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Messages - Ymiraku

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I myself went for four int but don't tell Gortsby  :-X

I needed went for 10 perception instead of 9 since I read that burst acc sucks and you need to compensate with as much perception as you can. I do see the point of having more dex tho, I can't even burst twice after firing this jaguar i got.

have you got spec ops yet? you should be able to burst at least 3 times with a jaguar with good dex.

But yeah the accuracy is an issue, i have mods so 25% burst precision and unless im right in front of the enemy, half the bullets miss, even with 8 perception. im not sure that another 2 points will make that much difference though, maybe a little. playing smg build is fun but it feels a bit weak compared to psi builds and assault rifle heavy armor builds and snipers

I advice against setting your INT to 3 if you spend many of your total skill points on INT dependent skills.

In effect you will not be able to craft anything useful except trinkets, before late game.

Do yourself a favor and set INT to something like 7 if you want to craft useful stuff, like a decent gun or a powerful enegy shield. Then you can also take the Power Management feat.

There is a game before you get access to late game stuff as well. Let it be a good experience.
Also, there is no house to craft in, in Deep Caverns. There you are reliant on effective skill only.

I ended it up putting it on 6, but now reading your post i kinda regret it. is power management mainly so that you can craft an energy shield which is 35% stronger? Thanks for the advice btw. Would be nice if the game had a respec option, but i guess that is isn't oldschool lol

Just wondering, is it worth speccing into crafting skills (mechanics, tailoring, electronics) if I dump int to 3? or is it best to drop a bit of perception etc. and instead put 6 points into intel?

okay thanks for clearing that up. just wondering if you can make a decent smg character without crafting

Honestly, if you have yet to see a stealth SMG build guide, you're not looking very hard.  The Spec Ops SMG Commando is a very well-established build in UnderRail.  It's powerful, it's flexible, and it doesn't need more than about six feats to do really well so you've got plenty of room to try other stuff too.  The only real drawback is OMG SO MUCH AMMO COST, meaning it's especially difficult on DOMINATING.

Yes, more DEX than PER. Yes, Dodge and Evasion (and therefore also Nimble).  Yes grenades, all the grenades, so many grenades (and therefore also Grenadier).  5 in a stat is a rookie mistake most of the time - you're not going to succeed at tasks with 5 in a stat that you couldn't succeed at with 3, and those 2 stat points are better off going somewhere more useful.  So I'd suggest either drop Int to 3 and raise Dex or Con, or drop Con and accept that you're going to be very squishy, and put another point or two in Int to free up a lot of skill points (you're going to want Mechanics, Chemistry, Biology, Tailoring, and Mercantile at a bare minimum so there're five skills that scale off of Int - six if you plan to pick up Hacking).  4 is the zero-penalty breakpoint for skills, not 5.

Can you get by without crafting with smg build and just put int to 4 so that you dont get penalised? and is it worth 4 points in constitution over 3 for a bit more health?

Builds / Re: Are firearm pistol builds really that bad?
« on: September 15, 2019, 11:59:44 am »
Thanks for the response. So chem pistols are the way to go then? what sort of stat spread should i be focusing on? will this do?
3 str
10 dex
7 agility
3 const
10 per
3 will
4 intel

And would i choose all the same talents as a regular firearm pistol build? or do i need to specialise into psionics also?

Builds / Are firearm pistol builds really that bad?
« on: September 15, 2019, 09:44:06 am »
I've been reading everywhere that firearm pistol builds are terrible, is this still the case? I have been playing an smg build using stealth but I feel incredibly squishy. I would really prefer a
stealth type pistol character which does alot of damage with pistols but uses grenades and traps well also. Everything im reading about smg builds etc. says to dump constitution down to 3? ive been doing this but man im just getting wrecked. Have been playing on normal but just deleted my character so im going to start again.

Advice would be most welcome.

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