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Messages - Riggs

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General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 25, 2019, 05:37:21 pm »
This is something I'm quite puzzled by and I searched the forums and didn't come up with anything so here goes:

Muzzleflashes? Where are they? For a game with such an enormous amount of gunplay I would think they would be included in some capacity. I know Styg has said it was never his intention to go for realism in UR and I respect that, but it breaks my immersion when engaged in a large scale firefight to never see any muzzleflashes whatsoever. I'm not expecting things to look like a John Wick movie, but witnessing (tens of) thousands of total rounds fired over my playthrough(s) without a single flash occurring is just sorta weird. I'd love to see them included in the sequel. Aesthetics matter a lot in role playing games, at least to me. Thoughts?

General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 21, 2019, 08:04:18 pm »
can you imagine this game as a low poly FPS like doom or quake?

General / Re: [Spoilers] Where to find the super health hypo ???
« on: August 20, 2019, 04:09:22 pm »
I literally just bought the recipe from Blaine's "special" stock on a level 8 character so I can confirm that it can be acquired that way.

Suggestions / Re: Super Steel refinement
« on: August 19, 2019, 12:48:16 pm »
You assumed correctly. However, you can speed up the in-game timer using Cheat Engine or similar means. Even with the waiting time cut down to less than a minute it's still quite a pain.
I see. Thanks for the clarification. Personally I'm not interested in using such a method but I can understand why some do.

General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 19, 2019, 12:51:17 am »
Autism is a terrible burden, anon, you have my condolences.
And you have mine, I've seen all your posts in the spelling/grammar thread. A terrible burden indeed.

General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 18, 2019, 10:41:07 pm »
Silencers actually increase accuracy in real life.
Suppressors increase accuracy in real life. Silencers don't actually exist.

Builds / Re: Optimizing a pure sniper build
« on: August 18, 2019, 01:16:15 am »
bullet pistols are really not very good at all
Oh how I wish this wasn't true.  :-[

Suggestions / Re: Super Steel refinement
« on: August 16, 2019, 11:12:47 pm »
I just end up savescumming the smelting process
I didn't realize this was possible... or do you just mean you wait the ~30 mins and then reload prior to starting the process and wait again? I assumed that the steel quality rolls occurred when you started the process, not when you pick them up in order to prevent savescumming. ???

General / Re: Boot spring and Imagine Intensifier Tube rarity
« on: August 16, 2019, 10:31:41 pm »
I really think Intimidation should scale with the higher of Strength or Will.
I wholeheartedly agree. Makes perfect sense to me and would add much needed value to Intimidation to bring it more in line with the other two social skills.

General / Re: Boot spring and Imagine Intensifier Tube rarity
« on: August 16, 2019, 04:59:22 pm »
I actually don't, but that's a great idea! I mostly specced into persuasion and intimidiation, so mercantile was kinda left out.
From what I understand, Mercantile is the best "social" skill to invest into if you plan on doing any crafting on your character whatsoever, followed by Persuasion and then Intimidation. The latter two are both useful but in a much more limited/situational fashion than Mercantile which unlocks a huge amount of potential profits and valuable materials consistently throughout the entirety of the game. The max effective level required to access all vendor special inventories is only 105 so depending on how much Int your char has that can come with a relatively small amount of actual points spent, especially if you also invest some into Persuasion as the two are synergistic with each other. That's the reason that Intimidation doesn't provide quite as much value overall especially in builds that are starved for spare points.

General / Re: Boot spring and Imagine Intensifier Tube rarity
« on: August 16, 2019, 02:24:17 pm »
Are you skilling into Mercantile to unlock special vendor inventories at all? I routinely see Blaine carry the components you mentioned, as early as level 7. They don't seem super rare otherwise either, gotten them all as random drops from enemies and containers before as well throughout numerous playthroughs. Perhaps you're just having a bit of bad RNG.

Builds / Re: What build should I try next?
« on: August 16, 2019, 04:14:34 am »
What gear do you use as a stealth crossbow character?
Well I'm only Level 8 now, haven't started Depot A yet, wanted to shore up my supplies a bit first and get a better Xbow. I started the game using padded hopper leather armor and hopper leather boots and got lucky finding a scoped Zephyr early on. Using a black balaclava as well. I've transitioned however to a mutated dog leather armor (for Depot A) and ninja tabis now (have a pair of mutated dog tabis as well just in case), and a scoped pneumatic Monsoon that I just found while rescuing Jenny from the burrowers (oh man what a crazy ordeal that turned out to be). Too early for a shield yet, but I'll shoot for a High/High when I can get one crafted. Other than that, I keep a stock handy of Shock and Incendiary bolts at all times, and a nice pile of every type grenade I can get my hands on, but especially Flashbangs and Molotovs. I also use lots of BTs/BPBTs and frag/HE mines. Adrenaline shots when I feel I need them, think I've used 3-4 total so far. I'm shooting to be as mobile and stealthy as possible while packing as much dangerous ordinance as I can. Setting up ambushes and choke points for packs is the route to success, if you plan out trap placement correctly you can severely limit the combat effectiveness of packs. The most dangerous fights are the ones you cannot prepare for. Lone mobs don't stand a chance as long as you control the terms of engagement.

I'm still figuring out what my final "endgame" gear will look like, but I'll definitely be exploring a few different options as far as choice of bows and armor goes as the char progresses while sticking to the "be silent, be patient, and then unleash hell" doctrine of warfare. Oh and once I have decent enough electronics I'll probably craft a taser too, though I'm not sure I'll need it nearly as much as some other builds considering how amazing shock bolts have turned out to be.

Bugs / Re: Loading takes forever
« on: August 16, 2019, 12:14:57 am »
I suspect that the engine pre-loads a whole bunch of assets on initial startup in order to make loading/reloading saves and area transitions much quicker than if they had to do so on the fly. Personally I think one longer load on launch is far better than the alternative. It would suck a lot more if each load in-game was much longer than they are currently which would be the trade for a faster startup.

Builds / Re: What build should I try next?
« on: August 14, 2019, 07:11:48 pm »
Well, I'm definitely looking forward to playing a crossbow character, I'm just worried it will be frustrating learning to play as one.
We'll learn together. I started a fresh playthrough this morning with this suggested skill setup that Gortsby provided and am now preparing to take on Depot A. It's been... interesting so far adjusting to the demands of a stealthy character. I'm still getting the hang of well, not doing the dumb shit I could do on my psi character and still succeed. Preparation of traps, bolts, and grenades are paramount, to say the least.

I get that, it's just using ARs all the time is boring.

No argument here, Tin Can in general is a pretty bland playstyle. Really effective and safe, but oh man is it boring after a while.

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