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Messages - TheAverageGortsby

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General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: November 15, 2017, 02:50:27 am »
I'm thinking of rolling a tank psionic build. [...] Should I invest in Psychosis or Tranquility if I plan on taking this build?
Tank builds tend to endure, and endurance builds benefit more from Tranquility.  Burst builds favor Psychosis.  That said, you haven't given enough information for me to be 100% sure what playstyle you'll end up using.  A heavy psychotic psipuncher with strong thermo is perfectly valid and quite dangerous, though you're likely going to want to play around with those base stats just a little.  Despite my opening sentence, if you plan on stacking a very high armor penalty you'd probably benefit more from Psychosis.  If you plan to keep your penalty low with Super Steel (and perhaps Nimble) then definitely go Tranq.

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: November 13, 2017, 02:22:43 am »
Tranquility does apply after, so you do get Cryostasis for 0 AP with Thermodynamicity.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #55: Global Map
« on: October 19, 2017, 10:44:09 pm »
Very handy feature.  Thanks for adding it in.  Even though I probably have the whole base game layout memorized, it'll help me get lost less in the expansion, for sure  :D

General / Re: anti-Carnifex cheese
« on: October 16, 2017, 11:21:06 pm »
Let's compare that with psi buttons. "For 0 AP cost, all enemies are removed from combat for 3 turns oh and by the way your next attack against them is doubled lol" and you think taser needs nerfing? :P
Don't you dare touch my psi, evil moderator person  >:(

::Continues to headbang to "Firestarter" while running around as a pillar of flame::

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: October 15, 2017, 11:23:22 pm »
Generally speaking a 10 in your base stat for your attacks is going to make the lategame hard.  10 is very low at level 25.  UnderRail rewards specialization.  I would encourage you to specialize more heavily.  Here's my two cents:

That first build is just a mess.  You are going to want to find a few more points for Traps, even if you wear the Trappers Belt and carry Jackknife; you want 95 traps to be able to disarm everything in the base game.  You either need a few more points in Chemistry (if you want to make high-tier grenades) or else pull a few points out and drop some of them into Bio (you'll want to cook Super Soldier, if you're using xbows) and bank the rest.  As mentioned before, splitting into gun+bows as well as heavy psi means you're only moderately good at any of them.  The uncontested nature of Psi attacks means your Psi will be comparatively stronger than your guns and bows at high levels because enemies have reasonably good Dodge&Evasion.

The second build is perhaps even worse.  That tiny bit of Stealth isn't going to help at all, especially knocked down by your armor penalty, so pull those points back.  If you had a specific reason to put 19 points into Traps, then go ahead, but otherwise pull them back as well; you can use Bear Traps at 0 and nothing you can use at sub-30 effective is going to be much more helpful than bear traps.  Even with +2 INT Junkyard Surprise and the house crafting bonus, your Mechanics and Tailoring are too low to be useful to you in lategame, and thus they're not really worth that much investment; either get to 50 effective skill to make endless improved repair kits (which will essentially fix your personal money woes forever) or else go about 30 more real points into each so you can make truly quality endgame gear.

The third build is a wash.  Don't even try it.  With 9 Perception you don't even hit 200 effective skill at level 25 with your bows, and though your stealth will serve you well up to the Institute you'll be hating that investment in Deep Caverns, even if you drop your armor penalty gear in favor of lighter stuff.

None of what I said above matters even a little bit if you're playing on Easy, because on Easy you will absolutely murder anything you find.  Even Normal isn't really hard enough to make your builds bad.  My comments were entirely based on the assumption that you might want to try them on Hard.

To your additional questions in your OP:
Lockpicking/hacking won't really get you much in the way of crafting mats.  If you want crafting mats, get 80 or 110 effective Mercantile and you will have so many mats you won't know what to do with yourself.
Tranq is very easy to keep active for the first turn, and as long as you've got plenty of hypos you'll be fine on subsequent turns as well.  DO NOT spec into low health for the hopes of making Regen Vest godly.  It won't serve you well ^_^
Turtle isn't bad if you're playing high CON, very heavy armor, and Conditioning.  As with other aspects of the game, if you don't specialize for something, it might underwhelm you.

General / Re: Super Slam feat question
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:53:42 pm »
In this case it is better then usual attack after all - with crit 40 dmg turns in ~100, but anyway I'll take it last.
Or not?
For high CON builds it ends up being a lot of damage.  I know that conventional wisdom is that you need to stack STR for a sledge build, but I did a Hard run pumping CON above STR and Super Slam ended up adding ~120 mechanical damage.  Then of course you roll with a crit modifier over 200% so it ends up really adding near 300 (before mitigation) on Hard.  That makes a big difference.  Pummel -> Expose Weakness -> Super Slam.  He ded.

Super Slam is pretty great.

General / Re: Chemical/energy pistols
« on: September 22, 2017, 11:48:41 pm »
Hard Ironman? With one hand. And a bag over your head. And someone constantly beating you with sandbag.
You want an even harder challenge, try playing a game with a six-month-old in the next room and you're in charge of care and feeding.  I'll take sandbag torture any day, thanks.  :P

Suggestions / Re: Personal vehicles
« on: August 24, 2017, 04:52:11 pm »
I'm a compulsive packrat and with the Pack Rat perk, I never felt like I was missing out on anything.  Recycle any stuff you don't intend to keep and turn the scraps into improved repair kits (which sell really well) and weight will essentially never be an issue.  I pretty much only ever left behind crowbars and animal parts/metal plates of low quality.  Everything else I ever found anywhere went into the backpack and back to either the quarters in SGS or the home in Core City.

If there's a convenient way around the weight limit, then there's not much point in having a weight limit.  If there's no weight limit, then the limited-item-purchase mechanic that merchants use makes no sense.  If that makes no sense and is removed, then the game economy doesn't make any sense since the only two money sinks in the game are one-time sinks into improving your house, and a time-limited sink into creating Super Steel.  I think too much has to change to keep the game sensible, if you essentially end-run around the weight limit.  Just go back to a place where you can safely store things, every now and then, and drop off your stuff.  The weight limit is very forgiving.

General / Re: Help with high making CON build?
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:27:16 pm »
I did a 12 STR 14CON sledge build on Hard and won.  It was pretty stress-free, though I did save often and reload quite a few times when I made mistakes and died from them.  I'm not sure, if I went back and did another tanky sledge, that I'd go with 12 STR.  It's not that the damage was unsatisfactory, but rather that the difference between 10 and 12 wasn't really enough to make it a good use of stat points.  I think I'd do a higher dex+agi build.  Good heavy armor plus high-CON conditioning is going to be enough damage mitigation for everything up to and including Tchort.  I think having some extra mobility and snare removal would have been really handy.  Several reloads were from not making it up to melee range, or out of LOS from, snipers in time.  Even with good mitigation, those sniper crits can take the wind out of you.

Oh, and Balor kicked my butt bad like five times.  He's a beast when you're toe-to-toe.  I had gotten cocky from my previous psi character who just set the world on fire then threw a 4-turn forcefield and re-burst when it dropped.

Anyway, since sledges do a lot of mechanical damage, you might benefit from Expertise to add a bit more there, and if you can get 7 AGI I feel like Hit and Run would be highly useful for most of the game, since even with a lower STR like 10-ish you're going to be one-shotting a bunch of things and you'll always wish you had a few more MP to close distance.  If you end up with 6INT for Armor Sloping it's possible you'll have a low enough penalty to make Deflection worthwhile but that's just wild speculation.  You're right to want some Bio to cook your own drugs.  You'll have so much health even on Hard that you'll need those super hypos to get you back up into regen range after you tangle with a few damned coil spiders ^_^

Regarding high Crafting Skills; rather than just adding the occasional higher quality component, you could also feature more Mod Slots unlocked at high veterancy crafting levels.
Increasing crafting material quality lets you scale the power of crafted items very predictably.  Adding a new space for a mod would be enormously more complex to implement and balance.  Much as I enjoy crafting in Underrail I think that would be either an underwhelming change, or else it would make crafted items so much more powerful that there would be no strong argument for not playing a crafter.

Imagine stacking a second HEC on a shield gen, or adding a plasma chamber to an incendiary pistol.  That would be briefly amusing but boy would it be exceedingly powerful.

no healing, and other various reasonable and insane options
If healing was buffered up on item use and couldn't exceed some trickle rate that was too slow to really help much in combat, that would be a pretty nice additional difficulty, but no healing at all would be just spiteful*.  A less-trivial version of Pillars of Eternity's injury system might be nice too and presumably wouldn't be *that* hard to introduce since it would just require timerless debuffs.  Plus then poor lonely Pasquale might actually get visitors from time to time, and we could have a medbay to sink charons and fill that weird dead space in the house basement.

Well, just chiming in to say you made a really great game with UnderRail and I'm looking forward to spending some time and money on the expansion.

*by which I do not mean unfair or unwanted  :P

Suggestions / Re: On Tchort and An Alternative
« on: August 06, 2017, 03:47:53 am »
Tl;dr: Lemme fight Six, Tanner, and another dude instead of killing Tchort.
For what it's worth, based on some lore that you can uncover endgame, you'd have no chance against Tanner.
EDIT: That sounded somehow aggressive.  Not my intent.  Let me rephrase:
"Based on some lore available lategame, I don't think any of us would have a chance against Tanner."

General / Re: 2nd playthrough on hard, builds?
« on: July 30, 2017, 04:30:20 pm »
Tbh I did a lot of Quick-load/save because the low initiative can be a real killer.
You should be able to spare the 15 points and one feat to pick Gunslinger.  You don't even need to put bullets in the gun; just carry around some cheap 5mm nothing of a pistol and enjoy the +12 initiative from Paranoid + Gunslinger.

General / Re: 2nd playthrough on hard, builds?
« on: July 30, 2017, 10:15:38 am »
Psi has a lot of options and is always powerful.  I've played a few builds and though Psi isn't the most powerful of any well-specialized build, it doesn't have any weaknesses, which is awfully handy.  Plus the stat profile for Psi is forgiving.

Stealth sniper is fun on Hard and occasionally things fall apart and you're stuck running around like mad, lobbing grenades and trying to lure that last person onto a trapped tile.  That part is also fun, in my opinion ;)
Super-heavy sledge was perhaps the least stressful build I played on hard.  Literally the whole game was "run over mines, regen.  Get shot in the face, regen.  Get crushed under rockslide and set on fire then blown hypo, regen." Even Tchort was simple.
I haven't yet played a commando/SMG build but they sound pretty good.

If you haven't seen destroyor's FAQ ( it has some good build suggestions, and overall a lot of really helpful information.

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