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Messages - Vokial

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Suggestions / Re: Bullets-to-casings recipe blueprint
« on: April 02, 2020, 09:52:17 am »
I really like this idea.
Best solution would be if the game would let us break down the bullets to casings with the normal recycle blueprint.

I'm a huge fan of the custom bullets with different effects, but empty cases are very rare to find and I did not see them in shops either. One can buy or craft the other ingredients like acid vials and micro shock dispensers and whatnot, but empty cases of any kind are super rare. Need more of that 44 pls.

General / Re: Protectorate vs Free Drones from RP perspective? (Spoilers)
« on: February 28, 2020, 08:04:03 am »
CAU is something that is fundamentally evil, in it's essence there can never be a good use of it. Even if there's a land that is currently being inhabited by "bad people" in their terms, there's nothing wrong with the land on it's own. That can be put to good use later. But Protectorate being so selfish, if they encounter a territory that they can't seize, they are even willing to intentionally make another Depot A out of it. If they can't have it, nobody can, not even it's original residents. Think of the message that carries. No sane government should offer somthing like that, for it is not a deal but a threat. And certainly not offer it on foreign territory.
Stepping into areas that already have their own problems and be the laughing third, offering security to one side in exchange for complete power over them. That is not help - that's exploitation. This should always be rejected and fought against. Freedom before everything, if there's a way to solve an unstable situation, solution should always be something that leaves freedom, otherwise it doesn't worth it and can lead to being oppressed under something much worse than some petty bandits, something that has more control and fighting against it will be a lot more difficult - for there won't be fighters anymore, only slaves. And then it might be too late.
The lands own fighters are what the Protectorate goes up against. Either disarming them by diplomatic means (Rail Crossing, Junkyard) or force (Free Drones). You want to help, that's great. Get to know the area, meet the people. See the leaders - some are bandits trying to taking advantage of the chaos and abuse power, some are sensible people wishing for a peaceful and sustainable prosperity. Pick some and just support THOSE if you so want to interfere. But not by means of military force. Don't make a third side and try to outgun and outsource the others and take control profiting from the chaos and helplessness.

"But they are the lesser evil" - that's EXACTLY what they want you to make your choice based on. They want you to acknowledge their evil and recieve it while agreeing with it, convincing yourself that it is the right way. From that point, you give up the control over you and they are free to exploit you however they want. And if you end up not liking it, you'll be untrustworthy and unresponsible, biting the hand that feeds, being treated way too good for your own sake and deserve punishment. That's the scenario they're speculating, not supporting or making you get stronger yourself, but demonizing the other options, installing fear while making you believe that they are your only choice so you willingly accept their terms, position yourself under them and bend over. Are they evil? Then they're just another threat. Sure they're the lesser? I'm not even convinced about that.
Free Drones doesn't offer a future, but they never said they are and that's not even their purpose in their current state. They just realized the danger earlier than others and now fully focus their attention on solving only that - alone and against all odds. Understood that proper restructuring can only come afterwards when it's not done while having to constantly holding against the invaders. And it's not like they can just rise from underground and join hands with SGS (who were stupid and snobbish enough to leave Junkyard to the tin cans being afraid to be on the same page of even a local gang despite those being the only organization there) or some other local commune that are somewhat sensibly governed. Nobody would accept FD for by doing so would invoke the wrath of the Protectorate. And they are being present everywhere. Deploying soldiers are the first thing they want in exchange for any assistance as it is displayed in several examples through the game. But some doesn't want their troops in, is that a problem? Don't even want to help now? If you're so nice as you say, just give them supplies what's the problem? You don't want them being strong on their own, in their own country? Nooooo, that's the least thing they ever want.

Free Drones are a group that are willing to defend their right of freedom by their guns if needed and for that, they are considered terrorists, in their own country, labeled by the invaders from another. Treated as anarchists, but who said that FD wants chaos, or even to get rid of the oppressors in the favor of the bandits? Are they work on their behalf? Hell no. They want the same thing as the people, just not under Protectorate rule, not by their vile methods and certainly not for the price they ask.

Builds / Re: Pistol build for casual
« on: February 14, 2020, 04:42:33 am »
Pistols are great. They does not have the move & shoot penalty, they can have reduced AP cost, have feats that boosts initiative, crit chance + damage and can use ammunition of all kinds.
Wasteland Hawk has wonderful critical damage, but you'll need 13 DEX to shoot it 3 times in a turn with either a Temporal buff or an Andrenaline Shot. So maybe you're better with a Rapid Smart 44 Hammerer. The damage spread is wider , but at least in both directions, unfortunately it only have 125% crit damage instead of 150%, but even with 8 DEX, you can shoot for a mere 20 AP (so you can have 3 regular AP shots AND a Rapid Fire in addition). Which means that with all the spare stat points you can have 18 PER for colossal damage and precision. PER is more important than DEX for a pistoleer planning to use high calibers. And that you should since a Rapid Fire from a Smart 44 caliber is insane (espeically if it crits), Explosive bullets are awesome and you get the most out of Steadfast Aim too. DEX is better for knife or SMG users. Also 5 AGI is enough, no need for Sprint when you have the Temporal buff for the same bonus with +20 AP in addition. Still, if you want to ditch psionics completely, you can and it's undertandable. You'll have more HP, can lower your PER to 17 and get 6 AGI, choose Sprint instead of Psy-Temp. Acceleration and pop an Adrenaline Shot for AP, even save yourself 56 skill points. Although I like Temporal on this build, it's convenient and the other spells are useful too even with low Will, like Recurrence, Dilation and Increment.

Anway, this is a modification of my own build tailored to your needs. Now you have Throwing maxed so you'll b precise and get the most out of Three Pointer (+34% crit chance) with enough Electronics and Chemistry to have grade 5 Grenades of ANY kind (including EMP & Plasma). These numbers are attained either with the crafting-; OR the Hypercerebrix bonus. Youll also have 70 Bio while under the benefit of either one, so you'll be able to craft more Hypercerebrix. This way you'll be able to craft your high-end grenades while you're away from your workbench in Expansion. Subterfuge is still present to a good extent for you to lockpick and hack and not be a walking minesweeper.
Here you go:
Make sure to enable Trapper's Belt & Jackknife. Oh yeah, had to include that 2 Sniper perks, I mean you already have Aimed Shot and Sharpshooter, especally with PER this high you have to:) A nice Rapid Spearhead using armor piercing or micro-sharpnel bullets is great to have.

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: February 09, 2020, 09:25:10 am »
I don't prefer to cast ice magic, it's just doesn't fit the character. Also for attack spellscasting, it's either maxing it out and use it as your main way to deal damage, or not bother at all - at least I can't see it as something among skills of support. But that's just my thing.
Anway yeah, you're right with the psi points and thanks for mentioning it. I realized this upon learning the desired buff with 55. So I left Stasis behind, stopped at 56 (for an effective 50) on Temporal and raised pickpocket and throwing to 100... Otherwise I could've left pickpocket on zero, squeze some points out and raise Mercantile to 79 which can result in a Hypercerebrixed 105. Oh well, maybe next time. The build is very tweak-friendly, you could also leave Agility on 5 in order to have 18 Perception. But roleplaying-wise I like the character as it is. Somewhat of a rogue. And focusing on skills that actually compliments it's stats seems more appealing. It was the reason why I wanted to avoid using psi in the first place (but the cooldown reduction and MP+AP increase buffs are just too good).

Anyway, here's the final build with a nice 100 on Thowing and Pickpocket for Oddity:

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: February 08, 2020, 08:18:34 am »
What if you use a smart silenced 5mm neo luger to execute lone enemies silently, can you get decent damage and pull that off?

Unforunately 5mm is the lowest caliber resulting in low damage which is weakened further by the silencer. Neo Luger also has low crit damage and chance. This is compensated by low AP cost. However Execute has a cooldown of 5 turns, so this skill does not benefit from that. Ultimately Execute only worth using if it crits, otherwise it's base damage hit can even be lower than an Aimed Shot - latter being much easier to perform. It might be better on higher levels if you have Expertise, but not by much. This skill can only shine with high caliber weapons like 44 Hammerer that has the potential to deal fat crits, or maybe a 9mm Falchion as it has better chance to crit. The crit chance benefit of Steadfast Aim also increases with the higher caliber you use. But Ambush can't help you here as you will probably have the same lighting conditions as your enemy while you're within arms reach of your foe.
I think this skill should be reworked. The stun requirement should be removed (while the limitation for close range can stay) and it should work like the sword skill Decapitate, but for pistols. That would be more fitting and should work better even with pistols of lower damage.

As a sidenote, having a fine silenced Neo Luger topped with a laser sight to increase it's already nice precision bonus even further is a fun little tool to have, especially with Expertise (that feat has more use with weapons dealing lower damage). It's exellent accuracy makes it suitable to employ it as a discreet mini sniper instrument (so basically the opposite of a close range Execute). Great for picking down packs of rathounds, taking down the dogs of Lunatics and clearing the corridors of burrower nests from the annoying spawns before engaging or sneaking past their bigger kin. 5mm shock bullets are also great against robotic enemies and since the silencer doesn't lower the electric damage, you might as well use it.

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: February 07, 2020, 07:34:37 pm »
A little update on Execute, after experimenting with it, it turns out it's not as bad as I previously described it.
After trying it out with a Smart 44 Hammerer crafted for testing purposes, it actually showed some impressive results. The damage spread of that handgun is huge which is not good, however the upper numbers are near the territory of lower caliber Sniper rifles, but the AP cost is somewhat less thanks to Dexterity and Gunslinger.
Now this feat costs +5 AP than a normal shot and has a flat +250% damage bonus. Upon testing my sniper rifle did around 400-500 damage with normal ammo using Snipe or Aimed Shot, while Execute dealt around 200-500 base damage. But here's the difference, this skill can crit on top of that, potentially raising the damage above 1000 efficently outclassing the sniper rifle by quite a lot. OF course not all hits can be crits, even while there focusing on that with your feats and equipment can be done (Recklessness + Steadfast Aim and the proper googles just as a few examples).

Still may not worth it if you already have a Rapid Spearhead and took Killing Spree and Snipe, but if you're firearm pistol only, having a higher caliber pistol around could be useful for the same purposes. It's just still a pain to pull it off as it has a longer cooldown and requires you to spend resources and AP to stun the enemy while also be near to it while pulling it off, so it's unlikely that you'll gonna be using it more than once per battle.
But it's not as bad as I described it. I still won't use it though. If perhaps the devs would remove the stun requirement one might even be tempted to take it, but not like this.

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: January 22, 2020, 08:09:37 am »
Hi, after a month this might almost count as a necro, but here I am again.
Ultimately, I settled with this jack-of-all trades fella:
(pls enable crafting bonus with Trapper's Belt and Jackknife)

I actually held off leveling up before hitting level 10 until 12 to try out Oppurtunist with Execute and see if they are any good together and it turns out, they suck. A lot. I mean it costs a lot of AP just to even set it up with a Flashbang or a Taser strike, not to mention the +5 additional AP cost of the skill. You also have to be close to the enemy and the damage together with the Oppurtunist feat is even worse than the level 1 Aimed Shot feat which is much more accessible and a lot cheaper in AP. It's a shame that the skill that was intended as the supposedly best skill for the already arguably inferior handguns is so dissapointing. So that means I have the liberty to consider 2 other feats instead, so I took in Ballistics and considering Psycho-Temporal Accleration.

Yep, I might give in, use psionic abilities and include the AP+MP buff of Psycho-temporal Contraction. Does it (and Limited Temporal Increment) worth the -25% HP reduction setting my HP from the already low 404 to the even lower 303? I heard that it's a game changer and if it adds +20 AP with the Psycho-Temporal Accleration feat for 3 turns, that might very well be true. With that buff and an Adrenaline shot wielding a Rapid Smart 44 Hammerer, I could shoot 3 times (20 AP each with Gunslinger and 8 DEX) + an additional Rapid Fire (30 AP). Rapid Fire is very powerful, I like it way more than a burst from whatever SMG due to the fact that I can use it with the devastating 44 bullets (later explosive) and the significantly higher crit chance due to them being performed with pistols with the proper feats associated.
Also, how's Stasis? It surely has some possibilities and oppurtunities when it can come handy, but of course not essential. It works well for characters with low WILL too. Is it worth to go for it?

With my severely handicapped HP due to lowest CON + Psy Empathy, my build is made for quick and effective ambushes where I have to finish fights within the first couple of rounds as I'm not built to sustain battles for long. I felt that Tactical Vests are the ideal choice for my squishy character combined with the fully specialized Ballistics feat. I aim to craft a good Tactical Vest, possibly Biohazard. Maybe with with Psy Beetle Carapace so I can cast both buffs within a single round, although it involves a hefty Armor Penalty. Not adding it on my char makes Ballistics even more useful. However, Kevlar and Blast cloth really interests me. Which is more useful in the long run? Even Black cloth is a no brainer as it doesn't even have a drawback and looks viciously cool.

I know I brought many questions yet again... appreciate any anwers and thanks if you red it through:)

General / Re: Protectorate vs Free Drones from RP perspective? (Spoilers)
« on: January 07, 2020, 10:12:03 pm »
They not legitimizes each other at all. How can CAU legitimize them killing civilians with FD? "Sorry, I know you're innocent, but let me execute you because the existence of some other group you have nothing to do with" - that's rich. Also, while Protectorate is posing as protectors of civilisation, FD are at least has an honest approach. The attack on the lab fits into their agenda, while the CAU is against everything what the Protectorate tries to resemble towards the public.
And I have to come back to the reasoning of my previous post, Protectorate had all the means of defeating FD with legitim ways without civilian causalties and nobody would've question their PR machine. Yet they choose to try out mutagen on the public. The fact that both would result in victory yet they went for the option that involves unnecessary massacre, clearly says how much they care about the people.
FD and Protectorate could only legitimize each other if the latter was only rivals, but essentially the same kind of group as FD. Protectorate however decieves the public, pose as a helping hand then betrays them and kill them. In a way, FD was more useful for them then a setback as antagonizing FD certainly helps pushing their false propaganda through. They could blame them as the root of all evil, even the ones themselves are causing. Zero responsibility.

Builds / Re: New player looking for a melee/grenade build
« on: January 07, 2020, 07:53:37 am »
Since you're a new player probably playing on normal mode, you might want to try a build that capitalizes high dodge & evasion as means of defense. Even with a mere 14 dex, you can have 50% parry chance (which you can retaliate for free hits if you wield a sword).
Whatever slips by will be negated completely thanks to Uncanny Dodge - with it you can have a guaranteed 9 dodges with 8 Agility and maxed out Dodge skill. Also, Fancy footwork can boost your evasion rate to astronomical levels if combined with Evasive Manueuvers.

General / Re: Protectorate vs Free Drones from RP perspective? (Spoilers)
« on: January 06, 2020, 09:23:46 am »
No matter how bad Protectorate is at it's core, actions of FD legitimize the existence e of CAU.

Siding with the Protectorate on this purely for roleplaying as a sadist nazi-evil scientist or whatever is fine I guess, but please don't masquarade this as the choice of the good guys.
That can never be proper reasoning, for if FD were not legit before, CAU hereby legitimize them. That step is the one they have to avoid at all cost. They should do it by the book, with tools of order and the ideology they want to represent. And that was totally an option. Instead they employ methods of ruthless bio-terrorism that's not just way over the point, but completely unnecessary. Having the option to choose weaponry that only affect FD, they intentionally go for the mutagen and corrupt the whole land and civil population. It's not even collateral damage, it was their well thought out choice out of all available options. They are like children desperate to look for oppurtunities to try out their new toys (that should not even exist), just because they can. Pitiful. Weapons like this should never be in the hands of completely unresponsible people that use them for the sake of being able to use them.
And the ordacity to explain this as just actions, blame it on FD while it was them who decided to do things the worst way is atrocious. Explain that to the innocent who fell victim, they surely did not get killed by FD, but the Protectorate, always posing as the saviors of civilisation. Still, what baffles me the most is that there are people who can be fooled by this. IRL. Having proper education, living in relative prosperity and in the 21st century.

General / Re: Protectorate vs Free Drones from RP perspective? (Spoilers)
« on: December 30, 2019, 11:01:51 am »
Doesn't matter if you quit at the chemical assault-part, just because one person abandons them, that probalby would not stop their plan in the long run. You won't prevent anything, just delay it at best. They will thank you for your cooperation and your work. You were useful.
The way you can aim to actually stop them, is by joining FD. That way you're not just looking the other way when they mutanize the public, but can fight against the idea with all your might. And that would probably better for your conciousness.

Oppressive government is bad and once it stabilized, it's very hard to overthrow it. If robbing the train prevents this or at least slows the process, it's something seemingly evil acted upon basically innocent passangers - in order to avoid an even greater catastrophy that could potentially ruin a lot more lives.
With that said, groups like the FD draws in a lot of anarchistic characters that see this as an oppurtunity to freely act violent and be supported in it. Folks that are only in it to raise hell and would do it in a civilized culture as well. At least here, their energy is channeled towards an even greater enemy of society that is an organized, well oiled, methodic and works very much counciously on the erradication of humanity.
FD higher-ups should be aware that their group is nowhere near as the rebels in Star Wars for example, but more like rejects of society and criminal scum that would never fit into the future what the Protectorate plans for the world (wheter the world likes it or not) and now have refuge and supplies among the FD and a place they feel like they belong. As long as they're happy that is as it would be foolish to completely rely or trust these bunch. Or expect any loyalty from most of them when the tides are turning.

I never met FD yet as I'm still at an early part of the game, but the way I see it, reading these posts, FD is made up of Neutral Evil and Chaotic Neutral characters as their footsoldiers. Chaotic Goods would gladly take justice in their hands and show voilence against evil, but would probalby not be okay with methods that involve harming innocents. While their leaders are probalby True Neutrals that value their independency more than anything and would rather die and sacrifice others then fall under the rule of an oppressing government.

As for the Protectorate, they are Lawful Evils. Would happily turn people into mutants if that leads them to more power and as long as they can do it while crafting laws to support them, especially being portrayed as the protectors of civilisation, they won't have any second thought. They see FD as a bunch of criminals that worth more as mutants than the human garbage they are and are perfectly consistent about generally thinking that some people just doesn't worth the air they breathe and they're doing just work by eliminating them. Making the world a better, safer, cleaner place. And might as well take their land to further their own prosperity.

So based on this thread so far, I'm going to side with the FD. I have a feeling that I might meet more a$$h*les within the Protectorate and I sure as hell don't want to work under them. Should I meet some decent bloke among the Protectorate, that might probably be a naive fool that did not open his/her eyes yet and probably just being used by them the way they would exploit my character too should I join their side. While I really look forward to see a likeable fellow over at FD.
Some might have valid reasons to fight against the Protectorate (possibly past tragedies causd by them), while I can't imagine that the expansion and mutanization of the Protectorate can be justified. Also, approaching this conflict from FD's side seems more interesting.

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: December 20, 2019, 10:47:00 am »
3 more questions struck me, help is appreciated:

 - Does having a high Dodge together with Uncanny Dodge helps with this build? Considering the fights ahead through the game. Are there many where I'm forced to fight within close distance, or is it possible that I won't miss it if I utilize my role properly?
 - Also, how useful Persuation on it's own and compared to Dodge and which would be more benefitial for a sniper/pistoleer?
 - Lastly, is Mercantile a must in order to get proper quality materials for crafting with 120 Mechanics? Mainly weapons. Or I can find / buy those without having to access any hidden stash?

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: December 19, 2019, 11:13:43 am »
Thanks guys for all the insight. I still meddled with the character planner for a while, increasing DEX at the cost of AGI, reallocating a few points here and there, but ultimately ended up returning to the original setup while withrawing some skillpoints from tailoring with the above mentioned excellent faction-armors in mind.
I like the idea of crafting my own armor too so I might end up raising tailoring anyway, it's just the JKK & Grey armor is so nice and the possibility of having slightly better subterfuge and also 85 points in either persuation or mercantile instead sounds quite intriguing. We'll see how it goes.

I'm still level 4 and enjoying the game so far. Just delivered the package for Quicksilver. Saw a few lunatics, but they seem way out of my league, but found a sweet Corsair sniper rifle in a small room - can't even properly use it yet. Probably explore a bit, saw a few stairway a while back, see where it might lead. if it's doable - if not, I'll head after this Newton guy instead.
Thanks again:)

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: December 14, 2019, 09:13:06 am »
I might not know it correctly, but if I remember right, then high dex only influences the critical chance of melee attacks, not ranged.
Still there has to be some validity in that suggestion if more people recommend it, but I can't bring myself to do something like this. If I want to play a gunslinger, it would be kinda strange to max melee instead just because of capitalizing on this mechanic, it's just doesn't feel right.
And raising dex can't be better than perception for a shooter. Something like this is not supposed to happen. I would still raise dex though if I would've been with a pure pistoleer. But since I plan on using sniper rifles too, I plan on raising the stat that's benefitting them both.

Also, I thought that Paranoia is exceptionally good for builds with high perception, since the bonus they get is significantly higher than what others might get. Wonder if I will be able to detect Crawlers and Stalkers while wearing some Motion Tracking Googles and hit them while they're stealthed for that extra 30%.

Also, are grenades that common in this game so that I can take advantage of the Grenadier feat as early as level 4? I always thought of them as utility from time to time when the situation demands it.

Builds / Re: Sniper with a firearm pistol
« on: December 13, 2019, 11:25:39 am »
Yep, that is why I eventually added Paranoia to the list. I thought that with that immense detection and nice initiative bonus it is worth the feat slot and seemed like a better choice than Trigger Happy if I can only pick one out of those two. I also like rounded numbers:) Yet, with the current setup and both taking Paranoia and Trigger happy with a Twich drug and the JKK Tactful Jacket, it's possible to reach 60 initiative but that's probably overkill of course.

Also I just recently discovered this wonder of an armor and now uncertain if it's even worthful to raise my tailoring skill higher than 50 (for repair kits). It's defense capabilities are as of a high quality Galvanic Vest, but has some crazy bonuses in addition. Gray Spec Ops Armor also looks amazing. Crafting armor is the territory I'm the least informed about. Should I stick with the idea of having 120 effective tailoring skill because crafted armors is the way to go instead of these two or should I spend those 70 points on other skills?

I can also decrease biology to 50 and pickpocketing to 50 in favor of increasing other subterfuge skills to something like this:

Btw thanks for the information given, you were all very helpful.

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