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Messages - Rakan

Pages: [1]
General / I hate SGS and I want to kill everyone
« on: October 11, 2019, 12:56:50 am »

So, i'm playing this game for about three weeks  and I noticed that SGS people are a bunch of dog shit.
I do everything for them, fight mutants, hellhounds, giant insects with psionic powers, I travel the world to help their allies and when I need their help for the gange I'm part of they refuse.
not to mention these ridiculous rewards for doing missions for them. 500 SGS credits ?! A money that is only valid in SGS  >:( >:( >:(

I decide that I hate them all and I want to kill everyone. it is possible? how do i do it? Does it have a very big consequence like not being able to continue the story?

obs: i'm 99% sure the Vera Hela is a protectorate spy.

Sorry for the bad English.

Builds / Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« on: October 01, 2019, 07:18:37 am »
Snooping: While absolutely not necessary, Snooping is handy for finding hidden things in the world.  While you can - with every possible buff active at once - find all secrets with just 3 Per and no Snooping, you'd have to wait until you were almost done with the entire game to get to secrets that you could have found much earlier.  Consider Snooping if you want to see everything, or if you want to level up quicker when playing Oddity mode.

Can snooping help me with the mines/traps in Depot A if I only have 3 PER?
I bought this game two weeks ago and my first character was a sneaky Psi with just 3 CON and PER.  I don't need to say that those Depot A mines wrecked my ass.  :'(

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