanced catalyzing belt!).
Cooked shot of course, and an Aimed shot, maybe a Quick Tinkering, a lvl IV grenade, it spent all my APs.
I could not see a way that Ambush would make my build much better. The usefulness of a chemgun is much about entagling in acid, freezing or setting on fire, and while criticals are awesome, crowd control and damage over time, it worked well enough.

Perhaps if I did not enjoy Cooked Shot so much, I would use Ambush instead, but I dont know, it is situational as well.

Oh, another thing: you get a conflict in what goggles you want to use.
Cooked Shot begs for Smart Goggles with special attack bonus. Same thing for Aimed Shot, Execute, Point Shot. Smart Goggles does nothing for your Ambush. This also made me hesitate to take the feat.

Builds / Re: Questions about a Chemical Pistols Build
« on: October 26, 2020, 01:51:36 pm »
Just a few pointers, as I just played a stealth/chemguns character.

-If you either have perception=8 or Versatility, you will have mediocre hit chance. You can have 95% cth against slow bricks or enemies up close, but against enemies at range, or e.g. Dogs, prepare for 60% hit chance. Cooked Shot can help as it is AOE, so does not care about target evasion.

-Max range of a chemgun is 7. You will need to get rather close to enemies. Prepare accordingly

-With melee Versatility, you will have to max melee to get any use of your chemgun, and have very high dex. At this point, when you need to be pretty close to enemies as well to hit them, you dont really need the chemgun, melee is better. So for me that kind of deafeat the point of the build. I would personally not do this, but that is personal preference. It is just a different build.

-Freezing enemies with a cryogun removes vision, so you can restealth and end combat. Occationally useful.

-Cooked Shot is awesome, take it at first opportunity.
EDIT: Cooked Shot at close range, like grenades, can have unforseen side effects. In my run, I managed to freeze myself, entangle myself in acid, and set myself on fire. Multiple times. Prepare accordingly.

-I used Quick Tinkering a lot. It works great with stealth. You craft heavy explosives with high chemistry, and blow enemies up, and set bear traps so you trap and actually hit evasive enemies, instead of missing 4/4 shots. Lifesaver #1 in the Arena.

Bugs / Re: You can trap yourself in place with a fishing pole.
« on: September 24, 2020, 08:52:03 pm »
Again, had this happen, this time on Silent Isle.

The fishing pole has placed itself so that the character can not move, and can not dismantle it.

The only solution is to quit and reload the latest savegame. Can be extremely frustrating to say the least.

Builds / Re: Non-Psi Special Ops Build
« on: September 05, 2020, 09:24:05 am »
Suppressive Fire give opponents a movement point penalty, this counts as a slowed-effect. Opportunist gives +15% damage against slowed targets.

This works instantly, together in all bursts fired.

So if you have both Suppressive Fire and Opportunist you get permanent +15% damage on all bursts.

Suggestions / Re: Thoughts on throwable chemical viles?
« on: August 31, 2020, 08:55:07 pm »
I'd include Spear Throw, if it works. Should be fun.

Bugs / Re: No way to activate headlamp on mining helmet
« on: August 26, 2020, 09:03:43 pm »
Ahhh thanks.

It confused me: The night vision googles is functionally the same: a piece of headgear that you charge with batteries, and turn on for an effect.

-NVG - Have to drag it from inventory/head gear slot down to the action bar. No entry in the quick invoker.
-Mining helmet - Can not drag it down from inventory to the action bar. Must be turned on via the quick invoker, or dragged from there to the action bar

It would perhaps be a good idea to have such things work the same way, so players like me, over 40 years, do not get too confused.

Bugs / No way to activate headlamp on mining helmet
« on: August 24, 2020, 06:57:19 pm »

I have bought a yellow mining helmet from Harold in the SGS engineering department.

It looks very stylish but has a serious design flaw: there is no way to turn on the headlight.

I can not activate it directly in any way, nor drag it down to the hotbar to turn it on or off. It is only possible to wear it as a regular helmet.

It seems like it should be at least possible to have it on the action bar like a night vision goggle or an ability, but that is not possible, it will not stick there. I even tried all 3 barn (regular, shift, and ctrl). And yes, I have put batteries in it.

I want my credits back, Harold.


This is at least 9 psi abilities out of 32 available that will never get use due to opportunity cost

It's actually the opposite when you think about it.

It was before that those skills wouldn't see as much use whereas now the norm becomes character with combat abilities and one psi school. Duo, Trio or All-Psi school characters are going to be the odd-balls - viable still - but odd-balls nonetheless. Possibly Tri-Psi school are going to be the rarest of the bunch.

But regardless, it's precisely because of the system now favouring single school Psi that those skills are going to see more use.
This is my thinking as well.

To this I would like to add my opinion on changes to psi, it is good.
I wished for a long time that more specialization is rewarded to encourage focus on one school, and now this is true to a degree.

it is understandable that the penalty to using multiple schools and the limit on psi powers are annoying for those used to the old system. I believe that it is a matter of adapting, there will be many useful psi builds still, and the oddest spells can find use in hybrid builds, or be tweaked a bit.

For me personally, the same philosophy applies for limits applied in the form of repair kit weight, trap weight etcetera. Play with a character who is dependent on resources like these, there is usually a solution, like the Pack Rathound feat, even specialization. Or more strength, and leaving the cumbersome loot behind, only taking the lightest, most valuable stuff.
(I did however make a suggestionin the appropriate forum earlier that the Trap Expert feat would let you halve the carry weight of traps, as an alternative way of being a trap expert.)

I do realize that some players will disagree, and that is fine. I like being punished and finding ways out, and will take quality of life feats at the cost of offensive/defensive ones if I have to, it is a matter of personal taste. (I never play on dominating dificulty.)

General / Re: Why was Spearhead nerfed? Sniper builds are hardly OP.
« on: July 22, 2020, 08:03:18 pm »
Playing as a sniper recently, I only ever used a Smart Rapid Spearhead, it was so much more conveniemt than the options.

Now the other models look interesting again. That is good.

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