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Messages - zenor

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Strength and Evasion are underwhelming
« on: November 05, 2019, 08:07:37 am »
with a meager 6 agility evasion is still useful on hard, and arguably dominating, while dodge is almost completely useless with that agility score (esp. on dominating).

Did you even read my post? The whole point about evasion that it's not always clear how it affects your character. I've played through expedition with a very high evasion skill on domination, and it felt like a complete waste of skill points. "Raw" evasion really doesn't do much against ranged attacks there. When you start to use other means that contribute to evasion, you feel great, but you might use them with 0 evasion as well and find yourself just fine.
High dodge with Defelction feat, on a contrary, makes character almost untouchable. You can notice the difference even on low levels.

you're basically totally wrong. Go use

I've actually tested that in game too. As well as other people have. Raw STR has minor effect on your damage output, even with a sledgehammer.

Builds / Strength and Evasion are underwhelming
« on: November 04, 2019, 11:11:46 pm »
I don't think this deserves to be in "Suggestions" section so here we are.

It's just an opinion of course, but I genuinely believe Evasion is by far the most useless skill in entire game. And the main reason behind it is your potential to almost completely offset inability to evade by exploiting other, overall simply, means: energy shields, dark corners and precognition powers would significantly diminish ranged damage from enemies regardless of weapon proficiencies they may possess. Turrets don't care about lighting, but they also don't seem to care about your evasion in general either. Grenades might be a problem, but few enemies use them. And psi-powers, well, obviously aren't prone to take your evasion score into consideration.
Now look at dodge, for example. Dodge is cool. Has that nice Deflection feat also. Energy shield ain't gonna help you much here. Should you invest in it? Depends, but answer is usually clear from the start. Results are quite visible too.
Single defensive skill would be an auto-include in any build? Understandable. Still, current split works in a way where one half doesn't do much and other does like, um, everything.

Now Strength. Strength is kinda bad too, there's absolutely no reason to prefer STR over DEX in most builds, even in melee-oriented ones (with hammers/spears). What do you gain from STR? Carry capacity? That's just not enough. Description about bonus damage from STR actually lies, even with heavy weapons and 20 STR your bonus damage is very minor and slightly exceeds damage output from same build but with 20 DEX. STR should either reduce ap cost for heavy weapons attacks (like DEX does for light weapons), or add extra armor penetration to your swings to be competitive.

General / Re: (Spoilers) Eternal Torch and shards
« on: September 17, 2019, 12:13:52 pm »
pick it up some other game

I've imported this character in a new game, obtained the sketch and found shard relatively quickly. It seems brute-force just wouldn't work, at least in, cause I'm pretty sure I checked everything before.

General / Re: (Spoilers) Eternal Torch and shards
« on: September 15, 2019, 11:11:51 am »
I've found rune that matched the one on hammer, also acquired crank and talked with Ferryman. He said "left shoulder", and I've checked both left and right just in case and found nothing. Also examined back of the left shoulder of each corpse in the graveyard with no result. Guess I need Yngwar's sketch after all, but he never gave it to me and left the cave after our conversation. Oh well, it looks like another decent run goes straight into a bin.

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