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Messages - Auriga

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Combo suggestion topic (most probably part one)
« on: August 01, 2021, 10:24:30 pm »
Thanks, especially for point 9! Edited the message.

Suggestions / Combo suggestion topic (most probably part one)
« on: August 01, 2021, 09:33:13 pm »
Since I haven't had time to play for a while, I decided to already post all that I personally think could be improved. Prepare for a wall of text though. Plus there might be more.

I understand that some of those, if not most, would require a decent amount of work, which most probably won't be possible, given Infusion. With this in mind, I hope that at least some of those will come in handy with the next project.

All suggestions should be fairly spoiler-free.

1. A toggle in options to auto open inventory on looting/bartering/crafting would be great.
2. By the same token, an option to auto-turn the inventory screen off when cancelling trade would be great too.
3. Adding some hover tooltips over options in the menu as to what they mean.
4. All dialogue options can be accessed through keys 1-9, except rare cases of 10 or more dialogue lines. The 10th one could react to key 0. Maybe also - and = keys for options 11 and 12.
5. I reckon a more visually clear way to turn off the F1 screen would be nice. In addition, allowing it to close by pressing F1 again would be nice as well.
6. Crafting window: perhaps move the "Create" button so that it's under the slots for materials.
7. While maybe live-resizing of windows is out of the question, but perhaps increasing the inventory window of containers, depending on the number of contents, would be possible?
8. There's no difference in terms of scraps yield if you recycle a gun that's loaded, and when you unload it. I reckon the most sensible solution would be to automatically unload the gun while it's recycled
9. Hopefully I'm not missing any setting here, but the ability to move around the "world map" (like click and drag to move around) would be amazing.
10. A new hotkey to automatically unequip both weapons and belt items.
11.  Maybe different ways to sort items? At this point, I can tell that the current sorting order is roughly item type -> item name -> item value. It gets a little bit complicated with guns, since, I believe, the frame is also considered. Would it be possible to add one more sorting type, a plain old "sort by value" in descending order?
12. Using the fishing rod is cumbersome, UI-wise. The only sensible way to use it is to open the inventory and to activate it from there. Even if one moves it to the action bar, it will disappear from it once it's deployed, and I think it should remain in the action bar, until it's removed, or the fishing rod is reclaimed.
13. Mass recycling of items would be nice. Maybe 8 items at a time.

14. It might be a nice thing for immersion if Joe's Special also came as a proper consumable. Pricey enough too. Maybe a quest to travel around Underrail and collect ingredients, rewarding a unique feat?
15. Amusing Sophie. One of my attempts to amuse her (before I found the right one) was to bring the head of The Beast to show her, hoping I'd be able to tell her of the fight. The game didn't give me the option, but maybe it could be made into one? Maybe other similar "monstery" items could work, like regalia of the Rat King, or any other ways of finishing this part of the quest?
16. Maybe it would be possible to introduce a skip to all the arena annoucement talk during each fight?
17. In some caves, some exits are notoriously difficult to spot (especially south east passages), unless you manually hover over them. as the red exit field is obstructed by the wall. Maybe the exit field could be extended to be in view?
18. I suppose Sprint could be made usable in Stealth (only when not in combat), but would automatically break it.
19. When you shoot ice and acid barrels (I assume rocks too and other similar shootable objects, I didn't pay attention to those), I suppose they could have different portraits, rather than just a black human silhouette.
20. When some house improvement dialogues with Jyles are exhausted (like basement upgrades), maybe they could be disabled altogether?
21. Assigning floor numbers in SGS (or anywhere else, where elevators have numbered floors) to specific numbers in dialogue choice permanently. If you're on that floor, there would be a missing dialogue number, or that number would show "Nowhere".
22. Maybe it could be made possible to remove the head of a certain bad animal from its mount in a certain household (and place it back), just as an option?
23. Is there a reason the action bar only goes to 9? The only non-technical, plausible reason I can think of is screen estate on low resolutions (I haven't tried those myself), but maybe on high ones it could be expanded to 0, - and =?
24. A new dialogue option and possibility to fix broken floor tiles in player's house. Yeah, those tiles mildly drive me nuts.
25. At some point, a certain handsome informant in Core City says that we owe them a Root Soda for some piece of info. It would actually be nice to be able to give him one later.
26. The "boulder-splash" cutscene in Crimson Meadow Horticulture feels really too long. I'm not sure it's supposed to describe the whole process, but rather be symbollic. One rumble->splash would be enough, I reckon.
27. A small remark: using a jet ski without the key will invoke a message that includes some lockpicking info. Given that one can't use lockpicks on them, what's the purpose?

28. I suppose it could be a nice touch immersion-wise, if the screens that show "Gauntlet" in Core City would occassionally switch to showing some info once you finish the quest about a certain "demigod". Maybe not permanently (since JKK would probably notice and fix that asap), but until the player leaves the Core City map unit completely.
29. During one of my Arena matches, a burst spray destroyed the camera. During the next game, the camera was there. Now, no big deal, but maybe it could be slightly expanded upon. Maybe, the moment a camera is destroyed, the announcer could say sth like "We'll have to fix that", or that the camera doesn't appear during consecutive runs.
30. Maybe it could be worth expanding upon Anastasia's dialogue when she tells the story behind her health situation, to mention a certain chemical gun-wielding trio? I know she says "we were told it's 'SOMEONE (BUT NOT THE CHEMICAL TEAM)", but the circumstances of her health deterioration fit a lot more with said "chemical brothers". Maybe a slight retcon and expansion to this character? Maybe it could be somehow explained that it might have been them (if alive), and if they're already dead, maybe the player could give her some solace?
31. Maybe reworking the description of Huxkey? First of all, there's a small issue and it should say "(...)combined with a high-end hacking device." Additionally, I would somewhat emphasize that those lockpicks aren't reusable. Maybe adding a bit of info that those lockpicks are from supersteel or sth?
32. Immersion-wise, it might be a good idea to tell Constantine about it once the player decides to lay waste to some crazies that are heavily into zappy rock-climbing.

General / Re: What do you think the best OST track in Underrail is?
« on: August 01, 2021, 09:13:55 pm »
I would say, Water Caves would be my favorite one right now. It reminds me a lot of one of my favorite tracks from one of my favorite games - Machinarium.

As for Scientific, it sounds as if Alexander Brandon joined forces with Andreas Waldetoft. Both are great artists without any doubt, and the track is indeed great.

General / Re: What's the deal with the new Core City locked building?
« on: July 28, 2021, 07:32:02 am »
There is one. Check all floors.

General / Re: What's the deal with the new Core City locked building?
« on: July 28, 2021, 07:07:42 am »
Without giving you too much... long story short, just hear the only inhabitant of the place out. ;)

Also, not sure if a bug, but try to visit him only once, since I got attacked straight away on my next visit.

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: July 27, 2021, 09:36:16 pm »
I'm not done with my first playthrough, so there might be more stuff, but here's the first batch.

1. The Lennox Pierce quest: once the laptop is accessed, it says "Please select one of the followring options". It should of course be "following".
2. The Arena match with bugs. Quote: "(...)obliterated fourty bugs with his arm flames". Should be "forty".
3. Jyles dialogue line once the player asks to set up an electronic and mechanical workshop seems to have an error. "(...)either an electronic and mechanical bench." should have "or" instead of "and".
4. Grey Armor Spec Ops Helmet would most probably have to be renamed to Gray.
5. The building located to the right of player's house entrance, the one behind a tough hackable lock: one dialogue option in the console has "missmatched". Should be "mismatched".
6. The White Leporous Tongue Oddity. Shouldn't it be "Leprous"?

General / Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« on: July 22, 2021, 05:41:00 pm »
You can move diagonally between sectors in Expedition.

General / Re: (SPOILER) Utility tower's end
« on: July 21, 2021, 07:51:41 am »
There's a boss???

I reached a body with some headgear and I thought that's it.

Okay, I was silly enough to not save a game at that point, and I don't remember. Sorry.

I tried all stacks in my inventory, and the only one I was able to trigger it with (although very randomly) is a stack of 6 Mechanical Repair Kits.

Bugs / A crash while typing random numbers in the stack split window.
« on: July 18, 2021, 10:33:56 am »

While I'm still collecting issues and suggestions from my first playthrough, this one causes a crash and I thought it calls for a separate thread.

I noticed some "odd" behavior of the stack splitting window. I thought I noticed that there was a certain period of time when typing a digi would put that digit in the window (replacing any previous digit), and after a while, that digit would be appended to the end of the previous one. I thought I would try reproducing it, so I initiated a split and just typed random numbers there. Boom, a crash.

EDIT: I tried this a second time, and I was able to reproduce it. It looks like the crash only happens when you really want to spam a lot of numbers at the same time with the window open.

The log is below:

Game Version:
Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Określony argument jest spoza zakresu prawidłowych wartości.
Nazwa parametru: startIndex
   w System.String.Insert(Int32 startIndex, String value)
   w r6.a(String A_0)
   w r6.a(Keys A_0, ReadOnlyCollection`1 A_1, Boolean A_2)
   w A_0, ajk A_1)
   w A_0, ajk A_1)
   w eem.a(eos A_0, dmw A_1, a6h A_2)
   w A_0)
   w A_0)
   w A_0)
   w A_0)
   w A_0)
   w A_0)
   w eek.dr(eos A_0)
   w a7k.a(eos A_0)
   w rg.Update(GameTime gameTime)
   w d70.Update(GameTime gameTime)
   w Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
   w Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   w Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
   w Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
   w Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   w System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
   w Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
   w Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
   w byo.a(String[] A_0)

Bugs / Character getting "stuck" while travelling after
« on: July 10, 2021, 09:17:17 am »

okay, this time I do think it's a valid, albeit a minor bug. I don't remember ever seeing it before.

Sometimes, the character will be stuck when trying to travel a certain path, and instead of moving forward it will stand in one place with this slightly twitchy animation. It's not stuck permanently, it's just a matter of choosing a different path, usually a reverse one.

Now, I managed to save the game when this happens, and loading the save lets me reproduce this issue fully. Please let me know if the file will be helpful, and where to upload it.

Speaking of which: @Styg I used to do game QA for a living, and old habits die hard. Anyway, while playing, I'm listing all things that I see as issues or improvements (so far - 13 entries). Would you mind if I PMed you with the list once I'm done (if I'm ever done)?

Bugs / Re: Zone transition/Saving issue after
« on: July 07, 2021, 11:09:13 am »
Often when the game is updated, the anti-virus will prevent the underrail.exe from writing to the disk. Make sure you whitelist underrail.exe with your AV.

Okay, that was an easy fix. Thank you! Now I'm a bit embarrassed that I asked. ;)

Speaking of which, would it be possible to make some sort of a "common issues" thread and list these issues there?

Bugs / Zone transition/Saving issue after
« on: July 06, 2021, 09:40:13 pm »

So. On and prior, the game would work flawlessly. Since the patch, I've been experiencing these issues:
1. I loaded the save in the SGS. I was unable to change floors (zone transition failed error). Disabling the setting to autosave on transition helped, although I can't help to say that I like this feature, and turning a legit option off to prevent an issue is... weird. ;)

2. Once I "fixed" this issue, I noticed I can't quicksave with F5 anymore. I get an error. I can do the old-fashioned saving normally.

3. Minor issue: there are no thumbnails for saves/loads.

There has been zero software/hardware changes inbetween patches. I played the game successfully literally 24h ago.
Steam validated game files successfully. No improvement.

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