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Topics - snake2243

Pages: [1]
General / Syphoner man?
« on: July 18, 2017, 04:06:14 am »
Just checking back on and asking if anyone has had any luck finding siphoner man in my last thread someone made a post claiming that they found them in a certain area but when I asked him about it they did not follow up no response whatsoever can't tell if I was getting memed on. So I have to ask has anyone found the legendary siphon or man because I for the life of me cannot find him. Somebody please help me. :

General / Merchanting skill
« on: July 11, 2017, 10:42:58 pm »

Hey guys, at some point styg release a update to the marchanting skill, it went something along the lines of influencing what the vendor would sell at the time. what is your guys exp with uping that skill?

Have you noticed getting access to unique items you never saw? or higher quality items that would would have a much much more difficult time finding/only located in late game.

I'm gonna start a new game and just max that stat out to see  what i can get.

General / Syphoner man
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:03:31 pm »
Someday I will find you, you mythical zoa esc monster.

i have been conspiracy tipping that if you play the  game and wear full syphoners gear. kill all syphoners, you can get him to appaer. Closest thing I heard to syphoners and humans is that guy over at the junkyard, apparently he's such a good fisherman he can catch any syphoner...... You guys think that if we talk to rat hound king he would no the location?

General / Conspppiracy tipping
« on: August 15, 2016, 05:32:40 am »
Now just hear me out guys. I was thinking.... you think ezra could be six in disguise? I mean his face is destroyed. Almost as if someone stiched his face to themselves.

He has wires on his face, just like six.

General / Styg got interviewed, check it out.
« on: June 12, 2016, 04:49:34 pm »
Matt Barton got to interview styg, you guys get to hear styg talk! also you get to see how he looks ! (*My inner fan girl starts to scream inside*) here it is.

Also I got board, so I deccided to upload funny reaction pics to when I saw styg and the crew for the first time.


I got bored haha.

« on: March 01, 2016, 08:16:04 am »
So are you guys as stoked as I was for the ending. It's way~ to soon to be talking about it, but i hope to god a underrail 2 follows through. Six is such a badass. I hope to see the chemical assault unit makes a strong return as well. I played that kind of theme through the entire game. The CAU Armour was very usefull through out the game and never once showed it's inferiority.

Stupid Faceless not telling me the meaning of there medallion. Or was there a meaning behind it and I just did not figure it out? haha.

How about you guys? How did you feel when you beat this long ass game. I have almost 300 hours clocked into it.

General / Is Black Arrow in the game?
« on: February 08, 2016, 06:07:31 am »
This topic has sprung up 3 times and I really can't find much info on this weapon. Is black Arrow in Underrail?  Has Any one confirmed it's existence? Closest lead I could get is that it's located in Deep caverns.

I would really wish to obtain it. More importantly is black arrow actually possible? it's not some SUPER specific method to obtain it, I really hope it's not one of those "you need 14 perception and snooping if you ever want to hope find it's secret passage".

can someone or even the devs throw me a bone on it's location or let me know it's in the game located in a sertan area? Love the shit out of this game, this is my second run and I am playing a Chemical Assault Unit class I like to call it.

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