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Messages - Lyca0n

Pages: 1 [2]
General / [Spoilers] Where to find the super health hypo ???
« on: August 20, 2019, 03:12:58 pm »
Yo I'll delete this after and update the wiki but is there a means of obtaining the super health hypo recipe in expedition dlc outside of the Temple of tchort west wing during infiltration.

As I missed it on my bio warfare character (who should probably be executed for war crimes might I add) on my first play through as I didn't know it was there and its sort of annoying me, if it's not possible then anyone know how I can spawn it as there isn't really a alternative route into the location of this item.

General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 20, 2019, 01:29:49 am »

General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 20, 2019, 01:29:02 am »
I know I am going to sound really bloody salty but realistically long lasting night vision battery life xD JK

I guess more of anywhere in this universe is grand eg. The rail connecting to UV filtering Biodomes on the surface in the north, deep sea settlements in marianas trench connecting to the cyberpunk dystopian hexagon with body modded horrors ect. The jet skis are also fun so anything involving underrail vehicles and combat on them sounds hardcore. TBH personally I honestly don't mind if stygs and crew move onto other projects or use the same engine to create similar games in different universe as there's a lot of creativity and love that went into this game and it shows.

EDIT: I Agree with the above post when it comes to alleviating tedium as a lot of the time when I was frustrated with the game was due to weird mechanics such as the vendor purchase limit while more immersive is infuriating and having to lug item drops back and forth is annoying, would be cool if on the home in the next game had a courier service that transport Items automatically between bases and a auto sort feature for stored items in chests. So you can just come strait back to base and get crafting/selling any redundant items.

Double Edit All the way:Finish the dudes quest and it unlocks a fast travel system that removes alot of tedium, so this feature in underrail 2 is a must

Nah I am cool now man, appreciate the gesture though ☺️

No shit 😂, thus why I and many others recommend most should backup every original file/save near obsessively when modding.Thus far after 3 hour of play and regular night vision usage I have found no problems with my sodomization of one item so it's extremely unlikely that this is gonna cause hassle

Regardless I feel like in this circumstances corrupting a old save file or two of mine is worth the risk as having to not deal with the frustration of a fusion cell worth 300 every 90 secs of illumination in a slow paced RPG is a god send.If I could have gotten the drain rate down it would have been a gameplay balance-realism tweak worthy of sharing instead of what is basically little more than a cheat but I honestly can't be assed fucking with my files further.

Discussions / Re: ''From where do you hail?''
« on: August 04, 2019, 06:02:02 pm »
........Culture-wise we tend not to plan very well.  At lot of stock is placed in 'can you do it on the spot, with five minutes or less prep, by yourself or in a small group, without knowing anything about what you're supposed to be doing before-hand.'  This has a lot to do with foreign imports being dropped in our lap and there being little idea how to use the tool or piece of tech, you just have to figure it out and not blow everything up at the same time, while your dependents look on impatiently.  Nothing ever gets made here so we don't get all the explanations that come with the product's release, why it was made, who its for, you just have to work it out and hope you got it right.  A lot of things get used for purposes they weren't designed for here, 'under-the-hood' most Australian infrastructure looks disheveled and mismatched, even when it works right.,,,,,,

Hasn't changed much then since my last visit :D Jk, Idk why but for some reason I have yet to discern when you visit australia the scenery and the people sort of stick with you, I have traveled quite a bit and the Aussies despite being half way across the globe from my own Country and filled to the brim with man eating insects/skin cancer the friendly and laid back attitude of the people around yaraka and quilpie was the closest to home (may be because of my hiberno-Aussie relatives there though)

Okay I have fixed what was bugging me......I will get the fuck off your forums now and never return.

Managed to fuck around in the files long enough to crash my game twice but after nearly unpacking every battery/goggle file and fucking in HxD I somehow now have 0  power consumption when night vision is active (I intended to simply decrease the charge so its 1 power every 60s but this works too even if a little cheaty)

Cannot for the life of you tell you what I did that worked to anyone else pissed off with the night vision. Normally I would upload the patch/fix but don't even know which fuckery worked but all I can say is THANK YOU EPELI for releasing the unpacker and leave someone else more intelligent than me to figure out how the fuck to do this.

General / Re: Underrail Setting is about hell?
« on: August 04, 2019, 01:35:30 pm »
Every heaven could be a hell in another mans eyes.......EMBRACE SLANEESH MORTAL

General / Plz help fix my Generator guzzling goggles (Sort of Solved)
« on: August 04, 2019, 01:25:16 pm »
Deleted my prev topic, yo trying to mod this this game because the insane night vision power consumption is still plaguing the back of my mind every time I activate the bloody things. Tried to use the unpacker to mod the .k files but unable to find the variable which dictates power consumption after about 3 hours with no luck and am now even trying to use cheat engine to fix the bloody thing but I have a feeling that the power number isn't as it is advertised in game ;_;

SOMEBODY PLZ HELP, I understand I am being a pedantic bitch but I am just really frustrated by the insane goggles power consumption mechanic.

General / Re: Too bad the stats aren't what I need...
« on: August 03, 2019, 07:34:36 pm »
Pfft leather.....get yourself some real armour, all I need are my nipps and a energy shield and ma fists

Other Games / Re: What madness is this?!...
« on: August 03, 2019, 07:29:44 pm »
Yup.....76 was/still is bad. Unfortunate because if this game had more polish,a story,removed the micro transaction BS and stuck to being coop it may have been a decent game but atm bethesda seems more focused on milking the atomic shop and cashing in on the battle royal craze than fixing their shit to recoup their consumer faith.

Other Games / Re: What games are you playing?
« on: August 03, 2019, 07:24:59 pm »
They are billions (after the latest release)
Kotor 2 (but rage quit recently after a save breaking bug on the fan patch)
Surviving mars (but ragequit due to the game being extremely unfinished and poorly made)
Sunless sea/sky
Dying light
Neo scav (with mods)

So overall I need a hobby/life

Discussions / Re: ''From where do you hail?''
« on: August 03, 2019, 07:16:18 pm »
ERIN GO BRA or Ireland for normal people.....also known as the worst part of the British isles and the lads in Europe that are invading Australia and Boston one Guiness at a time.

Bugs / Re: [] night vision goggles not usable
« on: August 03, 2019, 07:08:08 pm »
Noticed that too, seems to only effect the DLC areas on my save fortunately enough.Not sure of a fix sorry mate but Idk the whole night vision feature seems to be a bit unfinished IMO but hopefully the dev can patch these issues soon.

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