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Topics - Minarai

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Message for Developers
« on: March 20, 2020, 07:40:44 pm »
I want to vent out and that's what this message is all about. First of all you've created an awesome RPG full of the things that I like, character building, challenging fights and an interesting world to explore and then you ruined it all, forcing players to spend 100 of IRL hours trying to sell their crap, hunt for supplies, running from one dumpster to another, which are used as a bastardized storing space and gamble for super steel. Approximately every 1.5 hour this merchant marathon begins and takes for quite a while. Now let me tell you something, nobody likes your game for that, nobody likes grinding in any game, grinding ruins games and your game isn't an exception. FYI I mean,like, give the players access to these three windows, accessible when there're no enemies around:

1. Global Market, where all known merchant's stocks are pooled together. No need to run through countless game screens to visit hundreds of shopkeeps. Put super steel in here, because nobody likes to play the lottery for it and constantly go to the guy in the middle of nowhere.
2. Storage Space, where you can unload your stuff for later use, the items you bought appear here as well as the money your accountant got for selling your stuff.
3. "To sell" window, where you can unload the crap for your accountant to sell, because you have better things to do.

Instead we have to deal with the current shopping grindmare, which is a gamebreaker for me. So good job, creating an awesome RPG and then turning it into a grindy merchant simulator.

Thank you for your time.   

Suggestions / Shopping Rounds Take Too Long
« on: July 18, 2019, 09:51:15 am »
I have an idea, how to cut the time spent on selling and buying stuff. In Safe Zones you can access unlimited inventory window no need to go anywhere just unload the stuff for selling, this is your warehouse. All purchases are done using special interface where you can access all known merchants' inventory windows as well as your warehouse window and items (sold or bought) just appear or disappear in/from your warehouse. Money are transferred to your "account" or to merchants's inventories. The interface should tell you when merchants have restocked. That way tedious shopping rounds disappear and players can spend more time adventuring and exploring. Also the moment "Damn! I should have taken more guns or tactical vests" disappear entirely and yet carrying capacity still plays its role because you need to reach the Safe Zone.

Suggestions / Suggestion List
« on: March 10, 2019, 06:32:30 pm »
Hello world,

1. Separate Blueprint for Advanced Repair Kit - because nobody likes dividing stacks and assigning piles to different crafting slots.

2. I'm always feat-starved. How about +1 feat every 5 levels for passionate Character Builders. There are so many feats, that are never chosen, not
because they're bad, but because there's just no place for them. Sad thing really.

3. Customisable difficulty menu "choose your own punishment" sort of thing.

4. Keyboard shortcut for "Craft" in crafting menu. Saves time and clicks.

5. Ctrl and Shift +1,2,3,4 are bad shortcuts, because they are difficult to press with the left hand alone.
I would rather use Alt and Space instead to make my left hand happy.

6. Everybody fishes but nobody sells fish. For those of us who think that fishing is a drag, fish merchants come to rescue.
 Make food merchants sell fish or add fish merchants.

Leave your own suggestions.

Bugs / SMGs vs Rifles
« on: February 24, 2019, 06:42:31 pm »
I don't know if it's intentional but rifles have different Skills(s) to Quality(q) conversion formula than other firearms.
Usually the formula is something like s=q*0.8 but for rifles it looks approximately like s=q*0.95.

Hello dear game developers,

     I have to ask you to remove or make optional "items you sell cost less (50%,25%)" setting from "choose your difficulty" menu. It just forces players to invest more into Mercantile instead of trying other, more essential and interesting builds.75 (Spoiler alert!) is enough points for Mercantile. This artificial difficulty is just unnecessary, we are spending more than 50% of the game time doing shopping rounds already instead of questing and having action. Now we have to scrape for money and be less of hero and even more of a trader. The game already looks like a merchant simulator.
So I beg of you don't take the thrill of action and character building from the Dominating difficulty with this setting.

Thank you for your time.

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