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Topics - Phoenix7786

Pages: [1]
General / Does Gun Nut Effect Chem Pistols?
« on: June 23, 2018, 06:49:51 am »
Heya all. A Chem pistol is one of the few weapons I have had not used yet. Before I make a character capable of building them, will Gun Nut still count them for damage purposes? The wiki doesn't seem to suggest it but also doesn't exactly clarify.

General / Skill caps?
« on: September 24, 2016, 06:30:26 am »
Heya all. I've started playing this again and I was curious what the skill cap for a skill is? If there is no cap, what's an effective cap when it's no longer necessary to invest in a skill?

General / Is kevlar useless on items with no mechanical threshold?
« on: July 13, 2016, 05:03:43 am »
Heya all. If I add something like kevlar to an item with no mechanical threshold whatsoever, is it wasted? Or does it factor in all the armour from all the items I have on?

Just to clarify I don't mean expertise ticking on every turn from the bleed effect, but rather that Kneecap's bleed is based off of the initial damage you do that turn (which is why Kneecap crits are always awesome).

Heya all. I have had no problems getting suspicion to decay on generic NPC's by wandering out of GMS for a few hours. However some of the named NPC's (Gorsky and Roman) bars have not budged. Is there a reason for that?

General / Can Skinner/Clothier/etc raise the cap of item quality?
« on: June 30, 2016, 04:58:48 pm »
Heya all. I'm debating on how deep to spec my crafter and wanted to know if the various feats that raise the quality of your gear (the 20% ones) can do so beyond the cap of the item's quality? Like could I raise the quality of cave hopper leather past its cap of 30 with skinner and for the other relevant skills?

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