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Messages - Faeren

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Builds / Re: What will be your first build in Expedition and why?
« on: July 20, 2019, 01:10:12 am »
I like crossbows because they are pretty balanced, power wise. Plus the Expedition is bringing some cool new feats that have potential to make this playstyle a little more dynamic.
What ones do you refer to?

Builds / Re: Please help with shotgun build
« on: July 19, 2019, 03:22:28 am »
If a build can accomodate the Armor Sloping specialty and the new Bodyweight Training feat they could actually use Nimble with Supersteel Armor:
45% AP * 0.55 (-45% from Armor Aloping with specialization) = 24.75%, less 10% from Bodyweight Training and you're down to 14.75%, presumably rounded to 15% with Nimble dropping it to 0%.

Builds / Re: What will be your first build in Expedition and why?
« on: July 14, 2019, 05:40:24 am »
My first character back in 2017 was just like yours.  I remade them when DOMINATING came out.  Beat it with both of them, and after my first run through expedition, I'm going back through it with my post-DC crossbow character (and snag all the stuff I missed the first time, given they have perception, locks/hax, persuasion). 

But in expedition, I'm running a temporal swordsman.  High strength, 10 agility, throwing/melee/dodge/evasion/temporal manipulation/crafting, grenadier.  Using a sturdy psi riot gear until my dodge/evasion is maxed and then switching to infused siphoner.  Despite no points in stealth, and no locks/hax or persuasion or perception, it's actually been a blast; I'm really enjoying the flexibility in combat, and nobody has action points like I do.
Would you be willing to share the build you use? Wasn't really sure what to go with but this sounds like a blast.

General / Re: Expedition release date.
« on: February 28, 2019, 07:41:11 pm »
I'd also seen mention that the DLC will flesh out various non-DLC areas of the game with new quests/characters/etc, is this true? The post before last gives the impression it's more self contained.

General / Re: System Tweaks to improve save time?
« on: February 24, 2019, 06:49:36 pm »
Speaking of saves, would it be possible to add option to choose if you want save files located in installation folder instead of windows. My windows is not on SSD and its much easier to install underrail on one that moving windows to speed up saves/loads.  :(

Or atleast have this option for quick/auto saves.
Look into creating a Symbolic Link on Windows, you can either download a program to do it or do it via CMD, but it cannot be done in the file manager by default last I checked. A Symlink basically creates a pointer that points to another file or folder, so you can turn the My Games\Underrail folder into a Symlink pointing to a save folder in your Underrail folder (or anywhere else on your SSD), and you'll effectively have the result you wanted.

While I've not bothered with Dominating, at 50% sale value you can still make money pretty easily, for one, resist the temptation to carry every single thing you find back to a merchant, take the things with the highest weight to value ratio. For example, metal  armors and sledgehammers might have a good sale value, but if you divide it by their weight it doesn't work out very well, stuff like electronic and psionic parts that can be worth a few thousand but have a weight of 0.1 or so are optimal. Anything that isn't worth hauling just render down into repair kits for fixing up guns and armor to sell and for selling directly to merchants that buy repair kits, you'll generally want to sell armor repair kits the most as you tend to need less off them, and armor generally has a worse weight to value ratio.

You'll maybe be making 70-80% of the money you would by hauling absolutely everything this way, but the time saved makes up for it. You can maybe haul everything up until you return the Armadillo circuit board, but doing it throughout the game is just going to make you miserable.

In regards to the suggestion though, it would be good if difficulty was customizable, with each option such as health, healing item penalty and cooldowns, enemy numbers, etc being individually modifiable. I find the healing penalty kind of silly when you can see enemies you're fighting getting the full amount while you get half.

Suggestions / Alternative ability scaling for Persuasion and Intimidation?
« on: February 20, 2019, 07:08:14 pm »
While particular builds having an affinity for different support skills is all well and good to create variety between playthroughs, one that seems a bit unwarranted is Psions being the only build that can cost-effectively invest in persuasion/intimidation. For one it locks any build without Will into either ignoring speech skills and killing their way through every encounter, or sinking a huge amount of points into it to make up for the malus from low Will. Additionally, it doesn't really make sense that Will is the pure determinant for both of these stats, most persuasion involves reasoning, so it could easily derive from Intelligence instead, and a big part of Intimidation is looking the part, so character with high Strength should also be able to intimidate someone.

Basically the suggestion is to make Persuasion use the higher of Will or Intelligence and Intimidation use the higher Will or Strength, similarly to Melee Weapons using Strength or Dexterity. In a similar vein Mercantile could scale from Will or Intelligence, which would open it up to being used by non-crafting psi builds.

General / Does the Junkyard recover after the Gang war?
« on: February 19, 2019, 08:36:40 pm »
I had assumed that the Black Eels would move into the Scrappers territory, a second in command would be posted where Eddy used to be, and a new shopkeeper would take the place of Gort, but so far there are just a few soldiers and Black Eels loitering about and I appear to have lost a shop.

Suggestions / Re: Feats and items improvements
« on: February 18, 2019, 08:51:19 pm »
Asking about the feat rather than suggesting improvements, but is entanglement/immobilization a common enough threat that Escape Artist is worth the perk point on a mobile character? So far the only sources I've seen are Mutant Dog's acid blobs and possibly Bear Traps, it seems like it would prevent a lot of savescumming on a character that relies on mobility but at the same time it seems a waste if you only encounter immobilization once in a blue moon.

Suggestions / Re: UI suggestions
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:21:42 pm »
To solve this issue you would have the right click option always use the most basic tool at its disposal, e.g. if you have a MKII and MKIII and can unlock with the MKII, it will use the MKII. To warn the player in case they run out of charge on their more basic Haxxor, simply show the tool that will be used in the "unlock" button in the right click wheel. Any more fiddly options outside of this like equipping the Jackknife and eating food would be left outwith the automated system. The only thing I'm wanting phased out is having to dig in your inventory for the most basic hack/pick lock actions, and this would still simplify things for people juggling the jackknife or scoffing food.

Suggestions / Re: UI suggestions
« on: February 15, 2019, 09:56:09 pm »
Some changes to hacking and lockpicking could save a lot of unnecessary clicks and time. The main one being why can't you simply right click a locked container/shaft cover and get a hack/pick option? Having to open the inventory, find the tool, right click it, and then click the target seems unnecessary. Even moreso for the omnitool which requires an additional click, even if there is some reason for having to select tools, the omnitool could just be context sensitive and lock/unlock hatches based on their current state. We already have the relatively long countdown for these actions so the additional overhead of UI manipulation seems unneeded.

An additional big one would be an option to right click in-combat and get an action list (or something with a similar effect), doors/bodies can be a huge pain in the ass in combat when you want to move onto a body, or are trying to target something behind a door, either requiring pixel hunting for a spot where you can manage to click the floor/target, or if you're unlucky accidentally looting a corpse/interracting with a door and potentially having to reload because it messed up the fight. If "Action List" doesn't quite get the point across, I imagine a situation where a target is behind a door, so you can just right click their outline and get a small dropdown with the options "Attack $target" and "Close Door".

General / Re: Skill/Stat Breakpoints?
« on: February 15, 2019, 03:58:26 am »
Fair enough, I think I'm set for now though one last thing would be: Is there any shop accessible relatively early that reliably sells Bullet Strap Belts? Similarly to Utility Belts being sold reliably by one of the small vendor stalls in Scrapyard. I'm planning to set my build up so I can fire 3 bursts and reload in the same turn instead of having to carry 2 SMGs, I've been looking for one everywhere but can't find any.

General / Re: Skill/Stat Breakpoints?
« on: February 14, 2019, 04:05:55 am »
Thanks a lot for the advice, is there an Underrail IRC/Discord server by any chance that would be more suited to small questions? I found a thread about a Discord server from last September but from the looks of it that didn't take off.

General / Re: Skill/Stat Breakpoints?
« on: February 12, 2019, 07:07:59 pm »
Thanks, the Steam guide is very comprehensive. One other thing I wanted to ask is if builds without defensive stats are viable? The original build I'd seen put no points in dodge/evasion and seemingly relied on tactical vests + mobility + quickly killing enemies in order to avoid damage, though it was several years old, is this approach still viable or would it likely lead to getting mulched later in the game?

General / Skill/Stat Breakpoints?
« on: February 12, 2019, 07:27:43 am »
Hi there, relatively new to Underrail but enjoying the game thoroughly. Anyway, I want to ask if there are any notable breakpoints or "good enough" values for skills, in particular I wonder about Traps, Throwing and crafting skills, but any others would be good to know.

Since throwing just modifies how likely a grenade is to land on the target cell it doesn't seem like it needs to be pumped that high, it even seems like you could manage with next to none if you simply aimed far enough away that there was no risk of being caught in the AoE, since it will always land within 3 cells of the target cell anyway, so the only other consideration would be feat requirements.

As for traps I'm playing a "Spec Ops" build that I found in a video that sneaks around then rapidly obliterates foes with SMG burst fire and Grenades, but have been noticing good positions I could place traps, but I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to put some points into them or not. Is it the kind of skill that needs maxed to prevent enemies detecting your traps all the time or can you manage with a moderate amount?

And finally for stats, are there any breakpoints besides feat requirements, e.g. diminishing returns or levels at which a stat is just excessive?

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