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Messages - AW8

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Couple of suggestions
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:18:49 pm »
Thanks for the replies!

1. That's really hard to achieve because our engine is custom build with XNA, a rather dead technology, making that circle would need to set our sprite engine to a manual handled sorting and extend it to use multiple render targets and custom build shaders, and that is really hard at the point where the game is. For some future project we will think a bit smarter considering our technologies. (Who would think Microsoft would scrap something :P)
But if you press TAB you can see stuff behind walls, so containers and traps should be easy to detect on the screen.
That's interesting information! I'll stick to highlighting/reverse highlighting and moving really careful when placing traps behind walls, then.  :)

I'm pretty certain it's logged somewhere if and how much money you get. 
I certainly never missed it, and that'd be a really odd thing to not miss.
I'm pretty sure it tracks. I remember that I always paid atention to the infowindow to see how much money I got on the very first missions to make sure I didn't made any mistake of leaving one of the outposts with the lights off.
You're right, I just checked this. I usually play with the feed off and expected this information to be shown in the dialogue window itself, that's why I missed this.

It's tracked in both the Dialogue Feed and the Combat Feed, and much easier to find in the latter due to the lack of quest dialogue cluttering it up.

Thanks for making me aware of this!

Suggestions / Re: Couple of suggestions
« on: February 03, 2015, 07:30:42 pm »
Hello, I have a couple of minor suggestions that didn't warrant creating a new thread.

1) Having walls become transparent when you're behind them would be nice, for those times when you're placing traps and need a good view of the tiles, or attempting to open a container covered by a wall.

Example from Fallout:

Now obviously, me being a complete and utter moron regarding the subject of game development, I have no idea whether this is a simple tweak or not within the scope of development at all.

2) Quest rewards should be displayed in the dialogue window, as in "[You receive 200 Charons.]", instead of having you keep track of how much money you had before and after receiving the reward.
Obviously an incredibly minor "issue", but it would be nice to see this. :D

Looking forward to the full release. Cheers!

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