Author Topic: Got tracked by a mine at gray army outpost  (Read 1246 times)


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Got tracked by a mine at gray army outpost
« on: October 08, 2019, 01:15:48 pm »
Send help please. I'm lvl 11 and doing Dude's quest. Currently at the gray army point. Face-to-face combat is not an option, so i disquised as soldier, and then tryed to be stealty boi on second floor, but got yeeted immediatly. But i'm not, like, a pussy type, man. I fighted them untill i realized, that i am not powerful enouth. So i whent to my original plan - disquise. Founded Gray army general chilling in toilet, stealthy killed him, took his armor, whent to the second floor aaaaand... got yeeted again, becouse i left a mine there. Well, i think it's beacose of it. Got tracked. I dont have a save before i placed the mine. What can i do? Is there some way to, prehaps, cheat my innocence?

Send help.


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Re: Got tracked by a mine at gray army outpost
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2019, 07:34:08 am »
1:reload save
2:fucking rng those skumbags until you win(abuse line of sight and molotovs while trapping doors)
3:hack 1000 stealth for 2 minutes


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Re: Got tracked by a mine at gray army outpost
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2019, 08:12:13 pm »
You can complete whole gray army quest without fighting. I don't think you need stealth, but you do need lockpicking ( 80?) and persuasion (probably also 80). Open vent, go to lower room with locker, in open locker you find gray army armor. Equip, go to another map. If asked, bluff your way out ( since i undestand what they are saying, it was easy for me, but you can quick save/load). In next area salute to officer, go upstairs. There - open vent, enter and  go to another vent exit. Wait till soldier walks out, get out vent, open door. Loot wardrobe for officer uniform, equip it. Also get keycard to magazin(?) area. Now go to magazin, bluff your way in again. That's it, just pick oil from shelf in right corner ( don't steal anything while soldier is near). Congrats, you made it.