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Messages - Conflicted83

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Builds / Re: New playthough, build junkies and vets assist me please.
« on: June 10, 2018, 10:03:42 pm »
to get to the burrowers do you have to tell Gorsky "Hey i wanted to explore that?" or is that something different? I also did not find the two screens worth of raiders you mentioned. They aren't in the same area as the people you save, but an area connected to that from what i gather? I'll have to re-explore that whole area after i finish depot A.

Also for my next stat point, really tough choice. should i go to 6 in STR for Assault Rifles, or should i start stacking perception for better accuracy with snipers and just keep to SMG's? is it worth it to use a a silenced SMG? Are energy pistols ever going to be good enough for me with my stat distribution?

Builds / Re: New playthough, build junkies and vets assist me please.
« on: June 10, 2018, 08:31:43 pm »
I'm at 50 mercantile and i swear, no one sells the bipod right now. Secondly, i thought i would be smart and use the anatomically aware scope instead of the regular scope. Clearly that was a mistake when crafting my rifle. For Gortsby, Hoppers give oddities? I had no idea. I'll have to go collect those oddities since i never knew that.

I've taken another crack at Depot A, using my bear traps and flashes and HE nades a little smarter. The grenadier perk as well as strategically placed caltrops for those pesky melee guys is helping out too. I'm managing to clear it out now, so its alright. Im just realizing that the real strength of my build is that i have to be very crafty, patient and methodical about every group of enemies, using stealth to scout them out, place my bear traps smartly and think about how to start the fight off and get the most out of flashbanging someone + opportunist. Next level up i need to get my hack and lock up to 50 cause i'm at 35 on each. I had to go hard on crafting and mercantile and guns on my last level up. That way i can get all the oddities and loot in depot A. No big deal. I think this character will be able to survive. Eventually i should hit the point where i have some points to spare into bio for the regen vest, and some evasion possibly. Thought i might have to restart again for a minute there. So far so good!

The suit i crafted had 75% Armor penalty lol so i cant hardly move in it or burst with my SMG after doing so. We'll just sell it cause its worth a ton.

Gortsby, you mention GMS alot of different times, It has 3 floors right? I just cleared everything is one go. Is there more to it? I even got the rathounds on floor 1. I didn't kill the robots i just avoided them and got all the loot and quest stuff done, went down and rescued the people and killed the raiders.

You mention Underpassages and Lurkers, are the underpassages the places in the lead-up areas to the GMS that lead you downwards? I never bothered doing much down there as i explored a little bit and never found anything useful.

Builds / Re: New playthough, build junkies and vets assist me please.
« on: June 10, 2018, 11:58:38 am »
Well i went with

7 Dex

As my start. I chose Guns, Throwing, Stealth, Hack, Lock, Mechanics, Electronics, Tailoring, some Traps, Mercantile.

First point i put into INT

I've beat GMS compound, a bunch of stuff in Junkyard, and i'm finally to the point in the game that i'm seeing content that i've never seen. I'm at the quest to get the drill parts which is the point iv'e never progressed beyond, and i've explored outside junkyard a bit, although everything out there seems to just flat out kill me for the most part no matter what i do. The raiders in the bunker where the drill parts are supposed to be also pretty much kill me.

I just crafted a new tactical vest with ceramic plates and we'll see if i don't die so fast, its gonna hurt my stealth but i don't really care. The idea with the build was to get mercantile and my crafting and hacking and locking high enough to where i could pump up some evasion. Maybe should have done that first. I have 800 or so charons banked up, i may go work on crafting a badass SMG. I have a really low hit chance with my sniper vs these drill quest guys. Not sure where else to go to level up since everything else seems to kill me just as fast.

Builds / Re: New playthough, build junkies and vets assist me please.
« on: June 09, 2018, 03:31:28 am »
Thank you both for your informative responses, i've alot to think about. I had read other posts mentioning the food buffs, but hadn't known how to craft or where to get the exact right kind of food to help with it. And i never got far enough into the game to get a player house. The crafting i did was early tier 1 and 2 type stuff. Making stealthier armor, or a basic gun with mods. I had considered using a crossbow/silenced SMG + Traps or Nades and ditching one or the other and not going for snipers so i didn't have to invest so much into STR. Let me look at this stuff and i'll post here with what i finally decide on, and how it works out for me. Either way, this helps.

Builds / New playthough, build junkies and vets assist me please.
« on: June 08, 2018, 08:14:53 pm »
Hey guys. Familiar with the game through the rathounds, psi beetles, GMS compound and some of the Junkyard. Its been a long time since i played and the urge has struck me now that i realize the game is about to get a big update, i'd like to beat it.

My struggle is i can never stay committed to a build because my mind loves restarting. I think i've played through the first two hours of the game a dozen times now just experimenting with things to learn and enjoy the mechanics of this awesome game.

Here's what i know i enjoy the most:
CRAFTING. The crafting system is one of the things i think i will enjoy more than anything in a build i will play through the game with all the way through. Making stuff in this game satisfies my tinkering.
Nades/traps. I really enjoy them. Even on characters with 0 skill i always find myself using them.
Stealth. I usually open combat from stealth into an attack into a nade of some kind.

Other than that, I am thinking I would like to make use of a Sniper build, but i'm not married to the idea. I'm not really super into PSI - i much prefer a non-psi character that relies on weapons and combat utilities he has crafted as i find that more interesting thematically. My experience is that for some reason pistols are really weak, i assume they require alot of feats to become strong. Assault Rifle's and SMG's i've been able to use with good effect, but i only had moderate success with the last Sniper build i tried to make and kept falling back on my assault rifle alot.

I always want to do too many things, and end up stuck at the character creation screen for hours and then by the time i'm in Junkyard i'm regretting some decision i've made for some silly reason or other or get killed by some group of mobs or encounter i'm not sufficiently prepared for.

Can you guys help me focus my attention while still allowing me to do the things i find fun?

What? I was under the impression that they led to the other outposts. Do i have to go through the caves with the crazy evil mind bugs to get to the other outposts?

EDIT: I just realized the switches turn on each station. I was under the impression that there were 5 generators, not 1 generator 5 switches.

there is a set of targetable rocks in the area of the outposts... several. I've tried throwing HE nades at them... how do you destroy them?

Thanks alot, i like that build. I appreciate the advice guys. It helped when i discovered the SGS credits were worth 10 each. So i thought i would need 1600 for a basic knife to help me deal with the rats but really i only needed 160.

I'll give it a try. Appreciate knowing only needing 37 chemistry. I may take stealth or i may take another utility. Appreciate leaving me some points to work with. This game is the bomb.

General / I love the game! Need help creating a character please.
« on: May 27, 2013, 03:41:13 am »
Hello gents. I saw this game because i beat fallout 1 and 2 and love the turn based isometric combat style.
Instantly bought it and played all the way till i got to turn in finding the old man's watch and i'm in love with the game i must say.

I chose the SMG cause who wouldn't want an SMG right? But there was no way for me to get ammo for it as i had no real money and the merchants are brutally tough.
The game itself is hard, but i love that it isn't easy mode for casuals. It only makes me want to play more.
I got discouraged with my character build and decided to roll a new character but can't stick with one. Theres so much to choose from, i figured i'd ask the community as no real guides are out there and i learned alot from lurking the forums but sadly, i just couldn't get the info i needed reading posts. I must have gone through the beginning 15 times so far and killed a few rathounds each time, but i must be missing something because they are raping me. This character did well against them until he ran out of ammo in his pistol. I could probably trade alot of the loot for more, but i really just wanna start over with a character i'm more confident in.

So heres my current build

str 7
dex 7
agi 5
con 7
will 3
int 3

Guns 20
Melee 15
Dodge 20
Evade 10
Lockpick 15
Traps 15
Mechanics 20
Tailoring 20
Mercantile 20

Aimed Shot
Hit and Run

I was aiming for a Mercenary type dude who focuses on guns, but can do well with melee to save rounds if need be and has good utility and some crafting of relevant things.'
I'm just not sure how necessary stealth is to play a character like this, or how necessary psi powers are. I wasn't really interested in them so i didn't take any points in it.
Also what i need to know is how useful is moving during combat? Since movement points are separate from action points do you find yourself manuevering alot?  Absolutely any combat tips or help to get my started in the game is welcome, i really want to get into this game and get beyond activating the first power generator, but it is hard! Thanks!

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