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Messages - communistsquirrel

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Bugs / Re: [Foundry] Killing "The Beast" Twice
« on: January 18, 2016, 09:27:58 pm »
As for the quest itself, we have talked about tweaking some of the things that confuse the players in the future (adding more notes, NPC giving you more hints, etc.)

I probably would have resorted to the forums if the wiki was not available for self help. I was certainly confused that punching it to death did not end the quest, and only after did I question the whole enterprise.

A lot of times in games, NPC dialogue will indicate that something is impossible, and then the PC goes and does the impossible. That is the whole point of playing a hero, isn't it? That is basically what you can do here, but there is no payoff, and it is confusing whether there should be a payoff. And then, to finish the quest in the proper fashion, you have the discontinuity of a scripted event where the Beast is killed again.

You could make the quest end humorously, by being able to casually mention to the mayor that you punched the beast to death, no big deal. Put on a pair of shades and walk out.  8) There is an opportunity here to have an alternative ending to the quest, instead of trying to "fix" it by changing the gameplay mechanics.

Bugs / Re: [Foundry] Killing "The Beast" Twice
« on: January 18, 2016, 09:20:32 pm »
No NPC says it, but your quest log does. It explicitly says you probably need the help of a biologist to find a weakness.

So,  journal entries do not reflect what NPCs say about a quest.  Stuff that shows in the journal is not what NPCs say, or vice versa? Don't you think that is confusing?

Edit: Like, I'm thinking about this as if your PC is taking notes on what NPCs say, and if no NPC says you should go to a biologist for this quest, then where does that information come from? From the PC's internal thoughts? Dreams? Tought Control mindreading? Did a ghost tell you? Did the PC find a note on the ground? Did the PC have a peyote trip and discover the knowledge through ancient rituals? Where did this information originate? WAS IT ALIENS?!  :o

I don't think this is the only quest in the game with this type of storytelling discontinuity.

If you're not the sort to review your quest log notes, I suppose you might never realize what you were expected to do next.

Having played many games without quest/journal logs to guide oneself, I do expect the NPC dialogue to contain enough information to get the ball rolling, so to speak. Also, I bet people love that pedantic tone, keep it up! ::)

Bugs / Re: Exothermic Aura Unaffected by Skill
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:42:59 pm »
Is it intended that fire from Exo Aura remain burning on the ground even after you move to a different map, and come back after several (real time) hours? I noticed this on one of the maps near the Acid Hunters place.

Bugs / Re: Gladiator allies turning hostile due to their own fault
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:38:59 pm »
Eh. Kill em all, more loot for you!

Haha. I was killing them on purpose already 8) Any AOE attacks (like Pyrokinesis) turn them hostile anyway, and they will also be the target of Electrokinesis chain jumps regardless of their affiliation, but getting hit by a bolt will turn them hostile.

Bugs / Re: Gang Showndown Quest
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:36:33 pm »
Btw, I don't think Roman is important to finishing the quest as long as Silas survives.

True. I completed this quest in version or 6, Roman having had his heart attack during the fight, and was able to complete it afterwards by talking to Silas.

Bugs / Re: Cannot ally with Faceless
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:30:26 pm »
Thanks for the saves (and the patience), and sorry about this nasty "feature."

If debugging is the act of removing bugs from software, then programming is the act of adding bugs to software. Have no shame! We appreciate your diligence, and if this issue is not fixed in, you can always fix the fix.  ;D

Also folks, please remember that this is a 3 person team (unless I am mistaken), and it can sometimes take several hours to debug, find, solve, and test a single issue. Patience.

Bugs / Re: [Foundry] Killing "The Beast" Twice
« on: January 16, 2016, 07:15:00 pm »
I honestly thought that the quest was oriented towards going in there and beating the beast to death with mah fists. Only later, using the wiki, was I able to discover that there was another intended resolution.

I don't really care about how this quest is resolved, but if it is not intended that The Beast be killable, then it should be immune to resistance lowering debuffs, and maybe there should be something that indicates how to properly resolve the quest using the intended mechanisms.

Edit: I know NPCs indicate the Beast is indestructible, but when did that ever stop the PC from doing anything else other characters find impossible? ;) I don't recall any NPC saying "Hmm, well maybe if we could determine the biology of this thing, we could discover how to kill it. Hint hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge."

Bugs / [Foundry] Killing "The Beast" Twice
« on: January 10, 2016, 09:46:28 pm »
I wanted to mention a continuity problem. It is possible to kill The Beast twice - first in the mines in regular combat, and then for real by doing the quests. Killing The Beast in combat in the mines rewards (~1k) experience in Classic, but no loot, and does not complete the quest.

I'm not sure if it is intentional that you can kill it in combat. I used the Expose Weakness trait + Psychokinesis abilities to overcome its mechanical resistances.

Killing The Beast in the mines did not break any of the related quests. I guess there were two Beasts there?  :o

Bugs / Re: Lost Vault bug
« on: January 10, 2016, 08:47:55 pm »
Not sure about the one in Hathor, but you can lockpick the one in Lost Vault. No idea what skill level is required, less than 90 or so I think.

Bugs / Re: Lost Vault Trader - small bug
« on: January 10, 2016, 08:38:40 pm »
I can confirm this bug, I've seen it myself. You can lockpick the footlocker iirc. Or, maybe there is a key for it. Not sure. The bug is only on the float text, there is still a way to open it.

Duplicate bug reports:

Bugs / [Foundry] Assassinate Nicolas Bug (SPOILERS)
« on: January 10, 2016, 08:36:41 pm »
I found a small bug where Nicolas respawns after being pushed into the molten steel pool.

To get this bug to happen, I first got the mission to Assassinate Nicolas from Olivia. Then I went to the metalworks and pushed Nicolas into the molten steel. I went back to Olivia, got the reward, and then killed Olivia with the mine cart. When I next went back to the metalworks map, Nicolas had respawned, as well as Agent Steve being present and mentioning Nicolas's death.

I haven't seen any consequences to this, just thought I'd mention it. I'm guessing there is a respawn boolean sentinel set to true after I killed Olivia, after already killing Nicolas and turning in the mission to Olivia. Just a guess.

Edit: I haven't been able to talk to Nicolas. I think the game is coded to expect Nicolas to be alive after you kill Olivia, even if you kill Olivia after killing Nicolas. I wonder if I kill Nicolas again (somehow), will Olivia respawn?

Edit 2: I killed Nicolas (again) in regular combat, ran to the next zone and Olivia did not respawn. So, probably a flag set on quest return to Olivia makes Nicolas reanimate?

Bugs / Re: Rathound King - Cutscene, player position bug.
« on: January 10, 2016, 08:29:48 pm »
Yeah, tabi boots could be the cause of this.

I was in one of the cave areas (see screenshots). Basically, I loaded in from the northwest zone entrance, used Pseudo-Spatial Projection, and Exothermic Aura out of combat, and then ran around the northern area until some of the crawlers in the area attacked. I killed 4 of the crawlers this way, perhaps exiting combat and repeating once to use Aura again. I then stopped, out of combat, in the area in the middle near the pool, and used quicksave. Then, there was a error dialogue saying the game could not be saved. I can't remember if the game crashed then, or if I tried to load the area's autosave and that caused the crash. I was not able to recreate this (I tried, and had no problems with the area after restarting the game).


Maybe a timer problem on the fire sprite animation tics for Exothermic Aura? The flames were still active on the ground when I went to save.

Edit: Glad to hear you guys are on top of things.

Bugs / Re: Rathound King Armor Glitch
« on: December 29, 2015, 04:33:59 am »
I don't consider this a glitch. It is perfectly logical. The hunters think you are the Rathound King, just like the rathounds see you as friendly. Wear the armor and rathounds become friendly (green). Working as intended, methinks.

Bugs / Re: Rathound King - Cutscene, player position bug.
« on: December 29, 2015, 04:29:37 am »
I noticed this as well. A few times when I reloaded, my character would not get stopped in the hallway, and would walk to the position you mention, which is the final destination.

When my character did get stopped in the hallway, it looked like my character's movement was blocked by one of the NPCs taking up the next movement square for a fraction of a second too long, causing a collision stop on my character. Once the battle starts, you can take a step to refresh the vision in the room.

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