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Messages - Kachajal

Pages: [1]
General / Re: A more user-friendly Underrail speedhack
« on: February 06, 2017, 07:42:53 am »
That's a shame, empERROR. Though I confess I don't see why it would be so - even Cheat Engine shouldn't be much of a cheat in Battlefield 4, much less a standalone trainer like this.

Regardless, sorry about that.

General / Re: Nimble Psion build - looking for input and improvements
« on: February 04, 2017, 07:10:33 pm »
Hilf - you make some good points.

If I had the stat points, I'd take fast metabolism in a second. It both fits the concept of a generalist psion and is quite a powerful feat.

The issue with taking stuff like Pyromaniac, Psychostatic Electricity, Thermodynamicity is that, while more powerful, they don't fit the concept as well. They're specialization feats, and the idea behind the build was a jack of all trades of a sort.

(It already pained me to take Force User, but I just found it far too useful. The telekinetic punch boost was certainly nice, but the real amazing thing about it are the four turn forcefields. Being able to retreat for four turns or funnel enemies in a particular way made some otherwise impossible fights quite easy.)

I'd be more interested in Neural Overclocking. However, if my understanding is correct, the average damage increase it grants me without using a crit chance psionic headband or a focus stim is pitiful. Is that the case?

As more of a side note, having a larger Psi pool in prolonged combat isn't as useless as you consider it to be. You'll rarely use your whole pool at once, but on some turns you'll be using more expensive abilities than on others, and having the margin of error of Psi helps. Also, in really tough fights when you hide behind a forcefield to regenerate cooldowns, you also regenerate Psi up to your limit - so having a larger pool won't be helping you just once per combat in that way, either.

Thanks for posting your reasoning. When I was making this build way back when, I considered Neurology a no-brainer, and I continued to do so even when I posted it here on the forum. You're at the very least making me re-assess that, and I'm seriously considering taking it out in spite of it fitting the build concept.

General / Re: Nimble Psion build - looking for input and improvements
« on: February 04, 2017, 07:20:15 am »
Thanks for the input so far!

As destroyor mentions, the build does reach 32 mechanics with junkyard surprise/crafting benches.  I think it's fine in doing that only that late - getting a perfect infused siphoner leather before that point is possible, but a bit overkill.

Destroyor, I think I'll take you up on that suggestion. Like I said, power management has been a bit overkill - I can only recall two occasions since I took it where I even came close to running out of shield power mid combat, and Thermodynamicity certainly seems powerful. At the very least, I will definitely attempt your version and see how it integrates.

hilf - why drop neurology? I admit part of why I took it simply for the concept, but I've grown to like basically never running out of Psi. 140 Psi with blitz and adrenaline works out very well in terms of what I am able to do in a single turn.

General / Nimble Psion build - looking for input and improvements
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:52:35 pm »
Here is the build itself, as optimized as I could make it.

The concept behind the build is a self-reliant, agile, generalist psion. I just finished the game on hard with a very similar version, and it was enjoyable, and worked pretty well. I died perhaps around fifteen times in total throughout the playthrough, and many of those would have been erased had that build version taken paranoia sooner.

The character wears a psionic headband, an infused siphoner leather armor, infused siphoner leather tabi boots, and wields boxing gloves (just for the dodge bonus).

Now that I finished the game with it, I wanted to make it as perfect as I could, and this is where I want your input.

1) Any way to better optimize the skills? Right now it hits pretty much all of the thresholds I want with the crafting bench bonus: 170 electronics for energy shield, 158 tailoring/32 mechanics for infused siphoner leather armor, 130 hacking, 110 persuasion with just junkyard surprise and 115 biology.

Ideally, however, it'd hit 115 biology without the crafting bench bonus so that it'd be capable of making the regenerative mixture even in DC, and it'd hit 110 persuasion without needing the junkyard surprise - but I just can't find the points, even taking the 4 points from dodge and evasion pained me greatly.

2) Thoughts about the feats? I tried Yell instead of Evasive Maneuvers (with the appropriate skill reallocation), but it was *very* rarely useful. Power Management has frankly turned out to be bit of an overkill, though perhaps a welcome one. I think I'll also be checking exactly how much Skinner gives me and if it is worth it in comparison to the alternatives.

Really, any and all thoughts are welcome.

General / Re: Opinion on Riot Gear Build
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:26:25 pm »
Neat! Personally I'd also switch out Pack Rathound for Doctor, but it looks nice anyway.

Please, do let us know how it plays once you get further into the game with it. I love concept builds, and I really love to see them succeed.

General / Re: Opinion on Riot Gear Build
« on: January 31, 2017, 08:54:00 pm »
If you need a filler feat, I'm a big fan of Paranoia. The 5 initiative amounts to something like 25% more chance of going first (not exactly, but close enough), and going first is often the difference between losing no resources to a fight, to having it be tough or unwinnable.

Thanks for the shoutout!

Some very useful info here. I was actually wondering if you could transfer/dupe items the same you could in Fallout 1/2 - looks like you can! And the skill threshold information has actually been very difficult for me to find in the past. And all the crafting component info is very handy, too - that has also been a thing I needed at one point. Even just knowing that you can find normal (non-infused) components with a quality of up to 164 is extremely handy.

All in all, very nice from a first glance.

General / Re: Is it me, or...
« on: January 14, 2017, 04:47:40 am »
Yeah, the forum could definitely use some sort of an anti-spam update. It seems like the spambots hit it just about every night.

It's gotten to the point where the "probably not a spambot" rank is very ironic, as a large portion of the spambots actually have it.

Mind you, I'm not sure what the update could be. Better/different captchas? Randomize the googleable question with every post? *shrug*

General / Re: modding the game
« on: January 12, 2017, 03:39:35 am »
That's a huge, huge shame. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose only gripe with Underrail is that there isn't more of it, and modding would solve that problem nicely.

General / Re: Help with my last trait
« on: January 12, 2017, 03:37:09 am »
Welcome to the forum!

Take this with a grain of salt, as I've yet to play a knife specialist myself.

Out of the things you've listed, I'd personally take Power Management. However, this is assuming that you can make use of it - do you have high electronics and all of the required materials? I'm not sure if you'll find the crafting materials for a new energy shield if you don't have them already (as in, I can't recall if Deep Caverns has anything like that).

Also, personally I'd consider Paranoia. With your high dexterity and agility you already have a very high initiative, with another boost of five you would very rarely have to worry about enemies going first. This is assuming that you ever lose initiative in the first place, but if I understand the mechanics correctly you should still have a decent chance to do so.

General / Re: Bilocation Confirmed - 4 Will
« on: January 08, 2017, 08:33:12 am »
Thanks for sharing, I'm sure the info will be useful for some of the min-maxers out there. Hell, I've been wanting a hybrid psi build for a while, this may be useful for that.

General / A more user-friendly Underrail speedhack
« on: January 08, 2017, 08:29:16 am »
I grew annoyed with having to start cheat engine and attach it to Underrail every time, and it spiraled out into a fully-fledged speedhack trainer.

I tried to make it as user-friendly and foolproof as possible. The speeds are bound to F1 up to F4, from normal speed, to double speed, quintuple speed, and x255 speed. You'll need to unbind them in-game before using them (by default F1 is help and F3? hides the hud.)

Personally I use double speed for normal gameplay, quintuple for travel/fishing/skipping things and x255 when I need to pass time, but that's just me.

I'm also attaching the Cheat Engine table in case you want to change the hotkeys or just want to re-make the exe on your own because you don't trust strangers on the internet (it's fine, I'm not offended. What, this? No, I was just cutting some onions.)

Note that if you use the table to re-make the trainer, you should use File -> Generate generic trainer (as opposed to File -> Save as.)

Hopefully this will be as useful to others as it has been to me.

Mega link

Mediafire link

(I've only tested this on the GOG version of the game, not the Steam one - but it should work regardless.)

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