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Messages - Keydim

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Disarming
« on: December 25, 2015, 02:13:14 pm »
sorry my failure , i read about this only now ! That sounds pretty stupid(IMHO)  you can detect + disarm trap  but not pick it up. Only if
have 20  Point above Trap Difficulty.   I mean if i able to disarm it i should be able to pick it up and 20 Point are damn hight!
How , where can i see the trap difficulty ?

Suggestions / Disarming
« on: December 25, 2015, 10:11:40 am »
I don't know if somebody metioned it but disarmed traps should be added to inventory !  :o

General / Re: Curious about my builds viability
« on: December 23, 2015, 04:55:06 pm »
keep in mind Heavy armor , reduce AP if you have not  STR = 8-9 and  have Armor fatique ap to 90%(metal armor) = reduce stealth, evasion +dodge !  In heavy armor you will be hit more offen = reduce durability = cost money !

Stun = caused by not so many enemys try to take them out before they stun you , in my opinion its waste as a Feat for Ranger

Sure step is not bad perk if you know how to use it  ( In your build it es useless)
Example = crossbow + trapper build  you max out your  offence=low HP
lay caltrops every where on map (1 caltrap take approxymley 3*3 field or so , use stealth to beginn fight and then step on caltraps and go backwarts,  enemy will follow and take dmg + movement reduce  for steping in every caltrap. They are cheap and may be crafted but have some weight !  You may add poisen to make them more deadly !

General / Re: Psychosis vs Tranquility
« on: December 23, 2015, 03:16:37 pm »
Update - I've briefly tried both options (played up to GMS/Junkyard with both) and I think I prefer Tranquility because you can really frontload the damage or disables with lower ap cost/more PSI. Health isn't that much of an issue, there are hypos everywhere and regen while you're in the green zone helps a lot as well. I'll probably stick with it for now and keep Psychosis for a different playthrough.

Like i said   Tranquility + Thermodynamicity = Killing machine   :P

Hopefully you wan't be wreckend later in the game (i dumped my psion so have no clue) ,

General / Re: Curious about my builds viability
« on: December 23, 2015, 03:09:36 pm »
if you play on hard ,  you are doomed !

you seems have not really  much clue about game mechanic , most problem not your stat  but feats !
to reach higher level will be difficult  because of XP , so choosing "right" feats at the beginning is very important !

well Snooping with Perc of 7 is useless  (IMHO) , sure steps is less usefull as well  , Pack rathound with str 6  = useless

i would start over bevor venturing forward and be stuck in later in game ! (IMHO depend on difficulty)

!) but  before starting over devide what playstyle you want ! Close or Range . 

2) Crafting is fun  but raising  Explosiv  and not having  Traping or Throwing skills is absolutly useless (What do you want to craft with it Granade + Mines = you dont have these skills  )

3) INT of 8 is to hight for CRAFTER as well ,  such higher INT is only for PSI -user usefull
INT of 10 give a bonus +10 to crafting = means you can craft things wich are normaly 10 Points higher than normal ,  you need INT of 7 if you whant Feats  wich raise  Energypistol = crit dmg +25% ,  Acid = dmg *2 .
A lot of Feats requere  INT of 6 - it is optimal , but look for them if you dont need them just dump your INT = 4 , even with that low INT you dont get penalty to crafting and  may be a Crafter-Master.

There is a lot of build availible in Forum as well but i prefer to find it by yourself (it's most fun part for me)

General / Re: Pure caster build
« on: December 22, 2015, 12:24:39 pm »
for starting  ATT   is  Will  = 10  must   ,   INT = max 6  if you wahnt  "premeditation"  if dont just dump it to 4  ,
the Regen bonus is a joke :
Will + Int = 10   => regen  +15 PSI   
Will =10  + Int =4 =>  Regen +12 PSI , but dont let INT go below 4  because  negativ INT is bad for Regen + Crafting

Main tactic for PSI :

get near  enemy (stealth)  and unload  all your  PSI Points  in one Round  = "tranquility + thermodynamicity + premeditation"   let you use up to 4 psi abilitys in 1 round, if you have gear witch reduce AP cost , even more !  If there is someone still a live finish them with secon. weapon  OR just  run away (use force field)  and retore PSI point for free !  ;)

crafting is usefull  for  PSI (even with 4 INT) = you can  craft  PSI booster + PSI helmet  + HP restore  it let boost your offence with make the stragegie more successful = less to reload !

Armor  = only lether  , metal reduce your  AP

Persuation/Intimadation +  mercantile  =  useless (IMHO)

Hacking /lockpicking = a lot of container are open , infest some point  at the begining

General / What the point of Diassemble as a feat ?
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:44:13 am »
It seems totaly useless as a feat !

1) you may to take apart only limited items like weapons to get  stuff  wich have no  quality  Anatomically-Aware Scope, barrel and use it again in another weapons , but that it, component wich have quality will reduce it to 90%, so a new weapom from it will be worse! Ofcourse you  can attach additional Attachments but there are not so many of them on low level. 
It  seems to sell  or recycle a weapon is better choice and not waste  a FEAT for it!

somebody tell me i am wrong and miss something ! :'(

1) it should be a blueprint like recycle  or so be it  replace recycle , so repairing gear without that perk is not cheap !
2) more items should be able to diassamble  especially consumeable items like greandes + mines so i can convert grenade to mines and vice versa  and medecine (for vials, and tubes)
3) quality  should not be reduced !


General / Re: Psychosis vs Tranquility
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:13:03 am »
Well  i took  Tranquility  it let you fire more psi  and with thermodynamicity  i take everyone before it come near me (on hard mode)
additional there is feat premeditaition wich give you another  free atack ! 
Psi are killing machines (i am at the beginning , hope later there is more stronger enemys , because it boring , trying to switch to traper style )  :o

Crit chance relay on luck and Traquility give you exact more control over battle . Luck is a bit** in real life as well !
Moreover  PSI dmg scale with skill so crit chance not realy neccesery 

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