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Messages - Nail

Pages: [1]
General / Crafting
« on: October 14, 2019, 09:56:06 am »
Sup, explain me one thing, please. Does your crafting skill scales damage on weapons/defence on armor, crafted by you? Or is it only the quality of parts?

General / Got tracked by a mine at gray army outpost
« on: October 08, 2019, 01:15:48 pm »
Send help please. I'm lvl 11 and doing Dude's quest. Currently at the gray army point. Face-to-face combat is not an option, so i disquised as soldier, and then tryed to be stealty boi on second floor, but got yeeted immediatly. But i'm not, like, a pussy type, man. I fighted them untill i realized, that i am not powerful enouth. So i whent to my original plan - disquise. Founded Gray army general chilling in toilet, stealthy killed him, took his armor, whent to the second floor aaaaand... got yeeted again, becouse i left a mine there. Well, i think it's beacose of it. Got tracked. I dont have a save before i placed the mine. What can i do? Is there some way to, prehaps, cheat my innocence?

Send help.

Pages: [1]