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Messages - Minarai

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Suggestions / Re: Message for Developers
« on: March 22, 2020, 01:58:47 pm »
I don't want him to be caught in the crossfire so, the guy who wrote the steam review isn't me, I just brought him up as an example. This thread is all about me venting out my frustration, that Underrail doesn't work the way I see fit i.e. doesn't have fast travel and has grindy shopping system. I don't want you to waste your time trying to convince me otherwise or attack me. I already got what I came for, I screamed my lungs out and now feel completely satisfied. Thank you everyone and sorry if you had to waste your time replying to this post.

Suggestions / Message for Developers
« on: March 20, 2020, 07:40:44 pm »
I want to vent out and that's what this message is all about. First of all you've created an awesome RPG full of the things that I like, character building, challenging fights and an interesting world to explore and then you ruined it all, forcing players to spend 100 of IRL hours trying to sell their crap, hunt for supplies, running from one dumpster to another, which are used as a bastardized storing space and gamble for super steel. Approximately every 1.5 hour this merchant marathon begins and takes for quite a while. Now let me tell you something, nobody likes your game for that, nobody likes grinding in any game, grinding ruins games and your game isn't an exception. FYI I mean,like, give the players access to these three windows, accessible when there're no enemies around:

1. Global Market, where all known merchant's stocks are pooled together. No need to run through countless game screens to visit hundreds of shopkeeps. Put super steel in here, because nobody likes to play the lottery for it and constantly go to the guy in the middle of nowhere.
2. Storage Space, where you can unload your stuff for later use, the items you bought appear here as well as the money your accountant got for selling your stuff.
3. "To sell" window, where you can unload the crap for your accountant to sell, because you have better things to do.

Instead we have to deal with the current shopping grindmare, which is a gamebreaker for me. So good job, creating an awesome RPG and then turning it into a grindy merchant simulator.

Thank you for your time.   

I'd prefer to re-roll on the fly, that way you know what's wrong and how to deal with it. I doubt that a room with dummies will be able to address all the issues.
Although I really like the idea of giving the room a "second life", even though I doubt it's a respec replacement.

Suggestions / Re: Respec option for DLC
« on: July 30, 2019, 02:59:21 am »
Oh please, don't give in to this load of crap. The respec option is what this game was lacking for a while and absolutely needs. New players are bound to make mistakes in Underrail, and instead of showing them a big middle finger, give them an option to save their IRL time and adjust their build on the fly, no starting from scratch bullshit. "The player will abuse the game" who cares? Those who want to play "fair and square" and those who want to cheat, it's their moral choice, give them an option to do both. I'm yet to hear anyone to complain about respec options in any video game and Underrail isn't an exception, it will only benefit from it.

Suggestions / Re: Shopping Rounds Take Too Long
« on: July 19, 2019, 08:36:21 am »
Ok, how about we keep the Safe Zone Warehouse(better than inter-dimensional dumpsters), hire an Accountant, who just sells stuff (that's repetitive and grindy anyway) and after scouting the market he sends you a report on what is currently available so you can choose what you need (you can choose items from merchant's inventories from the list) , in 10-15 minutes chosen items appear in your warehouse. Selling is repetitive and grindy anyway, so you just buy stuff with minimum time investments and zero legwork.
Drop whatever gear you normally carry that you don't need on the trip (watch out for random encounters), use str-boosting or carry-weight boosting stuff, use the built-in speed-up thing, use the under passages to get around, and select your loot intelligently.  Like, heavy inexpensive items should be recycled, excess scraps should be made into advanced repair kits and sold, make sure to repair expensive items before selling them if the math adds up, only carry what you think you can sell in one or two trips, carry a variety so you can hit all the vendors.  I like to take my jetski into core city docks, sell jetski parts, go to the merchants and on lvl 3, then up to marty, then down to metro and walk the railroad to foundry, then walk back up the railroad and split off to rail crossing, then take the underpassages to free drones base (if you went with them) and then blaine/SGS, then take the ferry to junkyard and back, then take the underpassages back to core city and the docks back to my jetski.  Takes like 10-15 minutes.
you're in the wrong thread. We aren't talking about legwork optimization but rather about its elimination.

Suggestions / Re: Shopping Rounds Take Too Long
« on: July 18, 2019, 06:30:45 pm »
Legwork doesn't belong to the world filled with cellphones and computers. They have highly advanced bots but not Internet? What realism are we talking about? Your are defending the time consuming part of Underrail that's all legwork and no substance. Planning, experimentation and "buy bullets from this merchant and sell them to his neighbor next door" minigame are still there minus walking. And listen, you are right to have your opinion and be open about it. For me, I've never finished Underrail because I just didn't want to sink any more time into shopping marathons. I like fighting, crafting and shopping minigames but not hours of legwork. That's why I offered this idea.

Suggestions / Re: Shopping Rounds Take Too Long
« on: July 18, 2019, 04:38:58 pm »
Man, going for realism is stupid to begin with. How do you explain bottomless barrels filled with expensive guns, tactical vests and electronics standing in the middle of the street and nobody tries to still anything from them. It's proposed not for realism but to save irl time spent on leg work that adds only frustration to your gameplay. Online shopping saves your time in real world now also available in Underrail. If you need explanation they might have a delivery service you might need to pay extra for shipping and it might not be instantaneous, it just is in the game for convenience sake.

Suggestions / Re: Dissambling
« on: July 18, 2019, 10:57:00 am »
In protection of the feat (despite never taking it myself):

1. Money extraction from merchants who only buy crafting components you usually don't have.
2. If you have Mad Chemist feat, you can re-craft Gauntlet's chemical weapons to get higher chance of its special effects.(the same for pistols, psi-bands etc if you have their crafting feats)
3. You can turn metal armor, knifes and hammers into bear traps and throwing knifes (quality loss is of no matter).
4. Disassembling cheap electrical knifes or hammers and crafting stun guns that usually cost more. Or their cost aside, you can use stun guns with no melee skills, I believe.
5. Any situation where you're stripped of your inventory and equipment and are forced to fight for your life using only basic equipment, crafted with no crafting feats, can be improved by using your noggin and Disassemble feat.

In other words turn DisAssEmble into a blueprint I can buy and I will do it without thinking, the sooner the better, but, as a feat, I have better things to choose from.

About Normal difficulty="frag grenade+flashbang+(wait for cooldown for your frag grenade and then throw=> frag grenade" wins you all your fights, that's plain boring. Dominating difficulty is where the formula above doesn't work AI is supposedly better (never checked this one) and you're forced to be more tactical which is always more interesting. And overcoming the "impossible"(over-exaggeration) odds is always exciting.

Suggestions / Shopping Rounds Take Too Long
« on: July 18, 2019, 09:51:15 am »
I have an idea, how to cut the time spent on selling and buying stuff. In Safe Zones you can access unlimited inventory window no need to go anywhere just unload the stuff for selling, this is your warehouse. All purchases are done using special interface where you can access all known merchants' inventory windows as well as your warehouse window and items (sold or bought) just appear or disappear in/from your warehouse. Money are transferred to your "account" or to merchants's inventories. The interface should tell you when merchants have restocked. That way tedious shopping rounds disappear and players can spend more time adventuring and exploring. Also the moment "Damn! I should have taken more guns or tactical vests" disappear entirely and yet carrying capacity still plays its role because you need to reach the Safe Zone.

Like the idea. IMO Intimidation should scale with Constitution, because it's all about looks and it makes it more viable for everyone.

Suggestions / Suggestion List
« on: March 10, 2019, 06:32:30 pm »
Hello world,

1. Separate Blueprint for Advanced Repair Kit - because nobody likes dividing stacks and assigning piles to different crafting slots.

2. I'm always feat-starved. How about +1 feat every 5 levels for passionate Character Builders. There are so many feats, that are never chosen, not
because they're bad, but because there's just no place for them. Sad thing really.

3. Customisable difficulty menu "choose your own punishment" sort of thing.

4. Keyboard shortcut for "Craft" in crafting menu. Saves time and clicks.

5. Ctrl and Shift +1,2,3,4 are bad shortcuts, because they are difficult to press with the left hand alone.
I would rather use Alt and Space instead to make my left hand happy.

6. Everybody fishes but nobody sells fish. For those of us who think that fishing is a drag, fish merchants come to rescue.
 Make food merchants sell fish or add fish merchants.

Leave your own suggestions.

DOMINATING difficulty doesn't say "this difficulty is only hard during combat".  Part of the game difficulty is the economy.  Cutting the sell value of items is a really good way to remove the "buy your way to victory" approach which is very viable on the other three difficulty levels.  It sounds like you want to play on the highest difficulty level, but not have the difficulty.  You should expect the hardest setting to require you to make tough choices and sacrifices.
You know what? I actually agree with you. The first time "dominating" appeared I thought the Island, where you first meet Azuridae Goliathus and are constantly attacked by the mind apparition, was impossible. But now I think it's super easy. I should welcome the new challenge instead of clinging to my comfort zone. Try to solve the problem instead of whining about it.

Thanks everyone.

You are protecting the "path of the trader". Now you're forced to the life of poverty and feats you don't need. You no longer can make money by crafting only by hauling stuff and disassembling it for certain merchants. Make disassemble not a feat but a blueprint you can buy or quest for. About feats, I feel like there's not enough of them I don't want to sacrifice even one. Make like one additional feat every 5  levels or something. Right now this setting is bad. Make it optional or remove it.

Bugs / Re: SMGs vs Rifles
« on: February 24, 2019, 07:20:38 pm »
Ok then. Thanks

Man, you don't know what you're talking about and I'm not trying to start a fight. What mercantilism allowed you without that setting is to carry nothing or almost nothing and just buy components, craft items and sell them for profit. Now it doesn't work, now you need to whether cripple you PC and invest tons in Mercantile to offset the penalty or haul tons of stuff to get pocket change in return. Try selling crafted stuff in Dominating mode to really feel the burn. That just eats time and adds nothing to the gameplay. The mathematic is like this:

Normal         what you sell = [1/2 What you buy (for components)]/[1 (for crafted items;depends on the item)]

Hard            waht you sell =[1/4 What you buy (for components)]/[1/2 (for crafted items;depends on the item)]

Dominating    what you sell=[1/8 What you buy (for components)]/[1/4 (for crafted items;depends on the item)]

Mercantile 50 only adds 1/4 to the selling price. Are we playing an RPG or a Master Accountant?

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