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Messages - crossfirex

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Suggestions / Re: A way to deal doppelgangers without psi.
« on: February 03, 2018, 06:20:44 pm »
I do think thought control should have more defensive ability against other thought control, and that dopplegangers should be dispersed on enemy death, or psi inhibition like poisons. At the same time the damage and the ability to bypass armor should stay. And quite possibly maybe electric damage or energy damage of some kind could be useful against them, since after all energy fields especially magnetic do have an effect in real life on brain wave related activity, this could also be seen as a helper for disrupting psi ability. Maybe make a skill to nullify your own psi but also nullify any thought control psi related effects on you?

Suggestions / Re: Serrated Bolts Mk II & III?
« on: January 31, 2018, 07:52:45 pm »
...but I'll eat the ban for this crazy man and his contraptions.

If I had to choose, I'd eat a ban for Forgotten Weapons, but hell, the Slingshot Channel is probably worth it too. But there'll be no ban sledgehammers today (with or without the electroshock), as Tchort found the the derailed man's implement of death rather impressive. Not to mention his laughter. :D

Forgotten weapons FTW, some of the most interesting designs I have ever seen.

Suggestions / Re: Serrated Bolts Mk II & III?
« on: January 25, 2018, 08:32:34 pm »
I think there isn't much you can do with serrated bolts, I mean causing bleeding by serrations is a pretty basic thing, however, maybe an armor piercing bolt variety, that can help pierce metal armor? These things did actually exist in medieval times, I would imagine it's not too far fetched for a bolt enhancement in this game. Another nice implementation would be something that cuts through anti-ballistic armors, for instance bolts that are made to cut through leather, cloth and other materials specifically.

Suggestions / Energy Melee
« on: January 25, 2018, 08:24:14 pm »
I was just thinking up a melee weapon that could be energy based beyond simply electrifying the blade. And I suppose a very simple thought came to mind, what if we just had energy blades, these could come in two forms, direct energy like say an energy knife, where the blade is made from light focused energy or something like that, although that is quite futuristic, the game already has laser/plasma based guns.

The other form is filament blades/vibro blades, pretty much a weapon that utilizes sound to help cut or stab through hard surfaces. These could come in two varieties, the first, a filament held together by means of a frame device, the second is a metal knife that has the blades edge and tip replaced with special materials to allow heat/electricity/sound to travel more efficiently.

The second option opens more than just sound ability, but the whole idea is to create energy melee so I thought it might be a good method.

Suggestions / Re: Poison knife (as an enhancement)
« on: January 25, 2018, 08:17:46 pm »
I had always wondered why they made serrated knives but not any poison melee options, I think it would make a good addition.

Suggestions / Re: Cover system
« on: January 25, 2018, 08:10:33 pm »
I actually thought this would be a good addition but it is much more difficult to implement than it looks I would say. Smoke grenades wouldn't be too far fetched though since the cryo grenade sort of already spreads like one. The only thing you'd have to implement is the sight coverage it provides and possible infrared goggles or something as a counter tactic?

On top of that, it would make for a valid melee vs. range tactic, if you had the ability to see/sense enemies (possibly adding a thought control sense ability for seeing through smoke). This would allow melee characters more viability against ranged enemies, especially at end-game levels. Plus if you had something like a feat or special ability based on perception it could also be a factor for hit chance vs. smoke.

Suggestions / Cryo Grenades
« on: December 30, 2017, 08:23:12 pm »
Can there be a more useful cryo grenade? currently the enemies never step on them while they are nearby and if you throw one at them it takes far too long to activate, and they are always moved out of the way by the time it starts gassing the area.

Suggestions / Re: Light Armor
« on: December 29, 2017, 08:08:56 pm »
I was thinking something with a better chem/fire/energy resist than that. For instance in polymer armors or gel armors a laser actually has less effect on account that the light hits the melting plastic and has a hard time going through, or like on space craft they use polymer coatings for fire proofing. Things like this included in a light armor the way it does in metal but offering a scientific approach. Not saying it needs an entirely new set of schematics, but maybe a new item that can be used in schematics like, polymer plating or ballistic gel infusions. Kind of like how kevlar cloth increases ballistic and mechanical damage resistance, polymer could be a lightweight version for energy/acid/thermal and maybe even mechanical considering a lot of new modern armor is made with it.

The difference being that in leather armor you can make it lighter and still have some energy/fire/cold resistance, and with metal as well, while the tactical vests are just about completely left out of this circle. While they do offer things like 200% ballistic damage threshold and 100/75% for riot armor, they are terribly heavier if you get any level of good protection from them, and then if you meet a single energy based enemy you just get destroyed. And by no means am I saying this is bad, but for late game as a tactical or riot armor user you have pretty much no chance since there are energy weapons all over the place. Pretty much you get forced into metal or leather if you want a good level of all around protection.

Also considering super steel I doubt a plastic based light armor would be too far fetched as far as damage resistance goes. The only difference is that when using super steel on tactical and riot armors, it has no energy protection value. While with metal you get 40-50%/20-25 Threshold mechanical and around 50-60%/20-35 threshold for energy, while at the same time you also get 40-50%/15-20 heat threshold protection. So you are really forced into metal armor for super steel. And if you use the infused leather you can very easily get some energy/acid/thermal protection from the leather you use. I am just suggesting a cloth or plating variant that could be used for tactical and riot armors that will give some level of protection against these things.

Suggestions / Light Armor
« on: December 27, 2017, 01:53:54 am »
As far as lightweight armor goes there aren't many options besides leather, but I was just wondering if there are any plans for this, since most good protective armors are heavy or have a high penalty (understandable) but it would be really cool if you could have some form of very expensive maybe, but lightweight armor variety. Meaning for instance if you are really good at chemistry you could make a special hex-woven carbon nano-fiber armor or something like that. It's just a different idea of armor being scientifically enhanced and therefor giving lighter but more protective results. Kind of like how modern armor works in most cases, first we had ceramic and steel, then titanium, then I think now they use shear thickening fluid, etc. And another for instance is how kevlar is now giving way to carbon nano-tube vests. But this is just some idea as to a scientific approach instead of just the mechanical and tailoring approach.

Suggestions / Re: Firing off a shot
« on: December 27, 2017, 01:43:41 am »
Yeah especially for trap use.

Bugs / Re: Bug in Gorsky Core City Questline
« on: December 27, 2017, 01:40:56 am »
Yeah I know how it usually goes this is like my 10th time playing through. The reason I posted this is I've never had a problem before the experimental.

Bugs / Re: Stuck in overly high resolution settings
« on: December 25, 2017, 05:32:56 pm »
I actually have an issue with full screen on my 4k TV monitor. I use 1920x1080 or anything higher and I get a tiny box where I can't see anything. Started playing in windowed mode because of this. But about 3-4 months ago I could play no problem (reason not reported before is I took a break from playing).

Bugs / Re: Bug in Gorsky Core City Questline
« on: December 25, 2017, 05:26:38 pm »
I restarted with imported character and saved over it :L

However I can describe in good detail. I went to Gorsky, got the quest, went to the dock master guy and intimidated him to let me through. After that I went through the ventilation shafts to sneak in.
Got through the ventilation shafts, into the compound, and started killing everything. Finished killing them all, went in to loot the N16 and shield package. Go to Gorsky and his friends, and all I can do is ask about the shield package and how to get in.

Also I should probably mention this is using the new experimental version.

Bugs / Bug in Gorsky Core City Questline
« on: December 24, 2017, 06:51:48 pm »
So in the questline to help Gorsky get a shipment of shield generators in core city, instead of taking the disguise I just went in guns blazing and murdered the entire place at the docks, and grabbed the shield generator package, unfortunately it now registers as me not having  complete the quest and even after taking the guys ID badge from the tavern/bar place upstairs rooms, I can't complete the quest.

I also found another bug in foundry with the murder my husband/wife questline, where if you turn one in, the other will still try and give you a quest to kill the other.

Suggestions / Throwing Weapons and Shotgun Ammo
« on: June 02, 2017, 10:56:14 pm »
I was just wondering if there will ever be a throwing weapons expansion, as I love the grenades, and throwing knives option but kind of feel like it's lacking in places like throwing axes or javelins which feel like they'd be the higher damage option with a controlled hit instead of AOE grenades. Just for the people like me who like to make throwing their main weapon skill. And maybe even throwing stars or darts? Just because I like the ninja-ness of it. I understand if this were something the game devs don't plan to do, but if you don't then why not at least open up a branch of modding for adding weapons/armor variations based on current skills available? Seems like it would be a simpler option for things like these.

Also I wanted to say that I love the new spears, shotguns and machetes. The game really needed these!

Also are we going to see specially loaded shotgun shells? like EMP/high explosve or even dragonsbreath for a flamethrowing alternative. They seem like they would fit for a shotgun, since you can do them in real life. Although in real life they are pretty expensive, maybe you could reflect that in the game as well?

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