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Messages - h3lp3r

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Zone transition fail after a 150 hour playthrough
« on: September 02, 2024, 10:02:43 am »
I had to give up on this playthrough, the last part of the expansion is entered in the affected area so there was no saving it. I can say that although I have seen some people with the same issue, it is a first for me after some 250 hours played overall. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer as to what to do about it. Restarting was my solution, because the game is still scratching that itch for me.

Bugs / Zone transition fail after a 150 hour playthrough
« on: August 28, 2024, 04:50:58 pm »
So, I'm feeling kind of hopeless about this. For the first time in my 250 hours of Underrail I am starting to have an issue with zone transitions failing. Going from G3 to H3 in the Black Sea. Below is the error message. This only happens when I pass between certain zones, not all. For example, I can go from the pirate gate to the Expedition Island without trouble. Trying it out, I've come to the conclusion that I can't transition to the south western quarter of the Black Sea (Pirates, LEMCO and so on). Anything related to those parts and I get the "Zone transition failed" error message.

I have verified my files and they are all there, I have also disabled autosave during transitioning between zones and put the game folder and the save folder as exclusions in Windows Defender, but I am still getting the error message. I am also getting another message when trying to load my last autosave before I turned them off. Below you can see the error log in the \My Games\Underrail folder.

Has anybody else had this issue and fixed it in some way?

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