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Messages - Draynin

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions / Pistol Feat Initiative Synergy
« on: February 28, 2020, 11:19:30 pm »
I mean I'm sure someone has said it before. Late game pistol damage is awful. So since pistols rely on dexterity, and have lots of benefits with initiative. I think it be best if there was a feat that capitalized on that synergy.

[Feat Name]-[Mid-Late Game Attribute and skill requirement] : This feat adds the players imitative score as a flat damage bonus to all ballistic firearms, as well as adding that same score to critical damage bonus {multiplicative}
Gunslinger Feat
Dex: 10 or 12

Suggestions / Re: Deep Caves & Final Battle re-design suggestions.
« on: February 28, 2020, 11:06:53 pm »
The way I interpreted deep caverns after experiencing it a few times is like this

1.  Tchort is not a threat to underrail when you enter the DC. But he will be for a number of reasons. He has the cube, an item of extraordinary power, they just don't know how to use it. Imagine if they were able to consume and integrate the faceless commander and learn how to unlock its powers.

2. Six and the Faceless don't try and fight Tchort for the above reason, and the I believe besides what they say, they know Tchort is stronger against beings with higher intelligence. Not to say the PC is stupid but I saw it as kind of working like cerebral trauma can. Tchort most likely is able to deal with beings of greater intelligence and understanding better, due to collective its consciousness and psi presence, and that's why he wanted Six to come to retrieve the cube himself, and ultimately why Six sends you instead of going himself.

3. Continuing on the Six thing, I really don't want to know what Tchort would have been able to due if he somehow baited Six down to his chamber, defeated him and was able to absorb his mind. I'm sure a collective mind, with a psi presence that affects miles around it wouldn't be amplified to impossible power with the knowledge of a god man. Not to mention if they were able to use Six's teleportation tech, which even the player can (thanks Dude), he could just teleport his minions and the cultist where ever they wanted. Which is a big no-no

4. I have two theories as well, as why Tchort doesn't let you leave. It makes sense if he wanted Six, he would let you leave so Six or the faceless would have to come to him themselves. My first theory is; is that Six was masquerading his presence on top of yours. Simply put, Tchort didn't know it was a normal human that fought their way to him until you enter the chamber, as he comments his was expecting the high one to come himself. This makes sense because when you are in DC, Six only talks to you face to face, never over radio, never using psionics or anything else. This means Tchort could never tell your presences apart because Six never gave them a way too. I also think this is a possible reason why Six doesn't assist directly during the events of DC. But I believe he was watching and putting his presence on you as an indirect form of assistance. The other theory, which is extremely unlikely, is that Tchort was afraid other God Men being able to come down after knowing what was going on via your character returning from DC. So Tanner, or maybe Dude (who i'm convinced is a god man). But that's way less likely to to be the case.

Bugs / Re: Aegis Jet Ski got eaten by the void
« on: July 25, 2019, 03:12:09 pm »

Here is the screenshot of the area I was parked, right on the shallow rocks

Bugs / Aegis Jet Ski got eaten by the void
« on: July 25, 2019, 12:25:29 am »
I got a radio call during an attack on the aegis camp, scooted back on over and landed on the far western end near the flat shallow rocks, in the area where the tribals attack from. After the fight ended I walked over to talk to the professor and came back. The ships had de-spawned and my jet ski with tons of valuables in it also de-spawned/was eaten/disappeared. Thinking this is a bug, which is a shame cause I had some good stuff in that thing

Where is the option to activate the faster out of combat movement?

Builds / Re: What will be your first build in Expedition and why?
« on: July 10, 2019, 08:01:55 pm »
Thinking I want to do something with shotguns, maybe shotgun riot shield, I don't use shield frequently.

Suggestions / Simple Gun Nut Change
« on: March 29, 2019, 10:46:26 pm »
I think sense most people don't like gun nuts lack luster ability, we should change it from adding up damage limit to just:

"Crafted Guns have an additional modification slot" ( of course you cannot overlap mods, but that's already implemented for most things )

Course this may need some testing but it would allow you to get more use out of the many modifications in the game, just my personal suggestion

Suggestions / Pro Scavenger for Hire
« on: April 18, 2018, 11:53:38 pm »
Pretty straight forward, I think we need a pro scavenger for hire that will hunt down components for the player, for an increased price over normal item value. I just think it would be nice because sometimes you really want to make a certain weapon but can't find a frame that has a quality over 100, or maybe every shop is missing that one attachment you really want. Maybe I just have bad luck, but sometimes I can never find that one piece I need to complete a weapon build.

General / Re: I hate you all [major spoilers]
« on: April 11, 2018, 09:22:57 pm »
Since we are talking about theories and story related things here, think I'll throw in my two cents.

TLDR: I believe that BioCorp created the pill that awakens psionic potential in humans based off of the monoliths effects.

It has been a long time since I've played the game for exploring everything. Been here from the very first early access release so my knowledge may be faulty.

So lets start this off, I don't think it was ever stated the exact date that psionics started appearing in Underrail. Now this doesn't have to do with much besides, we generally agree most of the psionics may be tied to the monoliths. What I think happened was BioCorp found some monoliths, saw that they awakened some psionic power in living lifeforms and started to experiment with them, recording data on how it affected people exposed, what kind of changes they went through and so on. They most likely saw that it took some time to manifest these powers. So they started a project to create something that would have the same effect as the monolith but make it happen faster, as exposing people to the monolith for extended periods of time probably wasn't efficient. What they created was a pill that, if the person met the right genetics ( psi potential), would take the pill and it would force their bodies to go through the whole exposure in minutes, revealing their psionic powers. However this forced procedure caused some physical trauma to the body, weakening them slightly ( thew max hp reduction). Perhaps BioCorp fell before they ever perfected the formula, but I'm sure that a BioCorp scientist in the human experimentation and mutation field would work on something like this perhaps know how they made the pill, cough cough Ezra. To my knowledge they never really discuss what the pill is and you never see any of medical NPC's have one, leading me to believe that SGS may have made it on their own.  I further believe this because there are all kinds of medicines and chemicals you can inject to enhance or negate psi powers. Meaning it has to be some chemicals in the body that affect psi, since black dragon can inhibit and other drugs can enhance the abilities.

Also animals can have psi abilities, yet we only see rat hounds and psi beetles, imagine a psi death stalker

Suggestions / Re: Combined Weapon Feats
« on: April 10, 2018, 01:17:11 am »
That's a fair assessment, I was just hoping to get the idea out there and get some cogs moving.  Glad you like the names atleast

Suggestions / Combined Weapon Feats
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:13:14 am »
After playing this game for 460 hours, and looking at many of the builds. There are almost no builds that multi-spec into different primary weapons. Throwing is of course, sometimes used as a secondary for all the utility and damage you get with it. However no one really specs into melee and guns because there is no reason. But I'd love it if we did add some reasons, some feats that combine certain weapons from each skill set, maybe even weapons from the same skill that are widely different like chemical pistols and energy pistols.

I think the best place to start with this is feats, they have to be powerful for the multi-spec, but not broken.

Human Sheild
Melee 35
Guns 40
Dexterity: 6
Must have a pistol and knife equipped.
The player grabs an incapacitated or dazed target and uses them as a human shield. (Only works for humanoid targets)
This living shield absorbs ranged damage until they die or the duration runs out. Movement cost while holding a living shield
is doubled. Duration of the feat is 2 turns (minimum) + 1 turn for every 2 strength above the target at the time of grappling.
During the duration the players secondary/ melee weapon cannot be used as it is being used to hold the target in place
( Imagine it as the player holding a knife up to the target neck while moving around and shooting with a pistol)

This feat combines well with crippling strike and cheap shots

Emergency Buckler
Crossbows: 40
Melee: 20
Must have a crossbow equipped

The player activates this ability and uses their crossbow to parry/block incoming melee attacks. Non-Critical damaging strikes
direct the damage to the weapons durability instead of the player for X turn(s).

A skill for crossbow users that gives them a defensive option in case of emergencies,of course you could always throw nets/flashbangs
But maybe sometimes that isn't an option

Rifle Bash
Guns: 45
Melee: 30
Must have assault rifle equipped
Strength >=7

The player uses the butt end of their weapon to bash a target in melee range. This attack will daze and has a chance to incapacitate the target.

Leg Sweep
Guns: 50
Melee: 25
Strength 7:
Sniper Rifles Only

Player grabs the rifle by the barrel and swings the weapon in an arc around them in melee range, attempting the knock down the targets.
This attack will slow enemies( remove movement points for a few turns) and has a chance to knock down. Damage dealt by this attack also applies
to the weapons durability and cannot critically strike.

Chemical Injection:
Melee 40:
Guns 50:
Chemistry 35:
Chemical Pistol and Knife equipped
Dexterity >= 6

The player slashes open a wound on a target, and plants the barrel of the chemical pistol against it/ in it and injects a vial of the chemical into the target.
The target will take 300% of the chemical pistols damage each round for 3 rounds as a DoT affect. The knife attack must penetrate resistances for this ability
to work.
X turn cooldown
The chemical damage is affected by feats & equipment, if the chemical is acid the regular acid DoT applies while inside the body. Cryo and Incendiary also apply their affects as normal, proc'ing each turn.
So the target may catch ablaze or freeze from the inside. Acid entanglement cannot happen during this attack.

Dynamic Duo
Guns: 60
Chem: 45
Chemistry: 25
Perception: 7
Energy Pistol and Chemical Pistol

Charge a particularly potent blob of chemical substance and lob it onto a target to reduce their resistances by weakening their armor. They follow it up
with a powerful energy pistol shot in the same location for extra damage. ( Haven't done any math for this one)

Caber Toss
Melee: 60
Throwing: 40
Strength: >= 7
Sledgehammer only

Rear a sledge hammer back over your head and throw it at full strength at a target outside of melee range, dealing 250% of the weapons base damage
and having a chance to incapacitate. The weapon should be laying on the ground near the target or be pulled into their inventory if they die on top of it.

Feats like this, that encourage some multi-skilling for weapons. I think would be a great addition, vary play styles up, and add some more diversity.
Take most of these examples with a grain of salt, they are just a proof of concept so to speak.

General / Crossbow frame names?
« on: March 21, 2018, 11:14:30 pm »
I've done some searching and found pictures for crossbow frames that look like the cyclone but I haven't found a name for the actual frame/model type that looks like it in real life. I was wondering if anyone could help me and, and on that point. What are the real world model/frame names the rest of the crossbows are based off of?

Suggestions / Re: Overcharged Plasma feat?
« on: February 03, 2018, 05:37:18 am »
Chemical pistols were given a nice new feat and belt because they were much weaker than laser/plasma pistols - crit built plasma pistols could one-shot Tchort, apparently, like sniper rifles.  Chemical pistols really needed a boost to be brought up even in line with good conventional pistols.  Not saying plasma doesn't deserve some love, just pointing out that chemical pistols *really needed* some love just to be remotely competitive.

Thus, if you want extreme heat output, why not carry an incendiary pistol with you? I have to imagine that would fit the bill.

I was just wondering if a lore based feat could be in order

Suggestions / Overcharged Plasma feat?
« on: February 02, 2018, 08:34:04 pm »
( Spoilers I guess)

If I am remembering correctly when you talk to Ezra about the Beast and the material they are made of, you can suggest to use plasma.
He says plasma can be heated up more than the standard output but it still wouldn't be enough to melt the beast. So what i'm emphasizing is that we can perhaps choose to overcharge/overheat the plasma pistols for extreme heat damage output. Going off of the experimental chemical pistol feat that has a charge up description can we get one for plasma pistols?
Perhaps called: Push the Limit

Description: The plasma pistol is set to near critical heat output;
A: the overcharged shot must be fired the turn the ability is used like aimed shot, in which has it causes 10% maximum durability damage to the weapon and uses 200% ammo/energy does massive bonus damage.
B: The player gains a buff while wielding a plasma pistol called Unstable core for 5 turns; Unstable core allows the next shot to deal bonus damage and can be combo'ed with other feats like
aimed shot and kneecap. Each turn Unstable Core is active the weapon takes 5% maximum durability damage (minimum 5% if it is fired the turn it is active)

This feat would mostly boost the heat damage and maybe the energy a bit, but the heat damage lets it have more counter play from certain heat resistant armor.

General / Re: Dandy Jack?
« on: January 27, 2018, 03:24:03 am »
Update to the Dandy Jack mini quest? Anyway here are the steps I followed with screenshots

1. Locate the dead sniper outside rail crossing, on the platform before you head to the train. Note, I found the body after finishing up the Faceless and train situation for rail crossing.

2. Loot corps and make sure to read the note

3. Head to the location in the notes for the meeting, the fight is pretty tough, but easy if you position right, there are good choke points for bear traps and lots of room for caltrops. Then after you win loot the bodies, I'll post screenshots of the loot pools I got so people know if it is worth their effort.

Loot pool for Dandy Jack, I did one shot him after he stepped on a bear trap so he may use one of his super soldier drugs in an extended fight.

Loot pool for Steelhead who I assume is a Ironhead underboss.

Though no unique loot some of the stuff from the two named enemies are of high value.
Steelhead's glove is has a value of ~11K and armor of 12-13K value
Dandy doesn't really have anything notable besides the super soldier drugs, but his modded .44 Pistol may be good for some people.

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