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Messages - powergamer88

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« on: March 07, 2020, 12:05:27 pm »
I ran a test on low perception char on normal difficulty- u can't spot a mine next to u even if u stand facing it for over 5 minutes. Not to mention that if u detonate a mine, then the whole area of enemies will come after u. Even if u survive the explosion-  u r dead.
Simply not true. Even on DOMINATING, a 3 Perception character with no Traps skill can spot mines everywhere with a good pair of goggles.  If you pick up the Paranoia feat it becomes even quicker, and in most places you then don't need goggles.  I like to play my psi characters with 5 Perception (it's where my extra points go, rather than more Con, once I've got the other stats I want) and Snooping so I can easily find secret areas.  Try it - try to free up two points for Perception.  It'll help with your trap detection frustration.

You do need to make a character that's good at surviving, but you don't need to metagame.  If you're getting blown up all the time, then that's good feedback on how your character design could use improvement.

Maybe my game is broken or there is a bug or something. Because even my low per 100+ effective trap skill chars won't always spot a trap. Also where to get that good goggles before deport a? Wont wearing goggles instead of a headband hurt psi character? Wont investing points into perception also hurt psi character? I will try to record a video for you. Is there any known bug, that may cause all my character to be unable to spot traps?

Builds / Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« on: March 07, 2020, 11:31:55 am »
Slow and cautious, if you've got low Perception and low trap detection. If it's really bothering you, then tailor yourself a suit of armor using Blast Cloth as soon as possible, but early on, even on DOMINATING, you'll be able to spy the traps before they kill you as long as you move carefully. If you aren't all done up in heavy metal armor and boots with high Con, then it pays to be cautious as you move through new areas.

If you're psi, you can always spam fireball to clear the way ahead of you, too.  Costs nothing but a few seconds to regen your psi pool.

I ran a test on low perception char on normal difficulty- u can't spot a mine next to u even if u stand facing it for over 5 minutes. Not to mention that if u detonate a mine, then the whole area of enemies will come after u. Even if u survive the explosion-  u r dead.

Builds / Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« on: March 07, 2020, 07:41:14 am »
I keep seeing builds with low PER and no investment in traps skills all around, but whenever I play one I can't even get past Deport A, can anyone explain me the secret of trap detection/survival? Or does everyone just savescam and metagame?

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