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Messages - MF

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General / Re: Easy way to defeat end boss(mega spolier)
« on: January 05, 2016, 09:52:57 am »
Has anyone found a list of mutagen combos for tchort?

I did, but they're randomized for each playthrough so mine are worthless to you.

There is a mutagen scanner in the area below the doppelganger research lab. Scan all your mutgen canisters one by one and write down the sequence. Then scan Exitus 1 and see if you can create that particular sequence by combining a few others.

A simple example

Exitus 1 : LX VH FS JH

IO 1 : B5 LX VH -MZ


Sequencing IO1 and then ECHO2 will yield Exitus 1. The -B5 in ECHO2 will remove the B5 in IO1 and the -MZ in IO1 will remove ECHO2. In practice, you'll probably need to concatenate 4 canisters this way.

Not sure how you would make Exitus 2.

General / Re: Easy way to defeat Tchort (mega spolier)
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:17:58 am »
thanks for the title spoiler

Sorry about that. Fixed it.

It's not much of a spoiler anyway, the big baddy is being telegraphed as soon as you hear about it and it doesn't have any plot depth to it. It's evil, you need to kill it and there's no way around it. A bit of a let-down now that I think about it. I expected something more like The Master in Fallout. It's a very similar character in concept, but lacks interactive dialogue and has no moral ambiguity. You're not even being told why you need to kill it or what's so bad about it except that it wants to eat you.

General / Re: Easy way to defeat Tchort (mega spolier)
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:00:28 am »
Well... it's probably not intended, but there are a lot of times in the game where the strategy of standing at a chokepoint and letting a weak creature attack you while killing off the stronger ones behind it is a functional strategy. (Mutated Dogs with mutant packs, for example, or simple Rathounds at packs including Alphas and Ancients etc.) I also wouldn't call this method "easy" given that if I understand correctly, the tentacles are still able to fight you - and while your character may have dealt with them easily many other builds probably wouldn't see them as so trivial.

True, but they were pretty trivial even without the Psi AoE. I had crafted a 1700+ capacity shield with almost 300 high frequency resistance from all the stuff in the warehouse district and switched from my regenerative overcoat to a biohazard suit so I was practically immune from all their attacks for at least ten turns. Only the Thought Control tentacle was a problem, but it was still susceptible to cognitive interruption and three turns was all I needed. I'm not sure how you would deal with that one without psi, maybe flashbang it?

Anyway, getting those tentacles to basically attack their own brain was pretty fun to watch. Healing itself for 200 HP did little to migitate the 1000 points of damage it was dealt each turn.

I guess a stealth character is supposed to plant dynamite at the tanks or something? I might do another playthrough with a stealth character, but right now I'm fed up with it. The Deep Caverns were  a gruelling experience.

General / Easy way to defeat end boss(mega spolier)
« on: January 03, 2016, 10:52:45 pm »
I don't know if it was intended, but if you lure in The Mouth of Tchort a bit in the square center area, then walk around him towards tchort and make him follow you, he will effectively block the way for all the spawning melee creatures. His attack is worthless so he won't harm you. You can then just wail away at tchort to your heart's content.

With my Thought Control Psi character I AoE enraged all the tentacles with Locus of Control so they joined me in butchering the god. It was over in a couple of turns.

Is that strategy an intended way to defeat it? It took me a while to come up with it after getting my ass whooped a couple of times because the mutagen puzzle was bugged so it was really welcome, but it feels kinda cheap nonetheless. :)

The endgame is already frustrating enough as it is and the mutagen puzzle requires some thinking, or time to write down the mutagen combinations. I couldn't do it in one, two or even three trips to a safety hatch or the exit to the north. It was easier to just let the eye counter increment itself while I wrote everything down and then load my savegame before that.

I understand the change in tone and the peak in difficulty. I like it and I think the decision to make the character relatively weak again is very strong and adds to the atmosphere tremendously.

But why gimp and frustrate the player this way? I'm playing an RPG, not a frustration simulator. My character's tedium should not be mine.

At the very least make the counter stop during dialog so I can use the scanner and actually read what it says.

PS I know I can read the dialogue feed after the fact, but that thing refreshes with each transition and save, so that's not a reliable method.

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