Make Cloaking Device stealth effect not affcted by Armor Penalty. If it would be too strong - simple reduce stealth gain from it. Thus CD could be useful for when you need some heavy armor like vests, but still need some stealth to get into rigth position. Still, CD could add ~100 stealth at best? not that much, given that many dangrous enemies have higher than 100 instant detection trashhold. Or make it be affected only by some % of AP.
Snooping buff - you are very perceptive and smart and see things in dialogues. For example +3 Int +3 Per in dialogues.
But in general, if it would give hints in dialogues or otherwise for quests it would be useful. Also, it would go contrary to what game designer want to achieve, inducing lazy gaming so maybe it's pretty bad.
Given the talk with Ezra when he explained that too powerful plasma weapon will mealt shooter himself, I would agree on unique plasma rifle that woutl deal half of the damage to the shooter - 100% to target, 50% to a player character, maybe part of that damage is irresistible.
Given the talk with Ezra when he explained that too powerful plasma weapon will mealt shooter himself, I would agree on unique plasma rifle that woutl deal half of the damage to the shooter.
Add specialisation to Spear Throw that increase precision, maybe even at expence of damage. I know commando belt adress that, but just in case someone would want use differevt belt.
Als, someone suggested to merge Gun nut with Skinner - maybe if make it veteran feat, opportunity cost would be higher that way. Also yeah, such feats look ugly-shly mmo-ish.
Agree. I would said more - there was some music on initial release, which was removed later. One melody was especially tranquil, and I was sad it was removed - maybe it could be the music for the house?