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Topics - pan_Zagloba

Pages: [1]
Bugs / [] Feat: Evasive Maneuvers
« on: January 04, 2018, 11:34:00 pm »
In the feat description it says "...converting movement points into evasion ... for 2 turns", but in reality it works only for one turn. It dissappears immediatly in the beginning of the second turn (after player queue).
Cooldown of this ability is 3 turns.

I suppose it should be 2 turns with evasion 1 turn without (remaining cooldown), then you can use ability again?

Suggestions / Random encounters, mini-games
« on: November 27, 2016, 11:27:15 pm »
Random encounters
You travel a lot in underrail, so i thought some life should be added.
These should have a ( for example ) 4% chance to spawn after entering location
(but only in already visited earlier locations). Also encounters should scale depending to
location type ( caves, metro, facilities, subways, underrail ) and game
events ( faceless invasion, etc ).
  • animals pack, currently in game
  • random traders, you can trade ( even more rare, traders with rare items );
  • random scavengers, travelers, you can talk to about nearest city news, events, etc;
  • patrols, protectorate, other factions and gangs patrols;
  • lurkers, marauders;
  • random skirmish, hassle
    SGS patrol fighting Lurkers, Protectorate patrol fighting Lunatics, Ironheads
    vs random trader with guards ofcourse ^) etc;
  • unique encounters;

Gambling. Cards, dice, etc. Win easy money, or loose all you have.

Minor changes which i think will improve gameplay.
  • hotkey to hide walls, for better map vision
  • containers:
    • unchecked container names should be in yellow color,
      checked - grey, currently they are always grey
    • remains and `stuff` on the ground should disappear
      after some time, because junk lies forever, like organs from
      rathhounds etc
  • items should have background color in inventory,
    depending on rarity
  • add flashlights, which you can use in weapon slot to
    light area your character is facing. (will use energy, +detection )
    + also flashlight enhancement for ranged weapons,
    you'll need to activate weapon through hotbar to enable
    and disable flashlight ( +precision, because better vision )
    flashlight properties ( range, power, capacity, etc )
The game sometimes tough, especially when playing rogue. Would be nice to
have some mercenaries or unique companions.
Minimum controls:
auto-pilot in peace time ( commands `wait here`, `follow me`, [`move here` points cursor] ),
full control in fight ( full turn control )
inventory exchange.
Maximum controls:
Full control in peace mode ( using skills, items, walking, attacking, using objects ).

You can hire ( for money ) a hacker mercenary if you need to hack smth, etc.
Mercenaries should hang in cantinas and bars, they should have random level
and class ( thief, hacker, gunner, gunslinger, scientist, etc ) scaling to current or nearest City.

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