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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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That exoskeleton is so limited that "rush for 'power armor'" play style is probably something for meme builds. Completely different from how Power Armor was in Fallout and Fallout 2 where meta rushing for them was worth it, without forgetting this one is not really power armor, only the exoskeleton part. Maybe a 10 STR unarmed juggernaut with max mercantile always carrying hundreds of batteries would do well with it, for that buff to STR when the exoskeleton is on would make quite a difference to fists damage, resulting at 21 STR at level 26 up to 22 with rathound BBQ, a sizable multiplier which is multiplicative with melee skill, yet with a high price to pay from being very power hungry and having a lot of armor penalty for too little protection.

Now, just to be clear: unarmed juggernaut + exoskeleton is a meme build IMO.

Choosing exoskeleton over other armors that either have much better defenses for similar armor penalty, less STR boost and very little defense but movement bonuses and zero penalty or similar defenses at drastically lower penalty looks like choosing shivs over combat knives.
Stats cap at 20, so most hammer builds go 17 str to reach 20 with adrenaline and bbq, or 15 str to reach 20 with vit powder and bbq.

All of you questions can be answered in the ultimate hammer guide posted in the builds section. Since the exoskeleton armor still has 85% armor penalty your stealth, dodge, and evasion skills will greatly suffer. As long as you max strength you should have plenty of damage even without crits if you use Balor’s hammer, and agile leather hammer is superior in most regulated to the tin can hammer builds.

Exoskeleton armor has a lot of weaknesses, but Balors can be used without it. You are better off going leather for mobility, metal armor for survivability, or Rathound Regailia for the strength bonus.

General / Re: Is it possible to force all random locations to spawn?
« on: August 04, 2021, 05:02:11 pm »
there is no way realistically check if these have even spawned in.
What the hell are you smoking? Utility tower and the Masters dungeon have a specific email that appears that tells you which one spawned in your play through. Booth and Coral are mutually exclusive, and if Coral spawns Booth won’t. The water treatment facility and the utility section are also mutually exclusive, based on whether or not the mushroom cove scavenger is in the operating room. The only important random spawns that don’t have an early indicator are Jet Eater and Hopperdome. If you want a specific outcome you can export your character and import them until you get the desired outcome, but you aren’t missing much if the desired fragment doesn’t spawn.

To address your second point, Underrail has much more than 100 hours of content in it. You can go Procterate/Free Drones with each having a unique questline, Praetorian/Coretech/JJK for their questlines, and Pirates/Expedition for their questlines. There is also 3 main endings to the game (SGS, Train, and the secret ending), and based on your choices you also get different ending slides for each faction. It takes at least 3 playthroughs to experience all the main content, and 6+ playthroughs to obtain every possible faction ending.

Bugs / Re: Applying expose weakness in stasis?
« on: August 04, 2021, 02:50:48 am »
Acid entanglement from the acid tentacle also applies in stasis.

Bugs / Re: Strongmen holding barrels can open doors
« on: August 02, 2021, 11:17:36 pm »
But have you ever seen handmaiden doing the same feat? No? Answer yourself, why?
Todd explains in Abyssal station zero that strongmen and handmaidens have different parts. Strongmen are just built different.

Suggestions / Re: Crawler carapace armor
« on: August 02, 2021, 06:47:01 pm »
Coil spiders and creepers have the same problem, it would be nice if they got carapace armor as well.

Bugs / Re: Strongmen holding barrels can open doors
« on: August 01, 2021, 09:27:14 pm »
Most door handles just require you to push the handle down to open, with the exception of knob handles which require a twist. Plenty of times I’ve opened either variety of handle while carrying heavy objects by using my hip to depress the handle or by pushing my body against a knob and lowering myself to twist the knob. It is perfectly reasonable that an advanced robot would be able to figure out how to open a door without hands.

Builds / Re: Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]
« on: August 01, 2021, 07:30:17 am »
Wouldn’t it make more sense to use unarmed instead of leather gloves? At 9 dex (8 base+eel sandwich) you get 7 7ap unarmed punches with tabis, compared to 5 9 ap punches with leather gloves. You also get greatly superior damage with unarmed compared to leather gloves, since unarmed damage is multiplicative with strength compared to additive with gloves, and you can also take the unarmed combat feats to boost damage by an additional 40%. You can use a nail bomb at the start of combat to quickly get TFB stacks without blades on your armor and tear through entire crowds of enemies with little effort.

Suggestions / Re: Suggested feats : Poorly thought
« on: July 30, 2021, 06:24:22 pm »
Butcher just sounds like a worse version of serial killer and the beast tattoo, and the downside isn't worth it for such a small bonus. Fresh meat is just the Taste for Blood on kill effect that only works for bladed weapons. Mania sounds like a pain in the ass to implement, and just means that you pop all your drugs and abilities first then activate mania to get a free 30% damage for most builds. Shield mastery is crazy overpowered since it basically gives you a 50% chance to block most forms of mechanical damage with shield arm and boosts the damage of shield bash further, which can reach zero AP already. Stampede and charge sound like the same ability, and it costing MP basically just means that melee builds get an extra free attack with all the ways to generate extra MP. Why bother suggesting feats if you yourself concede that they are poorly thought out and not good?

Builds / Re: Shiver me timbers - a Shiv build on Dominating
« on: July 29, 2021, 12:00:38 am »
Dude, SI for some Agony. Shiv for some Extra Spicy Agony™ - I applaud you for playing this meme build! 😆😁
It might be just me, but it feels like "I'll smack my nuts against the rock, till the rock breaks!" kind of build 😆 Yet, stacking MP, Fancy Footwork + low AP attacks should always get you out of danger... to smack that rock, harder and harder, again and again 😆

P.S.: I think the 200% crit damage comes from HUMILIATION of being shanked by a rusty piece of metal, wrapped in ever dirtier rag 🤣🤣

How about Expertise,  Shiv and the Unprojector? DoomRL has challenge modes called "Angel of" and "Archangel of", thus I suppose daring to play a build with Shivs and goggles that disable critical hits would be the closest thing to Underrail's Archangel of Masochism.
>shiv's only redeeming quality is 200% crit damage.
>shiv's benefit from melee and knife feats, like crit power, cheap shots, and ripper.
>suggests using a critless build on a weapon focused on crits.

In all seriousness, you probably get completely walled by enemies with over 25 dt since you can't rely on crits to overcome DT, and even with Expose weakness your damage is still shit against tankier enemies you can't bleed, like robots.

Thats why its a tank build
I dont care if they swarm me I'll survive, they wont, coz I have good crowd control
I dont have a snipe in this build so why would I care that it doesent work?
I always make the first move so having high initiative is pointles. Having high initiative is only if you dont plan ahead and need a plan B. You just need to attack first and open doors in attack mode. I mean you have a sniper rifle, range is no problem.
Enemies stun suck yes but is there a build where you go "fuck yea I got stunned". you just pop a head shot on guys who can stun you before the fight starts and there is no problem
Never had a problem with flashbang so cant comment and I wear a metal armor, knife attacks dont go through and animals do 25 dmg at best (Im talking ancient rathound and warrior burrower and also as I said before if you use exothermic aura the melee enemies have no idea what to do and just stand there waiting for the fire to burn out.
As I said I dont move so why would something like a throwing net harm me in any way?
past mid game there are not a lot of enemies that do cripling strike thats why I switched from leather to metal. I added 2 extra points to STR BECOUSE of cripling strike so that I can still use my sniper rifle and to get more carry weight and after the cripling nightmere was over I said "Hey why not get a super steel armor" so I put one more point to STR
Enemies step back only on the secound turn. The first thing they do is rush you to do all their best moves so in a way if you position yourself right they can help you pick them off
I've never seen stealthed Thought Controlers (?) so I've never had that problem and yea dopplegangers were the worst thing that could happen but again -shoot the mage first.
Never used Thermodynamic Destabilization so cant comment.
You'd be suprised how many times I had enemies surive a crit shot coz I rolled minimal dmg, I put points into shatter coz I got pissed and it worked
The stealthed thought controllers only appear on Dominating, along with a lot of other dangerous stealthed enemies. Enemies have a lot more health and damage on Dom and appear in far greater numbers, so your build likely wont be able to withstand the swarm. Against lunatics, 3-4 will have the ability to stun you on dominating, and you likely won't be able to kill them all before they get off a stun and slaughter you. Crippling strike enemies are also very common on dominating, and the metal armor won't completely protect you from their increased damage unless you have 60+ DT late game.

If anything, crawlers need to gain expose weakness to better deal with tin cans.

Builds / Re: Unprojector 0-crits Unarmed Psi Monk Build
« on: July 26, 2021, 04:48:11 pm »
Why not use fancy footwork? If you’re making a lot of melee attacks that extra mp can let you get out of range of an enemy and completely avoid melee damage. Also, you don’t need more than 40 dodge, since that is the minimum requirement for uncanny dodge, and with tabis and greater siphoner you can get 7 dodges, which is more than enough in most scenarios, in addition to using high MP to run away from slow melee enemies. It probably isn’t worth it to use PK on this build since it’s so stat starved and can’t use psi headbands due to unprojector. You can lower will to 3, pump int to 6 and str to 17, and be able to craft high quality energy shields with over 1.5k capacity, which will dramatically improve your survivability.

General / Re: New game to start?
« on: July 26, 2021, 04:33:31 pm »
Final update won’t be out for about 4 months, so you should start a new game now.

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