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Messages - Vokial

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General / EOS Complex
« on: May 07, 2023, 11:52:05 am »
I was pretty okay when it came to enviromental hazards before, but this is on a whole other level.
It's crazy cold inside to the point that it can kill you. Just for this occasion I crafted Infused Ancient Rathound Leather Armor and IARL Tabi boots with a Balaclava, popped some Canned Fish and got some +80% cold ressistance. It turned out, that gear is nowhere not enough as there are some areas that can kill me within mere seconds. I have to destroy ice blocks that are immune to Molotov, so I have to waste tons of bullets while my health sinks by every passing moment and Med Hypos have a minute of cooldown. I cannot even imagine what other builds are doing here, like psionics or chem pistol users, how they even deal with the ice walls here.
I eventually ended up getting to the top with this boss creature and without it even shooting cold projectiles at me, I die just due to enviromental damage. I heard that there's a puzzle that you actually have to figure out while the boss is shooting at you and conjuring ice blocks in your path. How could anyone even hope to figure out something, let alone solve it under these conditions? I mean I didn't even get to the puzzle, the cold just kills me in 5 seconds. did the devs even test this dungeon? It's pure BS.
Since there's wind you can see and hear and this is a tower, I suspect that this level is actually on the surface.

Is there anyone who did it? If so, can you provide an actual "recipe" on what to do?

General / Re: How do I free the rejects, what am I doing wrong
« on: May 05, 2023, 01:21:00 pm »
Might not matter now after a few weeks, but I recently did this. It might require a certain build however.
First off, I tend to explore places wherever I go, already saw the Rejects before meeting with Nevil, who I convinced to help me free them.
Then I went tothe cells, checked the vent down the corridor that led through an orange corridor (that included a nice oddity) ending up in an area of the west wing of the Institute and killed the spiders again (not sure if that was needed).
Unlocked the cell doors through the terminal and talked with Sharp about them leaving and the option came up to sneak them through the vents. After choosing that, the game did it for me. I never needed to lure any guards to a different part of the map, it was super smooth. I suppose this requires some level of base Stealth though and certain PER to notice the vent leading out.

General / Re: Utility Station 6
« on: May 05, 2023, 12:41:37 pm »
What's the deal with this place? Walked around in stealth but it leads to nowhere. There's a level with lunatics and a bio-gassed basement area, but none leads anywhere and both seems without any purpose. There's a pipe that leads to the other lunatic base that is quest related with the Tchortist Institute.
Eventually I decided to mow down every hostiles and still nothing... no bosses, no special item. I don't care about loot, even if it's nothing special - I just want to know in order to not miss out something or worse, mess up something. I was lucky enough to deal with the Lunatics peacefully below the Oculus - I really hope I didn't blew any nice normal interaction in this area with violence.

However if you play on Oddity, it's rewarding to have it throughout the whole game as there are a lot of those behind locked doors and containers (same with Hacking).

General / Re: Phreak's quest can fail for seemingly no reason
« on: February 21, 2023, 03:34:14 pm »
If there's a valid reason I am not supposed to know then only a bit later, then I am glad. At least it's not something that happens without justification. Still, this way I learn about the motives of the oligarch's from the acid hunters which I can only hope it's ok. It just seemed a lot more sensible to just grab the cables while I'm there for whatever reason as Phreak himself mentioned that he could not care less about the group. Anyway, thanks for the answers, I had a strong hunch I need to make a save before enlisting to an oligarch.

General / Phreak's quest can fail for seemingly no reason
« on: February 21, 2023, 11:44:55 am »
I met him and accepted his quest to get the cables he's after from the Acid Hunters. Then joined JKK, met Endstrom who assigned me to find the Acid Hunters too. This immediately rendered Phreak's quest to fail. WHY? He just want his cables that happen to be left where the Acid Hunters are, a group he couldn't care less. I thought about doing 2 quests at once, but apparently that's not possible... I don't get it.
Since Phreak's quest sounds like the road less travelled, I'll be reverting to a previous save and won't be joining a faction until I finished with Phreak. I just hope that I will be able to join JKK after I finished with Phreak despite the fact that JKK's reason to contact the Acid Hunters is quite specific. Then I will be meeting with the Acid Hunters again? This makes even less sense than allowing both quests to be done simultaneously. Especially since Phreak just wants his stupid cables.

Builds / Re: Temporal Sniper build
« on: February 12, 2023, 01:03:05 pm »
My experience is that I cannot utilize Ambush all that much. With each shot being critical hits, there won't be all that much need for Snipe yes, but that's nowhere near the case and in order to set it up is often just too much effort. It definitely has it's uses, but assuming that all your hits are critical, so you don't even need offensive abilities (not even Aimed Shot in this case I guess), is kinda far fetched.

Builds / Re: Temporal Sniper build
« on: February 06, 2023, 03:36:02 pm »
I took Strafe with my level up just to see how it is now that I actually have a rifle. Yet my tests show that it only mitigates 10% instead of 15%. Using a Spearhead, Strafe should completely elliminate the aiming penalty after moving right? That was never the case. My chance to hit the target was 95% (I've chosen an easy one). Then I move a tile away and it is 90%. This is a letdown and just reinforces me to reload and drop it just get Sharpshooter instead and save a slot, focus on shooting while keeping still with a Reaper.

Anyway, I won't be using a shotgun which would require me to invest in STR with tons of feats and sure as hell won't be using some spear.
Snipe is awesome. It's damage is scaling with Stealth so it gets better with each level up while my armor and boots will also contribute to the damage. On opened up areas I was able to Snipe, Aimed Shot and then disengage two rounds where I was able to re-stealth again. Repositioned myself and repeat. I also learned that with Flashbangs, I am able to re-stealth on spot and even END COMBAT TO QUICKSAVE MID BATTLE. That is waaay to OP.

Anyway, the main topic I wanted to talk about is to defend Pistols. They lack the damage output, but the with the introduction of the rifle and Shooting Spree to shoot twice, there's no point. It is an unconditional firearm, it doesn't have any STR requirement and I am able to shoot for less AP with Gunslinter - which gives me a very sweet Initiative bonus. I'm just roaming around with my handgun on default and able to shoot first all the time as with Paranoia (that is a very nice anti-Crawler perk for many reasons), my Initiative is 31. I initially looked at Trigger Happy, but Paranoia gives me so much more in exchange for that -2 point.
Pistols can be quite pleasant if they crit, but their main role is to provide utility. Their range is near double of the shotguns which is absolutely crutial for Kneecap Shots to stop incoming melee's. Are more precise, doesn't have any stat requirement, cost far less to shoot (especially with Gunslinger), gives huge Initiative bonus, gets a hefty damage increase from Sharpshooter - which now benefits BOTH my guns.
Though I'm not going to take Bullet Time as it will just give me a single extra shot per battle at the cost of a feat-; and 2 stat points. Ideally, I won't fire much with it, it's just to dish out that occasional Kneecap Shot.

Ambush seems great as there are a lot of bandits circling around lid up barrels, so I will definitely intend to pick it up in the future. Using Flares more is something I should be doing probably as well. However, Hit and Run while seem great to use but it implies me moving first to the point to use up most of my MP and shoot afterwards with the criteria to have a fatal shot. Upon observing, I rarely found any usecase for this and I don't want to tailor my approach around this. Even in cornerfights I always had enough MP to move back to cover. Which reminds me to mention the importance of Interloper. After restealthing behind a corner, it gives me 15 MP to step out and Snipe again the next round. That is very useful to have, as without it I was left without any MP and had to move using my precious AP. Also, the move speed while being stealthed is amazing. It really boosts my ability to carefully maneuveur between enemies and get far away from them before they notice me. Can't wait to get Quick Tinkering and just drop a Bear Trap in front of an enemy then dash away quickly, so that when combat begins, they will be stopped immediately allowing to distance myself better in confined areas. BTW 50 biology will be just enough to produce Crawler poisons, so that's great:) Nimble gives me more Stealth (thus more damage) and MP. Grenadier seems good as I just dipped into Molotovs and Gas Grenades. Their utility is great, but Frag and HE seems lame - the damage is far to small. But all in all, I rarely use grenades to be honest, so I might drop Grenadier in favor of something else, like Opportunist or Future Orientation.

Builds / Temporal Sniper build
« on: February 04, 2023, 10:05:36 pm »
Picking up this game again and I just want the good people here to take a look at what I have in mind and share their opinions, maybe submit any corrections to things I overlooked.

As you can see, the build is pretty spread out, not too much min-maxing here, a bit of a jack-of-all trades character. Guns and Stealth is maxed out obviously, can craft and throw all incendiary, gas and special grenades (+ plasma) and craft endgame equipment. Able to hack or pick most locks and harvest enemy traps as well.
Included Pickpocket to access more stuff like money, ammunition, meds, quest items and of course oddities.
Regarding Temporal skill, since 70 base points is a given I realized it's worth to invest a bit more for an effective 100 as that seems to be the treshold from which gives a hefty boost to Dilation, Rewind and most importantly Recurrence. I forsee that the latter ability will be amazing to cast on bosses after a chunky Snipe at 165%.
I also have 8 INT and 5 PSI to reinforce this - give enough slots, regeneration and skill points for crafting, psionic and social skills. In addition, the character will now be able to use the Hypno Goggles for an additional +30 skill points and have the full hidden stock from Constantine with the Large Waist Pack.
But due to the 3 CON, I plan on using Infused Pig Leather Overcoat and Boots instead of a Regenerative Tac-Vest and Ninja Tabis (finiding good quality Pig Leather could be a problem however). Better resistances yet lower DT, more HP but no regeneration and less move speed. Wielding a Smart Rapid Spearhead with the Anatomically-Aware Scope and an also 7.62mm Smart Rapid Falchion.

My main question regarding this is that will I be okay on Dominating with 13 PER - I mean I guess I could just go with 3 PSI, but the difference in Guns between 13 and 15 will still only be merely 27 points.
Still in order to mitigate this, I'm a bit intriqued by the Synesthetic Refocus boosting PER with 2 or even 3 points when focused. That sounds amazing on it's own, even without the -30% psi cost reduction and +70 detection bonus which are also lovely and appreciated. Sounds amazing as long as we're in a nicely lid-up area where we don't need night vision.

What do you guys think?

Suggestions / Re: Tasers are in wierd place
« on: January 30, 2023, 05:59:57 pm »
Tasers are great. Not OP as I rarely use them, but it's nice when you take down a few enemies with one left standing that you don't have any AP to deal with, so you just taze them. It was a godsend against the Black Crawler. Can do it even before any offensive action just to improve accuracy as it won't break their stun opposed to the Flashbang. As for the quality, now that might need a rework - see, the damage coming with the quality of the material used is still not significant to make a difference. That's how it should be, this is a stun gun after all.

But because of that, I actually search for the LOWEST quality possible, just so that it won't consume too much power.

Builds / Re: Sniper with PSI or PURE?
« on: January 28, 2022, 08:18:21 am »
Thanks for the reply. You build seems to be a highly effective glass cannon, which is probably very satisfying to play. However, I'm interested in either not using psi at all or only for utility purposes only (which pretty much narrows it down to Temporal spells). It's sad what they did to Contraction. Is there anyone even using that since? Regardless of builds?

Going pure sniper, I would be able to switch my 3 psi oriented feats (Acceleration, Orientation and Premediation) to not just rely on Ambush, but fully focus on increasing my crit chance with Recklessnesss + Scrutinous while wearing Infused Rathound Leather with Seeker Goggles. Leaving my last feat slot for something like Grenadier or further specialize my ensnaring ability with Trap Expert.

Builds / Sniper with PSI or PURE?
« on: January 22, 2022, 11:12:46 am »
I had it all planned out before the PSI update:
But with the serious nerf of Psycho-temporal Contraciton (which my builds was based around) I'm now not sure what to do.

See, if I just start in Legacy-mode I'll have a GUARANTEED ability to shoot my Spearhead 3 times each turn (likely resulting in 3 separate kills) without any use of consumables - purely due to the feats, spells and equipment - with spending the 4th turn to shoot the last bullet in the mag, reload, cast Premediation + Increment, do something out of a Trap/Grenade/Kneecap Shot and enable Stealth behind cover to repeat this 4 turn cycle again for a total of 29 guaranteed sniper shots through 11 turns. And no encounter should last that long.
Besides this, the character is pretty much a jack of all trades guy, have excellent Crafting and Subterfuge skills (with meds and equipment will pass the 130 Hacking skill check in DC) and craft everything from his own gear, consumables up to Bullheads to the highest quality Mk III Plasma, Mk V HE and Fragmentation explosives on the go while having enough Social skills to access all wares from all vendors (with the proper equipment inlcuding Hypno Goggles).

Yet if I plan on playing the most updated version of the game and enjoy all the content it has, the above scenario won't work anymore. Still should I keep things as is, or maybe with the nerfing of the Spearhead and Temporal spells... I should just go pure sniper. Decrease WILL in favor of CON, save my 70 skill points to balance my Social skills and still save 59 points for something else. And of course have significantly more HP (525 instead of 324) and THREE more feat slot. Yet I will have slower cooldowns, and SIGNIFICANTLY less shots within 11 turns.

So how are snipers since the psi update? Are they still around, can anyone compare when was better, what is the preferred weapon now and is it even still viable go this route let alone playing pure sniper without magic?

Builds / Re: One Turn Man | .44' pistol Bullet Time | DOMINATING | OP(aF)
« on: January 14, 2022, 10:18:01 am »
Interloper is a great feat to have. If you finish a turn moving behind cover to avoid getting hit and going into Sneak, you can start your next round with the ability to step out of cover with all your AP's intact.
It also allows you to place your traps better. You can place traps much closer to the enemy while sneaking as you can close distance faster, drop a beartrap with QT and leave more quickly from it's vicinity before they notice you.

General / Re: Why was Spearhead nerfed? Sniper builds are hardly OP.
« on: July 30, 2020, 12:05:26 pm »
I am also worried. Although the AP cost of the Spearhead is still the smallest, since we can only shoot twice per turn now with or without psi, Spearhead is not reduced to be on par with othe rifles (was there before the nerf), not slightly below, it is now completely wortless in comparison. Still shots twice with all the buffs, but deals considerably less damage due to the gun being weaker even with the same (lowest) caliber of bullets. So what's the point? It's weakness was the reason why it had that low AP cost, why should anyone use a Spearhead now that it shoots as much as any other rifle?
I mean what's the point in using Contraction and shooting the lowest caliber 7.62mm bullets with a rifle that has the lowest damage by far, minimizing the damage output as much as possible, when you can perform the same amount of attacks with the highest damage, so with a Rapid 12.7mm Corsair? Same two attacks per turn and in the end, all that matters is how many attacks you can pull off per round. Firing a Spearhead now costs nearly as much as shooting with a Reaper, but the latter not just have higher minimal base damage, but a huuuuge boost to crit damage too. So why would anyone bother with a Spearhead now?

With the previous AP cost of 24, having the specialized Temporal Acceleration allowed us to fire this gun EXACTLY 3 times with that 72 AP, now spending that 4 specialization point to that feat become really questionable as it doesn't affect your dps in any way with this rifle. You'll be shooting 2 times either way - the nerf of the rifle also indirectly made the Contraction spell itself kinda redundant too for snipers, so it's really hard to decide if it even worth to use psi at all now for characters with this weapon. Because other that that spell there's really not that much benefit to be had for all the losses involved for dipping into psi. Increment is still ok, but nowehere near validates the HP loss. And since Contraction has a negative effect after it's use, it is now prevented to be used consequently. So it doesn't matter how long is the reuse time, it a one spell per battle thing now and that reduces the usefulness of Increment too and the Temporal related feats. There's simply no reason to go psi after issuing the fatigue after-effects of Contraction. If there will be a fatigue state afterwards either way, then using psi is stupid. You get the same AP bonus with Adrenaline Shots and save a good deal of skill points, 25% HP and possibly several feat slots with specialization points. This update will only bring more pure psi-less characters, which is exactly the opposite of what it proclaims to accomplish. Nerf fireballs, forcefields and mind manipulation all you want, but Temporal school was exactly right - for the cost it took to have it.

For snipers, there were builds made from strong synergies directly connected to each other, between spells and equipment, even between spells and other spells, everything worked so well, one thing led to another, all were in connection like a delicate machinery. Now with altering a single cog, it all fell apart. One can only assume, that the devs simply overlooked this and failed to see the actual effects of their careless meddling and how deep the consequences can be. I sincerely hope they correct this later.

General / Re: Josh Culler Appreciation Post
« on: July 30, 2020, 11:35:33 am »
Some ambient tracks were clsoe reminders of what we heard in Fallout 1 and 2 by Mark Morgan. Which is awesome.

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