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Messages - Ederson

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I have made an SMG build which kinda goes into the theme you want.

It is a super steel build, which will have around 50% armor penalty exactly for the juggernault feat. And it is also a stealth build. Though it can be quite grindy to farm the money to buy the super steel plates.

It is gonna use the unique 7.62mm SMG from the gray army and the comando belt from the GMS compound raiders.

All in all, it is not super optimized and you can change a few things here and there but it is strong enough to have a good time on normal(mainly because SMGs are extremely strong). It is also an hybrid of stealthy evasive build but not completely glass canon.

Adding Temporal Manipulation would be against the build principle?

Builds / Re: Do i need a proper build to finish the game on normal?
« on: April 11, 2024, 05:12:12 pm »
You can beat it with it no problem. You do have a proper build btw, not a min-max optimized one but it is a good enough one.

You don't have to level up exactly those 8 skills all the whole time, you can have some flexibility. Biology is just needed to craft drugs, so as long as you have the necessary minimum to craft whatever drugs you fancy you can stop there as extras will be wasteful. Lockpicking, hacking and persuasion all have breakpoints at which you can do everything they require.

I'd say stealth would make the game way easier to you (it allows starting the fights on your own terms) as you don't have a tanky character and you need to have a low armor penalty to properly take advantage from dodge and evasion. You even said you like traps and stealth synergises well with that.

I would seize the high int and put a lot of points into electonics to craft top quality headbands and shields. Tailoring is also good if you want to craft your own armor instead of using some unique one.

Builds / Re: New Player, Help Appreciated!
« on: August 07, 2023, 01:23:21 pm »
Hello there! I've played a bit before a few years ago but never got far and was interested in giving it another go. I made it just past the bit with all the acid mutants with a build I made myself but really struggled the whole game through. I try looking up builds but I can never seem to find quite what I'm looking for.
Also, if a game has some type of magic in it, I always like to incorporate it in some way if possible.

So far what I'm interested in -
Heavy Tin Can with a Shotgun and with Grenades and/ or PSI (Psychokinesis probably). Just a real tank character that when he gets in range things die, but I know he'll be slow and soaking bullets.
Something with the Riot Gear and Shield (just think it looks really neat), probably involving PSI as well. Maybe like a Melee/ PSI. I think Spears seem to benefit the Shield more than Swords but idk.

I plan on playing on Hard with Classic EXP system. Any feedback is appreciated!

Well, afaik, every single character seems to benefit from TM up to the point it becomes boring repearing it always.The heavy tincan shotty seems good. Since it will need 8-9 strength anyway could as well use combat shotguns. For psi I'd leave it at 3 will and level up only TM to 55 for LTI or into 70 for Stasis. Grenades work perfectly fine into this build.

Builds / Re: Is this idea good/viable - TC + ENG gun
« on: August 07, 2023, 11:28:50 am »
Hmmm. The assault rifle has no agility though and that can hurt mobility and stealth as well as dodge/evasion.

I could switch agility and intellect to dex and end up with 6-8 dex reducing the cost to shot the laser from 15 to 14 or 13. It would also help with grenades and lockpicking.

Builds / Is this idea good/viable - TC + ENG gun
« on: August 07, 2023, 05:41:45 am »
I am planning on making a mind controller and would like your opinion if the general idea is good and what could be changed to make it better.

The idea is having energy pistols as damage dealer to supplement thought control CC. Being able to uncover most secrets in the game, meanwhile eng pistols and high perception covers TC biggest weaknesses: Stealthied enemies and robots.

well, you cannot pickpocket animals for sure. Any character can pickpocket as long as you put enough points into into it, dexterity based chars having an easier time.

You can have an effective stealth build with any kind of pistols or smgs(both are dexterity based) and still being a "gunner with grenades". Just remember any kind of firearm is extremely loud:

Builds / Re: Build Help for a new player
« on: March 23, 2021, 07:14:52 pm »
Hey guys, I recently grabbed the game and I've been attempting to play it.

However the one thing that's been really putting me off is builds and how you need to play something that's at least viable in order to get further into the game.

Is there any kind of Spear-oriented build that's noob-friendly and if not can some one explain how a build is meant to be played? I've been searching through the forums for builds and such but everything seems rather overwhelming when you're a new player to the game. So if there's any guide that I can follow please throw some information in my way.


Im playing a spear guy right now, so here is an easy build, being a tanker spear user.


STR - 7 +
DEX - 6
AGI - 6
CON - 10
PER - 3
WIL - 3
INT - 5

Every time when you can increase your stats by level up, increase your Strength, you will have 13 STR by the endgame .


Always max out the skills Melee and Throwing. About throwing, stop levelling it when your accuracy becomes good enough(around 100 effective).

Crafting - Put points according to the components you will find.

No other skills are really necessary and distribute to what you find better.


When creating your character take 'Sprint' and one of: Juggernaut, Thick Skull, Fast Metabolism or Conditioning.

As you level up, consider taking spear related feats like spear guard, impale, etc. and feats that improve your survivability. Also take grenadier at some point.

This is your day-by-day gear, certain missions or parts of the game require to adjust it.

Tungsten shaded helmet
Tungsten reinforced metal armor
Tungsten metal boots with springs
Doctor's Pouch

Optional. Taking psionics reduce your hp by 25%, what is something reasonable.
Consider take enough Temporal Manipulation to learn Psycho-Temporal Contraction(temporary increases your action and movement points).

Done, an easy to follow heavy armored spear build.

Builds / Re: Build Help for a new player
« on: March 23, 2021, 06:14:37 pm »
You don't need a perfect super optimized build to play on normal, you can do it following this:

1. Choose your main form of attack and upgrade your stats and skill to match it:

In your example you want a spear build, so you will need 7 or 8 strength as minimum to equip it and raise the melee skill.

(Melee skill is increased by both dexterity and strength, as spears already require high strength and dont benefit from the AP reduction from dexterity, I suggest to focus on strength).

2. Choose your kind of defense:

2.1 - Tanker: Wearing Heavy Armor(require 8 or 9 strength) or some Tactical Vest with heavy componets as ceramic plates (dont require strength but also have high armor penalty) and high constitution( at least 7).

So, you will need,8-9 strength to wear heavy armor and 7-10 constitution.

2.2 - Stealth: Require high agility(at least 6-7, more is better) and investiment in the stealth skill(having high evasion and/or dodging is good too).

2.3 - hybrid: It is possible to make a stealthy character with super steel and the right perks or having high constitution and medium armor but that's more min-maxing and I wont go into details.

3. Utilities:

Every single playstyle have difficulties againgst something either high number of enemies, stealthy enemies, high armored guys, robots, mines, etc.

You need to choose a certain skill to supplement you main attack weapon( usually it is grenades or psionics), giving you AOE damage, crowd control etc. For a spear user, grenades(throwing skill) looks like the simpler solution.

(on a certain way biology skill could be classified into this as it allows yo craft consumables that will help in different situations)

4. Skills:

4.1 - Melee/Guns/Crossbow: The main attack skills, choose your main weapon and upgrade the corresponding skill every level.

4.2 - Throwing/Traps: Utility Skills to support you main form of attack, personally I prefer throwing unless I'd be using a crossbow but there is people playing stealth characters doing a lot of fancy stuff with traps.

4.3 - Stealth/dodge/evasion:

Useless if you are the tanky guy(see step 2).

Stealth is essential if you are lightly armored but dont need to level it every time.

Dodge and evasion are all or nothing, max them or dont put anything into them. Between these 2, evasion is overall better because melee attack can be avoided with good positioning and evasion also reduce the damage of AOE attacks.

4.4. Crafting:

Crafting isn't really necessary but HIGHLY recomended, usually it is possible to craft stuff with higher quality than what is available in the shops and you can personalise the gear the way you want it. Only put points in crafting to match the needed for the components:

4..4.1 - Eletronics: The best overall crafting skll as it allows to make high quality energy shields(that are good/necessary for any character), the skills also allows to implement acessories to melee and ranged weapons.

4.4.2 - Mechanics: The skill is mainly to manufacture weapons(except leather gloves, all other weapons are made of metal) and is also essential to make heavy armor.

4.4.3 - Tailoring: Skill used to manufacture armors, to have a good quality armor you need high tailoring. (metal armor is made with mechanics but also need tailoring for the internal vest, though to a lesser degree)

4.4.4 - Biology: Not so necessary as the above skills but useful none-the-less. This skills is like the alchemy/potion crafting skill from fantasy/medieval rps, letting you make many different kinds of drugs that can help you. Look in the wiki, choose the drugs you'd like to be able to craft and invest exactly to that.

4.4.5 - Chemistry: Skills mainly to produce explosives. The less useful of all the crafting skills(except for chemical guns builds as this is their main crafting skill) but high level explosives cause a good amount of the and can save in some hard fights. Level it until you can craft Mk V or at least Mk IV grenades/mines. If you dont use dmg dealing grenades as part of your skillset let it at around 20-30 to gas grenades and some others utilities or dont level it at all.

(The crafting skills have others uses beside the ones metioned above but these require a low investiment)

4.5 - Psionics:
I won't go into further detail as psionics is more min-maxing and requiring a different approach if your character has psionics as his main skillset or uses psionics to support another playstyle. Usually metathermics and thought control works better as a main skill while psychokineses and temporal manipulation are more as support but there are exceptions.

4.6 - Others:
 All others skills are unecessary but they help you collect more loot, have an easier time doing some quest, flavor your character, etc. Put point at those as you see fit.

5. Perks:
There are so many perks that would require an in depth guide to them, although having good perks are necessary to your character to work.

Try to analyse the possible strengths and weakness of your character and choose the ones that look like will help you most. You won't have the most perfect character but it will good enough to be viable on normal.

There are also many Quality of Life perks, while you can chose them and be perfectly fine, remember that chosing something that offers a QoL improvement over better combat perfomance is making your character weaker.

When creating your character go the perks page and type something like 'spear', 'shotgun', 'dexterity', etc. and search for the perks that fit in your combat style, then adjust your stats to them.

----- Following the above general guidelines is enough to make a viable character to finish the game, many times when someone is stuck at a certain part of the game, it not because their build is flawed but that part require thinking outside the box to your character, the game have a huge range of different challenges and every single build will seem to be stuck at some parts. ------

Builds / Re: Another Stumped N00b Thread
« on: December 31, 2020, 04:27:39 am »
I am also not a pro but maybe the problem is not just the build but also how you approach the game. Depot A isn't all that hard:

* There is traps: Can be dealt with 2 approaches, having a high perception character and maybe motion tracking googles. Or a blast/alymnized overcoat to tank the damage.

* Muties and bots/turrets: they are just regular human enemies, deal with them them same way you have been dealing since the GMS compound. The gunners (includings bots and turrets) will do almost always 0 dmg if you crafted a reinforced tactical vest.

* Mutants and mutant dogs: these are the worst parts of depot A. Near the entrance of the Junkyard there is a place wich spawn enemies called siphoner(they are a bit strong but manageable), kill a few of them and use the 2 better leathers to craft a body armor and a boot/tabi. You can also use mutated dog leather instead but that require ~10 chemistry besides the biology requirement.

* Having a few grenades even with 0 skill is really usefull for dealing with group of enemies.

All in all, take 2 set of armors: 1 tactical vest for dealing with gunners and 1 leather armor made of siphoner/mutated dog, have a siphoner/mutated dog leather footwear too. Have a way to deal with mines either by tanking the damage or detecting them. Also take some combat utilities like frags, molotovs, taser or flashbangs, traps can also be used if are into that.

Following the above is guaranteed to finish it on normal and almost guaranteed on hard.

Suggestions / Re: Energy weapons should have an effect on Doppelgangers
« on: December 26, 2020, 03:34:01 pm »
Doppelgangers are psique manifestations and don't exists outside the victims' mind(as all the TC abilities). As such this is the reason only thought control destroy them.

But from a gameplay balance wouldn't hurt if energy pistols and energy based melee weapons could hurt them.

Builds / Re: Titan - MAX CON, throwing build on Dominating
« on: December 21, 2020, 04:45:06 pm »
Interesting concept, imagine can be adapted to a sledgehammer/spear build.

I guess intimidation and the yell feat can also fit into it. Already have high strength anyway and reducing enemy attack is a certain way to increase defence.

I dont know how you fight ONLY with grenades, mines and calltrops. Though they are strong, they are expensive, I can only imagine having to spend a grenade every time crossing by a critter.

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