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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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This has no effect on the game. The only way to affect what happens with the oligarchs is to support Gorskey and join praetorian, which gives a special ending slide if a very specific set of events occurs.

Suggestions / Re: how make throwing knives better
« on: February 12, 2022, 03:06:43 pm »
Throwing Knives are fine as is, originally the only weakness they had was being utterly demolished by robots and other enemies with high mech DT, but now that acids exist that issue has been rectified. The latest update lets you get corrosive acid pre DC from the university, so now you can easily deal with the many tanky expedition enemies.

If you haven’t done the rail crossing quest/completed “find what the faceless are looking for”, Tanner hasn’t asked you to find the cube yet, so the player character wouldn’t know he wants the cube. The infiltrate the institute quest is the characters personal motivation, similar to how you get the quest to continue exploring the Black Sea after being fired from the expedition.

Suggestions / Re: Force Shield (Psychokinesis Riot Shield)
« on: February 10, 2022, 03:12:50 pm »
That’s kind of redundant with cryo shield, which already exists to block melee attacks. From the way you describe it, it just sounds like giving riot shields to all kinds of armor instead of just riot, which would make riot armor pointless. Also, why would you need 5 str if it’s a weightless psionic projection?

Bugs / Abomination Bugs
« on: February 09, 2022, 02:44:39 am »
Bug 1: Abomination respawn timer is active in turn based mode, respawning in real time. If you have game speed set to the fastest, this means he almost immediately respawns on top of you before you've had a chance to end your turn.

Bug 2: If you quicksave and quickload while the Abomination is respawning, it resets his spawn position to the center of the gas filled room, instead of where you killed him.

Suggestions / Re: Body Weight Training is very skewed.
« on: February 08, 2022, 03:18:32 pm »
It most certainly is not. It makes no sense for a veteran feat with high stat requirements to be objectively worse in every way when compared to a regular feat that can be grabbed at any level by any build. If BWT won't receive any buffs to address this, then the effects of Nimble and BWT should be swapped.
Compared to most of the veteran feats, body weight training is quite good, since you can reach 10 str at character creation, and lots of characters have high strength. Bodybuilding requires 12 con and only gives an 80 health boost. Expert sprint requires 13 agi, and only gives a 10 ap boost when sprint is activated. Veteran feats are meant to be niche feats for specific builds. Nimble is better than body weight training because it is the feat that enables evasive builds, so it needs to be powerful and available early. The advantage of body weight training is that it stacks with nimble, which can let you wear heavier armor while retaining low armor penalty bonuses.

Suggestions / Re: Body Weight Training is very skewed.
« on: February 07, 2022, 10:43:20 pm »
The reason body weight training is so much worse than nimble is because it can potentially allow you to go under 20% armor penalty with super steel armor, if you combine it with armor sloping and specialization. You can then use it on a fist build with lightning punches to deal high damage, have high mobility, and be extremely durable. Body weight training is fine as is.

It’s a bit pointless to level a skill to 160 just to fight 2 types of enemies in expedition. In my play through, I just stealthed past every locust hive, or used tnt to destroy them. You could also take off the cyclops eye and use other MT abilities to deal with hives. Against nagas, the build was barely able to kill 1 using emp grenades and spamming plasma beam pre buff, so post buff the only nagas you’ll struggle with are the nagas guarding the grand archives.

General / Re: List of viable uniques
« on: February 07, 2022, 03:04:33 am »
A lot of the rebalanced uniques work well as a secondary weapon, since they received powerful abilities with cooldowns. Energizer Glove, Butcher's Cleaver, Kukri, Claymore, Captain's Cutlass, The Glaive, W&S .44 Magnum, and RRCh-42 all work great as secondary weapons.

If you want a unique primary weapon, you best bets are Quake, Red Dragon, Black Blade, Wasteland Hawk, XAL-001, Tommy Gun, RRCh-42, K&HKH416, and Dragunov.

General / Re: "brand new Core City questline"
« on: February 07, 2022, 02:30:49 am »
It actually does have something to do with the mystery pyramid, as there is a new entry in the database for a certain someone. You can also ask John the Beautiful about him, and one way to reach him is to trip with motion at least 5 times.

As of the latest update this build got a huge buff, as you now get an additional 40% damage, 10% crit chance, and 5% psi cost reduction from the buffed Cyclops Eye. You can also fire off 7 beams in one turn using the new ap save mechanic, vit powder and at least 1 point of blitz specialization. I now recommend putting 2 spec points from Psycho-Neural Optimization into Blitz, to buff with focus stim and doctors belt before blasting. You can also potentially replace the staff spear with Hoddurform late game, as it now was buffed to give +30% crit damage and + 5% crit chance, bringing total plasma beam crit chance up to 40% when combined with Cyclops Eye and focus stim, with the downside of 15% increased psi cost. You can also now use Motion to increase psi points by 30 and psi regen by 5, meeting the 150 bio crafting requirement by shifting some skill points from stealth into bio. The build was already very solid pre buff, and you now have one of the highest damage builds possible in Underrail.

Bugs / Superintendent Rubin won’t give Dock Key
« on: February 05, 2022, 02:27:55 pm »
When attempting to steal the shield emitters for Gorskeys quest on the experimental version, Rubin’s only dialogue is “We have nothing more to discuss”. There is no option to bribe him or intimidate him into giving you the key, making it impossible to progress the quest in this way.

Bladelings aren’t the only crit immune enemy, there are also the mushroom dudes and Wyatt who are crit immune. I think it’s fine that they’re crit immune, they’re meant to be extremely tanky and they serve as a counter to crit builds.

Suggestions / Re: Newton can die before you talk to him
« on: January 04, 2022, 07:38:00 pm »
It isn’t a softlock, you can just go back to Big Bret and tell him that Newton died.

Builds / Re: Versatility pistol builds
« on: January 04, 2022, 07:27:25 am »
Energy Pistols are also better than regular pistols overall, since they have much better crowd control with the electroshock pistol, up to a 40% damage increase with high technicalities, and overwhelmingly higher damage with the plasma pistol, which can be boosted further with stacking crit damage and aimed shot. The only advantages standard pistols have over energy pistols are lower ap cost with gunslinger, an extra special attack with rapid fire, and bullet time, which is admittedly very good. Energy gun versatility builds are less feat intensive than standard firearm pistols, while being superior or equal in firepower to them.
Firearm pistols have much more benefits than that:

- ignore up to 40% evasion in close range
- specialized bullets that either pierce most of armor or boost damage to organic targets
- higher non-crit damage, even when compared to big brain High Technicalities
- higher crit chance
- higher hit chance thanks to laser sight
- bonus 15 AP on average thanks to rapid reloader
- extra 7 initiative thanks to Gunslinger
- lower reload cost thanks to bullet strap belt
- rapid fire consistently deletes strongest targets when paired with smart module
- bullet time is not just very good. It doubles your turn. Twice (thanks to Stasis)

I agree that pistols are feat intensive, but Versatility energy pistol builds take long to setup (as both crit and Versatility starts coming around mid-game and reaches full potential only on high-end).
I’ll admit, the evasion boost is nice, although it’s difficult to use ambush at such close range. The specialized ammo on firearm pistols isn’t really a benefit 90% of the time when compared to energy pistols. Energy guns primarily deal energy or electric damage, which are the least resisted damage types in the game, with only expedition bots and coil spiders having any notable resistance to them. Pistols of all varieties are able to obtain massive crit chance through ambush, steadfast aim, infused rat leather armor, ect, so non-crit damage only matters pre-depot A. Most pistils only have 4-5% higher crit chance than energy pistols, and energy pistols have higher crit chance than firearm pistols if using steadfast aim. Laser sight is nice, but you can’t use it on special attacks unless you want to give up your smart module special damage bonus. RR ap refund is nice as well. The initiative boost on gunslinger is mostly redundant on a dex versatility build, since you already get such a massive initiative boost from dex. Firearm pistols requiring bullet strap belt is a downside, since it means they can’t use doctors belt or commando belt, and reloading with batteries only costs 10 ap, so a 6 ap difference compared to bullet strap belt. A crit special attack on an electroshock pistol will delete anything except a coil spider just as well as a rapid fire, and also has the benefit of chaining to 3 nearby enemies and deleting them as well. Bullet time is very good, but it requires specialization points to really shine, which means delaying it until late game or being stuck longer with low accuracy due to unspecced versatility. Stasis is easily the best psi ability in the game by a wide margin, and there isn’t a single build that doesn’t benefit from taking an extra turn, so it shouldn’t factor in to how good a build could be. At the end of the day, both firearm and energy pistols are very good builds, but I’d argue that energy pistols come out on top. As anecdotal evidence, my easiest clear with lunatic mall was with a energy pistol build at level 20, because I could kill 8-10 lunatics per turn by using special attack+ point shot with an electroshock pistol and stacking special attack damage. Before that I was annihilating arena bosses with flashbang+ aimed shot on a plasma pistol. Firearm pistols can have a slightly better turn 1 than energy guns, but in any encounter longer than that energy guns come out on top. As a wise man once said, “If your build needs Stasis and Contraction to function, then it’s a shit build.”

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