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Messages - deanisi

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Development Log / Re: Dev Log #3: Real-time 3D Models
« on: February 20, 2022, 11:38:26 am »
Woooow! That's awesome! I love when all stuff is seen on my char, only thing that is more impressive is when damage is shown on clothes, like in Project Zomboid. Styg made Interplay/Black Isle run for their money, he's literally made a perfect classic fallout and is making his own Van Burren, except Styg is gonna finish it.

P.S. Does Styg take any donations? I don't mind to support him, give him some coffee money at least, he looks like a great guy so far.

Builds / Re: Chemical Warfare Build
« on: June 07, 2021, 06:29:01 am »
Thanks for suggestions, DEX looks more profitable than PER but my shots missed pretty much every time so I picked more PER, also I didn't want to use any psi in this run.
When I was making that build I had Caustic from Apex in mind, dude that can gas entire room while laughing in agonizing enemy's face.
Pretty much every encounter I won just by shooting my Acid gun against non mutant and non bug enemies, and freeze gun against bugs.
But in harder fights I just lay traps in circle formation or in corridor and toss gas grenade inside or behind them. If enemies still alive and trying to disarm my death fog machines, I'll just freeze or entangle them from stealth. This strategy works perfectly in open and closed space, it even outright annihilates deathstalkers. And even if you corenered or don't have space for maneuvers you can just toss gas grenade under your legs or where enemies can't see them and lure them there without any problems cause Chemical Assault Armor or insulated armor.

Builds / Chemical Warfare Build
« on: June 06, 2021, 12:18:42 pm »
I wanted to break rules of geneva convention as much as I can.
Main idea was to trap all exits  from room with poisoned bear traps or acid chemical traps and gas it + toss some magnesium grenades or flashbangs.  I made this build just for that specific moment, but it came out much better than I thought.
Basicly with that build you can make any place into an absolute death trap and freely walk there while your enemies die painfully. Also works pretty well in frontal confrontation.

Starting stats:
Current stats at level 12:
Current equipment:
Weapons: All kinds of chemical pistols, sometimes energy pistols.
Armor: Chemical Assault Unit Armor, Ancient rathound leather armor with insulating padding (when I use cryo grenades)
Head: Coretech tactical respirator
Boots: Black tabi boots
Also shitload of ALL kinds of traps and grenades.

Finally after 200h of different builds I found one that fits me and now I can finish the game.
I tried to use a lot of people's builds but I got bored pretty fast, so I made my own build and wanted to share it and get some  pointers.

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